Cyngor Cymuned Llanfihangel-yng-Ngwynfa

Llanfihangel Community Council

Minutes of the meeting of held on Monday 16th May 2016

Llwydiarth Village Hall after the Annual Meeting

Present. Cllr Ifan Owen (Chair), Cllr Emyr Jones, Cllr Paul Jenkins Cllr Alan Broughall, Cllr Paul O’Connell, Cllr Pam James, Cllr Geraint Gittins, Cllr Fiona Montague and CCllr Barry Thomas.

Apologies. (016)


Declaration of Interest (017)


Minutes (018)

It was RESOLVED by council to accept the minutes of the meeting dated 18 April 2016 as a true record.

Matters Arising (019)

009 – Dog Fouling. If was confirmed to council that a letter had been distributed to the villages. It was also confirmed that there were enough signs posted in the council area.

Chairman’s Report (020)

Chairman informed council that the donation of a bench by Mrs Richards was in hand. Chairman also spoke about sheep getting into the Cemetery in Llanfihangel, the fence had been looked at with no holes in it, it was decided just to keep an eye on the situation.

County Councillors Report (021)

CClr Barry Thomas updated council on local issues to which he has in hand:

Pot holes

Wooden Steps on Mr Hughes land

Cllr Thomas also updated council on County Council matters:

The counties budget

Outcome of formation of Welsh Assembly

Powys CC working jointly with the Health Board

Correspondence (022)

Letter from Fields in Trust – 100th anniversary of the Battle of the Somme. The object of this nationwide programme is to secure recreational spaces in perpetuity, in honour of the memory of the millions of people who lost their lives in the conflict. Town and Community Councils are invited to nominate a recreational space Council RESOLVED to nominate the garden (old school land) in Llanfihangel and the garden at Llwydiarth. Action Clerk

Public Conveniences (023)

Llwydiarth Toilet. NRW still not come back to council with dates. The council RESOLVED that the portaloo be moved soonest to the NRW car park. Action Clerk

Audit - Annual Governance Statement (024)

The Annual Governance Statement and accounting statements was read to the council. Council RESOLVED to approve the Statements as read.

Internal Audit (025)

Comments of the Internal Auditor were read to council. Council RESOLVED to accept report.

Finance (026)

Bank Statements figures Current Account: £13842.25

Deposit Account:£3402.93


Precept £2528.00

Toilet Grant £4000.00

VAT Refund £869.25


Clerk Wages & expenses £94.70

HMRC PAYE RT £21.00 (Paid by on line Banking)

Elliott Company £237.60 (Paid by on line banking)

Zurich Insurance £537.54

Mrs AG Evans £40.00

Severn Trent (Toilets Dolanog) £45.44

G Smith Internal Auditor £50.00

It was RESOLVED by council, that the invoices and payments be honoured.

Planning (027)


Highways (028)

A meeting with the new Highways officer is being arranged by CCllr Thomas. Date and timings to follow.

Members Points of Information (029)

Council was informed grass at the cemetery will be cut this within the next 2 weeks.

Councillors requested a copy of the Election Roll. Action Clerk

The next Council Meeting will be held in Llanfihangel Village Hall on Monday 20th June 2016 at 7.30pm.

Signed ……………………………………… (Chair) Date……………………………..