
A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

by José Ángel García Landa

(University of Zaragoza, Spain)

People: O-

(other than writers, artists, scientists, intellectuals, saints and main political rulers)

O’Brien, William

O’Brien, Joseph V. William O’Brien and the Course of Irish Politics 1881-1918. Berkeley: U of California P, 1976.

O'Higgins, Bernardo

Díaz-Trechuelo, Lourdes. Bernardo O'Higgins: El padre de la patria chilena.

O'Neill, John

Wright, Lawrence. The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006. (John O'Neill, FBI agent, d. WTC 9/11).

O’Neill, Paul

US administrator, b. St Louis, MO, 1935; Secretary of the Treasury under George W. Bush, 2001-02; resigned.

Suskind, Ron. The Price Of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill. 2003.

Ogilvy (Mrs. David)

Heydon, P., and P. Kelly, eds. Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s Letters to Mrs David Ogilvy. Browning Institute, 1973.

Friedrich Olbricht

German General in 2nd WW; plotted with Stauffenberg to murder Hitler; executed.


Valkyrie. Dir. Bryan Singer. Screenplay by Nathan Alexander. Cast: Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg: Tom Cruise, Major-General Henning von Tresckow: Kenneth Branagh, General Friedrich Olbricht: Bill Nighy, General Friedrich Fromm: Tom Wilkinson, Nina von Stauffenberg: Carice van Houten, Major Otto Ernst Remer: Thomas Kretschmann, Ludwig Beck: Terence Stamp, General Erich Fellgiebel: Eddie Izzard, Dr. Carl Goerdeler: Kevin McNally, Colonel Mertz von Quirnheim: Christian Berkel, Colonel Heinz Brandt: Tom Hollander, Major Ernst John von Freyend: Werner Daehn, Dr. Joseph Goebbels: Harvey Friedman. Music by John Ottman, Cinemat. Newton Thomas Sigel. Ed. John Ottman. Prod. des. Lilly Kilvert, Patrick Lumb. Exec. prod. Tom Cruise, Ken Kamins, Chris Lee, Paula Wagner. Prod. Bryan Singer, Christopher McQuarrie and Gilbert Adler. MGM, 2008.*

Oldcastle, John (Sir)

(Lollard martyr)

Munday, A., M. Drayton, R. Wilson and R. Hathwaye. The First Part of the Life of Sir John Oldcastle. 1600 (2 eds, 1st ascribed to Shakespeare). (1st part surviving only).

_____. The First Part of Sir John Oldcastle. In Disputed Plays of William Shakespeare. Ed. W. Kozlenko. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1974.In Disputed Plays of William Shakespeare. Ed. W. Kozlenko. New York: Hawthorn Books, 1974.

_____. A Critical Edition of i Sir John Oldcastle. Ed. Jonathan Rittenhouse. New York and London, 1984.

Scoufos, Alice-Lyle. Shakespeare’s Typological Satire: A Study of the Falstaff-Oldcastle Problem. 1979.

Oldenburg, Henry

Hall, A. R., and M. B. Hall, eds. The Correspondence of Henry Oldenburg. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1965-1973.

McKie, D. “The Arrest and Imprisonment of Henry Oldenburg.” (17th.). Notes and Records of the Royal Society 6 (1948): 28-47.

Onassis, Jacqueline

Andersen, Christopher. Jack and Jackie. Biography.

_____. Jacquie After Jack. Biography. New York: Morrow, 1998.


Earland, Ada. John Opie and his Circle. London, 1911.

Ordóñez, Gregorio

Spanish politican, leader of the Partido Popular in the Basque country; murdered by ETA terrorists 1995.

Iríbar, Ana. "Gregorio Ordóñez, 22 años después." 2017.

Orioli, Giuseppe

Aldington, Richard, and Giuseppe Orioli, eds. Last Poems. By D. H. Lawrence. Florence: G. Orioli, 1932.

Ortega Lara, José Antonio

Spanish prison officer, kidnapped by ETA in 1995, for more than 500 days, member of Partido Popular, left party due to its policy with ETA

"Ortega Lara, 10 años después." La Rioja 30 Jan. 2007


Ramírez, Pedro J. "Dentro discutía con Dios: 'Haz por lo menos que me maten'." Interview with José Antonio Ortega Lara. El Mundo 18 May 2014.*


San Sebastián, Isabel. "Y Ortega Lara volvió al zulo." ABC 22 Sept. 2016.*


Ortega, Amancio

Spanish businessman and millionaire, CEO of Inditex, Zara, etc.

Navajas, Santiago. "Jordi Évole contra Amancio Ortega." Vozpópuli (Feb. 2016).*


Romero, Álvaro. "Amancio Ortega da 20 millones a Cáritas en la mayor donación privada a la ONG." El País 25 Oct. 2012.*


Ortega Smith

Spanish-Argentine lawyer, leading member of conservative party VOX.

Barahona, Pepe, and Fernando Ruso. "Operación Tarzán: Así nadé hasta el Peñón para plantar la bandera de España." El Español 25 June 2016.* (Javier Ortega Smith)


Ortiz Rocasolano, Érika

Sister of Spanish princess Letizia Ortiz; committed suicide in Madrid in 2007, at 32.

Ortiz Rocasolano, Thelma

Sister of Spanish princess Letizia Ortiz; unsuccessfully sued most of spanish women's magazines for intrusion into privacy 2007.

Oshio Heihachiro

Morris, Ivan. The Nobility of Failure. 1975. (Yamato Takeru, Yorozu, Arima no Miko, Sugawara no Michizane, Minamoto no Yoshitsune, Kusunoki Masashige, Amakusa Shiro, Oshio Heihachiro, Saigo Kakamori, kamikazes).

_____. La nobleza del fracaso: Héroes trágicos de la historia de Japón. Trans. Paloma Tejada Caller. Madrid: Alianza, 2010.*


Wolff, Otto. Ouvrard: Speculator of Genius, 1770-1846. Trans. S. Thomson. Barrie & Rockliff 1962.

Oxford (Robert, Earl of)

Pope, Alexander. “Epistle to Robert Earl of Oxford, and Earl Mortimer.” In The Poetical Works of Pope. Ed A. W. Ward. London: Macmillan, 1879. 447-48.*

_____. “To the Right Hon. the Earl of Oxford.” In The Poetical Works of Pope. Ed A. W. Ward. London: Macmillan, 1879. 500-01.*