Sample A
From: Barb Schwartz
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Task Force Meeting date and Agenda
Greetings! Attached is the agenda for the Task Force meeting to be held Tuesday, September 19, 2006; from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. at the Freeport Public Library, 100 East Douglas Street, Freeport, Illinois.
Lunch will be provided.
Many thanks to Lona Kniskern, Executive Director of the Stephenson County Senior Center; Carol Morrisett of FHN Community Services and Michele Stanis, member of the Task Force, community advocate and grandparent raising a grandchild for their efforts on behalf relatives raising children and assistance with arrangements for the meeting.
See you on Tuesday!
Barb Schwartz
Illinois Department on Aging
421 East Capitol Avenue #100
Springfield, IL 62701
Sample B
From: Barb Schwartz
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Department of Human Services Office Closing
Please be advised that the Department of Human Services South Suburban Local Office in Midlothian (14820 South Kedzie) was damaged in the recent flooding and is closed.
Clients are being referred to the Southeast Local Office, 8001 South Cottage Grove, Chicago; 773-602-4469 or 773-602-4402.
Due to the high volume of calls the Southeast office is receiving, the phone lines are very busy.
Callers are also being referred to the Regional Office at 312-793-4131.
Barb Schwartz
Illinois Department on Aging
421 East Capitol Avenue #100
Springfield, IL 62701
Sample C
From: Barb Schwartz
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Call for Proposals
So many of you have implemented such creative and effective programs to assist relatives - now, Generations United is providing an opportunity for you to share with others!
Don't let rumors of humidity in Washington during the month of July keep you at home!
Generations United conferences are always cutting edge, informative, inspirational and provide great opportunities to network!
Generations United is accepting proposals for its 14th International Conference, Intergenerational: IT'S MONUMENTAL, on July 24 - 27, 2007 in Washington, D.C.
The conference is designed to encourage, enhance, and establish creative programming and public policy initiatives globally that respect, value, involve, and improve the lives of people of all ages.
Sessions should focus on the areas of Grandfamilies (grandparents and other relatives raising children), Intergenerational Programming, Public Policy and Advocacy, and Research and Evaluation. There will be a special opportunity for youth to present as a part of a panel workshop as well as participate in poster sessions.
The deadline for proposal submissions is November 1, 2006. Please
visit <blocked:: for more information about the conference, to read details of the Call For Proposals, and to submit proposals on-line. Contact: Brent Elrod, Program Director, Generations United, 202-289-3979,
Jaia Peterson Lent
Public Policy and Outreach Director
Generations United
1333 H St. NW, Ste 500W
Washington, DC20005
202-289-3979 (phone)
202-289-3952 (fax)
Plan on attending GU's 14th International Conference from July 24-27,
2007 in Washington, D.C. Visit for more details and to submit your Call For Proposals.
Hope you can attend!
Barb Schwartz
Illinois Department on Aging
421 East Capitol Avenue #100
Springfield, IL 62701
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Sample D
From: Barb Schwartz
To: Undisclosed Recipients
Subject: Bullying
Thanks to Melinda Perez-Porter of the Brookdale Foundation for sharing these GREAT resources on Bullying.
Barb Schwartz
Illinois Department on Aging
421 East Capitol Avenue #100
Springfield, IL 62701
From the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
About Bullying
Every day in our schools and communities, children are teased, threatened,or tormented by bullies.
About Bullying, part of the 15+ Make Time to Listen. Take Time to Talk initiative, provides parents and caregivers with information about bullying and methods for communicating with children about the climate of fear created by bullying.
The messages exchanged between children and their caregivers in just 15 minutes or more a day can be instrumental in building a healthier and safer environment for children.
Safe schools are everyone's responsibility and everyone can help keep our schools safe.
*Parents, Grandparents and Caregivers
Links to tips and resources to help parents and other primary caregivers recognize bullying behavior and prevent bullying by and against children in their care. Includes publications, resources, and related online referrals.
*Educators, Administrators and Guidance Counselors<
Links to specially selected tools to help educators and other school personnel reduce and prevent bullying behavior among school children and to improve peer relations at school. Includes printed public service announcements, pamphlets, posters, resource guides, and related online referrals.
*Mental Health Professionals and Other Health Care <
Bullying problems can have adverse mental and physical effects. These resources are relevant to mental health and other health care professionals who may encounter children with behavior or health problems associated with bullying.
*Community Oganizations and Law Enforcement<
Links to resources selected to help community groups and law enforcement agencies prevent youth violence and related problems associated with bullying. Includes public service announcements for adults and children, posters, pamphlets, and online referrals.
*Children and Teens <
Links to interactive games and quizzes, posters, help lines, and other resources designed especially to help children recognize bullying, understand the effects of bullying, and help to stop their own bullying behavior as well as discourage bullying by others.
Featured Publications:
SVP-0056 - <
Take Action Against Bullying -
This guide provides an overview of bullying behaviors, their effects, and some preventative measures. A definition of bullying is also given.
SVP-0051 - <
15+ Make Time to Listen - Take Time to Talk. About Bullying -
This document consists of interactive questions designed to start conversations between parents/caregivers and children. Schools, adults, and children can use these questions to start conversations about bullying and how to prevent it.
SVP-0052 - <
Bullying is Not a Fact of Life -
This booklet contains information for caregivers who are concerned that a child might be being bullied or be bullying other children. It describes the steps that parents and schools can take, together, to help prevent bullying.
Related Links
Stop Bullying Now
The Take a Stand, Lend a Hand, Stop Bullying Now! web site is an initiative of the Health Resource and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
The ABCs of Bullying - Online Course
This course, for professionals, examines the causes and effects of bullying, prevention techniques and programs, screening, treatment options, and legal/ethical issues surrounding bullying. The information is relevant to educators, health and mental health practitioners, parents, and anyone else who works with children.
MedlinePlus: Bullying
This page lists articles, policy, research reports, and other resources
related to bullying garnered from several federal agencies and other trusted sources. MedlinePlus is an online health information service maintained by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
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