The Scott County Fiscal Court held a scheduled meeting on Thursday, May 25, 2017. Judge Lusby called the meeting to order. Present were Magistrates Mr. Hostetler, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Corman, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Burke, Mr. Livingston, and County Attorney, Glenn Williams.

A motion was made by Mr. Wallace with second by Mr. Hostetler to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Court voted unanimous.

A motion was made by Mr. Palmer with second by Mr. Corman to approve the following transfers. Court voted unanimous.
To:01-5015-551Sheriff Memberships$460.00
From:01-5015-590Sheriff Office Equip. Maint. Rep.$460.00

To:01-5015-586Sheriff Bldg. Maint. Repair$2,000.00

From:01-5015-590Sheriff Office Equip Maint. Rep.$2,000.00

To:01-5015-592Sheriff Veh. Maint.Repair (Ins.)$738.93

From:01-9200-999Reserve for Transfer$738.93

To:01-5020-592Coroner Vehicle Maint. Repair $2,000.00

From:01-5020-723Coroner Vehicle$ 227.00

From:01-9200-999Reserve for Transfer$1,773.00

To:01-5115-342Matching Share$50,000.00

From:01-9200-999Reserve for Transfer$50,000.00

To;01-5116-445Electrical Ins. Office Supplies$3,000.00

From:01-5116-106Electrical Ins. Office Staff$3,000.00

To:01-5120-586Co. Fire Bldg. Maint. Repair$14,000.00


To:01-5145-322Dispatch Service$40,000.00

From:01-9200-999Reserve for Transfer$40,000.00

To:03-5101-445Office supplies$8,500.00

From:03-9200-999Reserve for Transfer$8,500.00

To:03-5101-549Routine Medical$40,000.00

From:03-9200-999Reserve for Transfer$40,000.00

A motion was made by Mr. Burke with second by Mr. Palmer to approve the bills as presented and the following hand checks. Court voted unanimous.
Visa/Gen $951.86, Aramark/Road $1,383.30, Visa/Gen $780.53, Visa/Gen $623.30, Visa/Gen $1,572.59, Visa/Jail $527.23

EMS Director, Brandon Remley recognized Larry Frost, Randy Kearns, and Matt Smith for providing CPR to Jon Flynn who suffered cardiac arrest on April 29th while playing golf at Canewood. Also, he recognized EMS staff that worked this emergency. Mr. Flynn survived because he received immediate care from these individuals.

Dr. Richardson thanked court members for their contribution toward Kentucky Humanities Council restoration fund and shared an educational video about the historical landmark, Choctaw Academy.

Mr. Williams gave second reading of Ordinance 17-02;An ordinance relating to changing the zone for fifty-four acres, more or less, owned by Timber Frames and Other Things, LLC, A Kentucky Limited Liability Company, Randy Reynolds, Manager, Located Southwest of the intersection of Davis and Davis Turkey Foot Roads in Scott County, Kentucky, from agriculture A1 to Agriculture A5. A motion was made by Mr. Burke with second by Mr. Hostetler to approve second reading. Court voted unanimous.

The court accepted sealed bids for two surplus ambulances with a minimum bid of $3,250.00 each. Mr. Williams read the only bid which was opened in Judge Lusby’s office on May 24th. Southeastern Specialty Vehicles: 2001 Ford $6,200.00, 2004 Ford $8,200.00 A motion was made by Mr. Lyons with second by Mr. Hostetler to accept the bid. Court voted unanimous.

Fire Chief, Mike Fuller requested to hire Matthew Craft full-time. A motion was made by Mr. Palmer with second by Mr. Corman to approve the new hire. Court voted unanimous.

Judge Lusby will be out of town for the June 2nd work session. A motion was made by Mr. Burke with second by Mr. Lyons to cancel the work session. Court voted unanimous.

Mr. Burke asked if there is an ordinance related to panhandling; Mr. Williams will check with Mayor Prather.

Mr. Corman urged everyone to share the road as the cycling event, Horsey Hundred begins.

Mr. Lyons congratulated Assistant Fire Chief, Jim Kanavy for being promoted to Board of Directors of International Arson Investigators.

Mr. Wallace stated there is mitigation review on the Wiesenberger Mill Bridgeand construction should begin late October.

Mr. Williams updated the court on a recent letter from Office of Attorney General regarding road acceptance, specifically Coal Ridge Lane. Judge Lusby will contact property owner, Sean Adams.

Mr. Williams announced his retirement effective June 1st making this his last fiscal court meeting; he has been Scott County Attorney for thirty-three years. Judge Lusby congratulated Mr. Williams on behalf of the court and thanked him for his diligent service to our county.

Being no further business court was adjourned.