PRESENT: Chair: Councillor C Willis. Councillors: Hadley, H Helliwell, J Helliwell, R D’Amelio
CLERK: Mrs Rachel Hyland
OPEN FORUM for members of the public
1 Member of the public – Sarah from the Cutting Shed attended to make the PC aware that a neighbour of her business had complained about parking, she could not say for definite that the vehicles parked were using her business as she does have a car park. The PC advised her to put a notice in the window asking patrons to park in the spaces provided.
01/0416 / APOLOGIES: Councillors Footitt, County Councillor Liz Yates, District Councillor Michael Gray
There were no police representatives present at the meeting. At the meeting a report had not yet been received and would be forwarded to the Councillors once it arrived. Councillor Willis has had a visit from PC Fellowes and PCSO Walker, she explained that the PC were concerned about the level of policing in the area, and they stressed that all crimes should be reported no matter how petty they seem.
None Present
Just one amendment stating that Torworth PC had purchased the memorial bench not the playfield committee
- Clerk to contact Liz Yates now the funding has opened again to ask for £200 to purchase a concrete slab and to install the memorial bench.
- Cllr Helliwell has found a local joiner to restore the sign for around £200 this has been agreed for him to carry out the work.
- Friends of Daneshill donation on the next meeting.
- Speed stickers have been ordered
- The probabtion services have collected 50 bags of rubbish from Daneshill Road, and have done an excellent job.
- There is a meeting with the coal board on 9th May to look at maps in and around Torworth, Igas have not been in touch with the coal board during the scoping request. Maps are £25 per copy which the councillors will purchase if they feel necessary
- Streetlight outside playpark to be kept on agenda to see if Councillor Yates can influence this.
- There are still tickets available for the Ceidlh on April 23rd.
- CPRE have confirmed they will comment on the Igas application once it is received.
Planning application due from Igas any day, it is expected it will be around 1000 pages long. Councillor Willis is happy that the CLG will understand it, and Igas members will be at the next 5 meetings. Once the application it received there will only be 4 weeks to respond to it, therefore an extraordinary meeting may need to be called. Following a CLG meeting where Notts planners were present they have said that for every objection valid reasons must be provided. There is a CLG open day at Barnby Moor Village Hall on 7th May 11am-4pm, this is hoped to boost interest amongst the villages. Igas will be holding another open event once the planning application has been submitted. Councillor Willis informed the group that a facebook page had been set up for the Tinker Lane site, and that she was keen for this to be run by members of the public. Councillor Willis said that the Doe Green visit had been arranged for the 25th April between 9am and 4pm. At a recent CLG meeting the Notts planning officers gave a talk on their legal obligations which the CLG found interesting, there was also a talk from Notts Wildlife Trust on the environmental issues.
07/0416 / SPEEDING
Ian Taylor from NCC has agreed to arrange another speed test although this may take up to a month.
08/0416 / FINANCE
RESOLVED that the following cheques be passed for payment:
Ranskill and Scrooby PCC £ 14.00
HMRC £ 25.40
R Hyland – May Salary £102.20
L Middlebrook – Bus shelter cleaning £ 30.00
The bank mandate has been submitted to the Barclays Business Team awaiting confirmation of set up.
Veolia are giving out free paint for community groups, organisations need to register and they will get first choice of collection. Councillor R Willis to find out more information about this.
Councillor J Helliwell will enquire about some concrete to fit the memorial bench.
It was agreed that Underwood Avenue would be added to the mowing contract on a monthly basis.
There is a meeting organised for 22nd April at 10am at Councillor J Helliwell’s house.
11/0416 / MLP
Discussed under item 6
12/0416 / PLANNING
Letter to Councillor Willis from the STAR asking for a donation, either in cash or paper, it was agreed to purchase approx. £200 of paper as in previous years. Councillor Hadley also said that the printer was available for use by the Parish Councils if needed.
There was also a letter from Bassetlaw Council regarding registering to use the local tips, the PC were concerned that this would lead to more problems with fly tipping and as 50 bags of rubbish had just been cleared from Daneshill Road, and this is only half of it, how are the PC to keep on top of this. Clerk to write to Bassetlaw to explain the concerns.
Friends of Daneshill donation
16/0416 / AOB
- CBF is on Thursday 21st April at Lound Village Hall at 7pm
- Numerous complaints about parking on Holds Lane which seems to be from the Seperatist, when the planning application was submitted Highways picked up on the issue of parking but BDC did not act on Highways advice. Clerk to write to the owners to inform them of the complaints and ask them to remind staff and patrons to park in the car park provided as it is making Holds Lane a single track causing obstruction is emergency service or dustbin lorries need to get through.
- Report broken sign on Gravesmoor Lane
- Councillor Willis put forward an idea to plant more daffodils, this was agreed by the council, it was agreed she would take pictures and then it would be decided where to plant them for next year
Tuesday, 7th June, 2016 at 7:00pm - St. Barnabas Church, Ranskill
Signed as a true record