FRNSA Meeting Notice

Fox River Navigational System Authority Meeting

3:00 PM Thursday, August 29, 2017

FRNSA Office

1008 Augustine Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130


  1. Introductions
  1. Discuss FRNSA Options to Limit And Control Invasive Species

3. Other

4. Adjourn

1008 Augustine Street
Kaukauna, WI54130
Tele. 920-759-9833
Fax: 920-759-9834

Summary of Proceedings

Fox River Navigational System Authority Meeting-Feasibility Report Meeting

3:00 P.M. Tuesday, August 29, 2017

FRNSA Office

1008 Augustine Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130

Authority Members in Attendance:

Tim Rose, Outagamie County

Jean Romback-Bartels Wisconsin DNR

John Vette, Winnebago County

Bruce Enke, Brown County VIA PHONE

Daina Penkiunas, Wisconsin Historical Society VIA PHONE

Kathryn Curren, Brown County

Jeff Feldt, Outagamie County VIA PHONE

Authority Members Absent:

Bill Raaths, Winnebago County

Will Dorsey, Wisconsin Department of Transportation

Guests and Staff in Attendance:

Robert Stark, FRNSA CEO

Jason Kent, Smith-Root VIA PHONE

Chairman Tim Rose called the meeting to order at 2:52 P.M.

  1. Introductions

Chairman Tim Rose asked everyone attending to introduce themselves to the meeting.

  1. Discuss FRNSA Options to Limit And Control Invasive Species

Chairman Rose opened the meeting up with asking Jason Kent to discuss the Menasha Lock Fish Deterrent System Draft Feasibility Study and the options given.

Jason Kent opened up the discussion stating that Smith-Root performed a study of the feasibility of an electrical deterrent system with the purpose of preventing Round Goby (Neogobius melanostomus) and other invasive fish from migrating upstream into Menasha Lock on the Fox River and gaining access to Lake Winnebago. One location was identified between the lower lock gate and the excavated boat access channel downstream of the lock. Smith-Root evaluated three barrier configurations: one exclusive Round Goby barrier configuration that deters fish only along the floor of the barrier, and two configurations that produce a deterrent electrical field throughout the water column. All configurations include the construction of a concrete sill with vertical walls and steel bar electrodes on the floor of the sill; the full water column configurations require extension of the vertical walls and steel electrodes to the water surface. Based on previous experience and research regarding electrical deterrence of Round Goby and other fishes, Smith-Root modeled the three configurations with selected deterrent voltage gradients and pulsed DC waveforms. The analysis of the modelling results assumed standard peak voltage output from Smith-Root BP-1.5 POW pulse generators.

Drawing upon Smith-Root’s experience with similar facilities, and further confirmed by 3-dimensional electrical field modelling and analysis, Smith-Root believes a suitable system can be provided to deter Round Goby and other invasive species of fish in the Fox River from entering Menasha Lock. Two configurations are proposed: one configuration exclusively deters benthic species like Round Goby, and the second configuration deters passage of fish that utilize the entire water column. A hybrid approach is also feasible, in which the infrastructure for the full water column deterrent system is constructed but initially operated to exclusively deter Round Goby. In addition, the need for inducing water velocity through the barrier in order to minimize the immobilization/stunning of fish in the electric field should be assessed in more detail. This report details the project scope, electrical field analysis, and deterrent system equipment recommendation. The report also includes a description of Smith-Root technology, safety, and examples of previous electrical barrier installations. A preliminary cost estimate of design, supply of Smith-Root equipment and monthly operational cost is provided, as well as costs for Smith-Root personnel to provide commissioning and training of staff. Cost to construct is not estimated in this report and an assessment of constructability is not provided.

Jason Kent finished and opened up the meeting for further discussion by asking if anyone had questions with regards to this study. Discussion was held for informational purposes only.

  1. Other

Futher discussion was held in regards to the DNA testing proposal, Chairman Rose stated money in the special studies budgetcan be used to do an eDNA study.

Informational and ongoing.

  1. Adjourn

Chairman Tim Rose asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.Kathy Curren Made a motion to adjourn, motion seconded by John Vette.

Meeting adjourned at 4:06pm