The Blue Coat School Parents Association
100+ Club
Your chance to join for 2014/15
Following the success of the 100 Club over the last couple of yearsThe Blue Coat Parents Association is relaunching the club for 2014/15.
The club gives members a chance to win a cash prize at one of the ten draws held throughout the year. It is also an easy way for you to get involved in supporting the fundraising efforts of the Parents Association for a small cash outlay and without the need to give up any time.
The club is a small lottery where each year, parents, staff & friends have the chance to buy numbers,which will be allocated randomly. The numbers are theirs for the whole year and are paid for in advance at a cost of £12 per number per year. There is no maximum allocation of tickets per person / family.
Each number is entered into the monthly draw and prizes are awarded for the first, second and third numbers drawn. Half of the money raised is prize money and the rest goes to the Parents Association where it is spent on extras for the school and pupils. There have been many small donations towards Extra Curricular Clubs in the last 12 months;the PA has also contributed £5000 towards the cost of the newly improved school website. We will shortly agree with Mrs Silcock her next big wishlistitem.
Full details of the scheme can be found on the separate Rules Sheet attached
If you would like to join this fundraising scheme, please complete the attached slip and return it with full annual payment in an envelope to the school office clearly marked FAO the Parents Association. Completed applications should be received by the school office by Friday 24thOctober 2014 (the beginning of half term).It may not be possible to join the 2014/15 scheme after this date.
The club is open to parents, staff and friends, numbers can also be purchased on behalf of students however the payee must be over the age of sixteen. Each person joining the club must complete and sign the application form. The form has space for 2 applicants - please copy the form if you want more.
Draws will be monthly at the PA meetings, due to the time involved in setting up the Club we would expect to pull the October & November draws at the PA meeting in November.
Please make cheques payable to ‘The Blue Coat School PA’.
Thank you, and good luck!
The BlueCoatSchool Parents Association
Blue Coat School Parents Association 100+ Club
I would like to join the Blue Coat School Parents Association 100+ Club for 2014/15
I have read the Rules and enclose payment of £12 per number bought. I am over the age of 16.
I would like to buy ………………. …….. Numbers
Signed………………………………...... Print name……………………………….
Contact Address:………………………………………………………………………
Contact email (if available)……………………………………………………………
Contact Tel/Mobile…………………………………………………………………….
Student contact name………………………………Class……………..
Please make cheques payable to ‘The Blue Coat School Parents Association’
Office Use:
Number(s) Allocated: …………………………….
Blue Coat School Parents Association 100+ Club
I would like to join the Blue Coat School Parents Association 100+ Club for 2014/15
I have read the Rules and enclose payment of £12 per number bought. I am over the age of 16.
I would like to buy ………………. …….. Numbers
Signed………………………………...... Print name……………………………….
Contact Address:………………………………………………………………………
Contact email (if available)……………………………………………………………
Contact Tel/Mobile…………………………………………………………………….
Student contact name………………………………Class……………..
Please make cheques payable to ‘The Blue Coat School Parents Association’
Office Use:
Number(s) Allocated: …………………………….