Bid form updated October 2015

Friends of Dalmain BID FORM for Support

Please use this form to make bids that support themes highlighted by the School Improvement plan and the Every Child Matters Government initiative. These, in large, will be activities that allow the school and its children to achieve high standards, support children’s personal development and well-being, improve and maintain the quality of provisions and curricular activities and keeping children safe. School staff, children, parents and carers may bid for funds for school-related activities but these bids should not replace their own fundraising efforts.


  1. FINANCIAL SUPPORT - Money from our fundraising efforts can be requested for equipment, transport costs, books, resources etc.
  2. LOCAL LINKS - We have established a good relationship with some local businesses and have access to resources and opportunities, e.g. Sainsbury’s wants to assist Dalmain and has offered food, store tours, talks on issues such as fair trade and healthy eating.
  3. EXTRA HANDS - We currently have a number of parents offering to volunteer and possessing a variety of skills. We can offer a helping hand for special events e.g. disco or maybe expertise talks e.g. how books are published)


1. Before completing a bid form, please discuss your proposal with Mrs Booth who will advise if the school can supply or source the requested item first.

2. If the school is unable to fund or fulfil your request, please fill in the form on the reverse with as much detail as possible and email it to the Friends of Dalmain, , ensuring that you copy in Mrs Booth.

3. We aim to review bids monthly but will consider urgent bids outside these times when required.


The bids will be evaluated by a committee consisting of Friends of Dalmain members, school council members and school staff. We may also invite you to attend the meeting.

The committee will decide whether or not to approve the bid and the relevant schedules.
(NOTE: Some bids may be taken into consideration with a long-term execution plan)

If a bid is urgent then members of the Friends of Dalmain committee will review the bid.

When a bid is approved we will need proof of purchase and feedback on how successful the offered support was. This will help us monitor the process and make future decisions. It will also support fundraising activities.


Please contact members of Friends of Dalmain committee at or speak to one of us in person.

Date applied:
Name/position of applicant:
Please answer the following questions in as much detail as possible
What do you want to do and why?
When do you want to do this?
What support do you need from Friends of Dalmain?
(e.g. money, materials, helping hands)
Please give us a detailed breakdown of items you are looking for and a mini budget:

Friends of Dalmain use only

Date Received: / Date evaluated in a meeting:
Accepted □ / Rejected □ / In consideration (longer term) □ / Date applicant was informed:
Date funding was given:
Signed by (FoD member & applicant):