Friends Group Support System
User / Systems Manual
Avon Valley Holdings Pty. Ltd.
Avon Valley Holdings Pty Ltd
1.0Introduction and Overview......
2.0Technical Requirements......
3.0 Accessing EMMA......
4.0 Signing In......
5.0 Proceeding to the Reserves......
6.0 Accessing your Reserves......
7.0Accessing the Resource Centre......
8.0Updating the Resource Centre......
9.0To use the Resources Centre......
9.1 Journal......
9.2 Image Library for Reserve......
9.3 Map Library for Reserve......
10.0Administrative Functions......
10.1 Codes Management......
10.2 Icon Management......
11.0Reserves Creation and Management......
12.0 Persons and Organisations......
12.1 Collection of Person or Organisation contact details......
12.2 Persons and Organisations Maintenance as in 12.1......
13.0 High Level Data Model......
1.0Introduction and Overview
This manual explains the operation of the new Environmental Management and Mapping Australia (EMMA) for the users and friends of Nature Reserves.
EMMA has been designed to create an electronic medium by which the community can use current internet technology in the recording and sharing of information for both the protection and management of the local environment and natural resources. The users and friends of local Nature Reserves will be able to access this site.
EMMA makes it easier for the user to access a particular Nature Reserve and gives them the opportunity to raise concerns or reply to other topics that are raised regarding the particular reserve.
Primarily, EMMA has been designed to provide users with online discussions between fellow users of the program, and also provides a public forum in which the General Public can voice opinions or concerns relating to their local environment.
Using the latest technology available, EMMA ensures security of data throughout all stages of the management process.
2.0Technical Requirements
EMMA has minimal technical requirements.
To access EMMA you will need:
(i)a standard computer
(ii)a web browser with an internet connection and
(iii)an email address.
You can access EMMA from your office or at home – in fact, anywhere you have internet access!
3.0 Accessing EMMA
To access EMMA:
(i)Open your Internet Browser
(ii)Go to
(iii)Select ‘Log In’
(iv)Enter your Account ID and Password
(v)Select ‘Please Continue’
You will now be looking at the front page of EMMA.
EMMA is comprised of three frames: the left hand navigation frame, the top horizontal title frame and the main frame.
4.0 Signing In
To enter EMMA, you need to sign in using your individual sign in details.
Your sign in details will be formally notified to you by the Systems Administrator. However, for training purposes, both the Account Id and Password will be Admin.
Example:Account ID: bill-jonesPassword: jon123
To sign in:
(i)Click on ‘Log In’ in the left-hand frame. This will activate to login screen.
(ii)Type in your Account ID and your Password. Please note that your login details are Reserve sensitive. If you enter the incorrect login details, you will reactivate the login screen to enter your correct login details.
Once you have signed in, you will see the Welcome screen and can proceed to EMMA by selecting the ‘Please Continue’ link.
5.0 Proceeding to the Reserves
To proceed in EMMA, select ‘Reserves’ from the left hand navigation frame. The user will now have access to the Reserves that he/she is associated with, and the active files on the Nature Reserves selected.
The user is also given the ‘Home’, ‘Reserves’, ‘System’ and ‘Log Out’ options in the left hand navigation frame. ‘Home’ will take the user back to the entry point of EMMA, ‘Reserves’ will give users access to their active Nature Reserves, ‘System’ provides users with a case display where users can create and edit existing cases, and ‘Log Out’ closes the session.
6.0 Accessing your Reserves
The user’s active Reserves are displayed in the ‘Reserves Actioned’ screen. These matters can be sorted by:
(i)File Log
(iii)Reserve Title
Each of the fields can be sorted in an ascending or descending basis.
The screen appears:
The Reserves Actioned screen in divided into the following columns:
File LogXXX
ReferenceReserve Reference Code
Reserve TitleReserve Name
SuburbSuburb Nature Reserve is located in
ActionGives the user access to another screen in which more details
Are given on the particular Reserve selected.
7.0Accessing the Resource Centre
Once you have selected and opened the ‘Resource Centre’, you have the following options:
Resource ReferenceReference Number of Documentation
TitleTitle of Documentation or Information
ActionAllows the user to access and edit the selected
8.0Updating the Resource Centre
To update the Resource Centre, you must select the ‘New’ icon above the Resource Reference icon. This action will allow the user to add their own reference for utilization by other users.
The screen appears:
After completing the relevant details, click the ‘Go’ icon, and the relevant data will be saved and be available for viewing and use by other users.
9.0To use the Resources Centre
9.1 Journal
To enter a specific Nature Reserve into the Journal for discussion, click the Reserves Actioned’ icon in the left hand navigation frame. By selecting the ‘Review’ icon next to the desired Nature Reserve, the user will be able to view past and present discussion topics relating to the particular Reserve that they have chosen.
The screen appears:
If the user has a new discussion topic to add, click the ‘Topic’ icon at the bottom of the page. (Dad I couldn’t describe how to add the topic)
9.2 Image Library for Reserve
The Image Library allows the user to view a selected Nature Reserve through a variety of photographs. To access this site, the user must select the ‘Image Library’ icon that is present in the top part of the ‘Journal’ page.
The Screen appears:
9.3 Map Library for Reserve
To access the Map Library, the user must return back to the Journal page and click on the ‘Map Library’ icon that appears below the ‘Image Library’ icon. This page provides the user with a variety of different maps all covering the selected Nature Reserve.
The screen appears:
10.0Administrative Functions
10.1Codes Management
To access the Code Management from the system:
(i)Select the ‘System’ icon present in the left hand navigation frame
(ii)Select the ‘Codes’ icon
The screen appears;
By accessing the above, the user is able to control the management of the lists and alter the codes used throughout the system to their own desires.
Using the ‘Language’ icon, select the ‘Review’ icon to the right of the screen.
The screen appears:
By entering this frame, the user is able to edit existing languages or add a new language to the system.
To update a language, select the ‘Update’ icon under the ‘Action’ bar.
The screen appears:
After the user has made the relevant changes, click on the ‘Submit’ icon and the change will be made.
If wanting to add a new language to the system, revert back to the screen that lists the original languages and click on the ‘New’ icon.
The screen appears:
When completing the new language description, the titles must be completed as follows:
CodeSimplified version of language being created e.g. (Eng – English)
DescriptionFull name of language e.g. (English)
LabelFull name of language e.g. (English)
Data TypeChar – If using characters
Num – If defining by numbers
SequenceSequence in which the language is to be listed
VoidY – Will no longer display the language
N – Will display the language added
10.2 Icon Management
Icon management can be accessed by the user to create, customise and identify the graphic buttons that are present throughout the application.
Icon Management is achieved by returning to the page containing the list of codes, and selecting the ‘Review’ icon that coincides with the Code/Type=icon_type.
The screen appears:
To update the ‘Case’ icon, select the ‘UPDATE’ button to the right of the screen.
The screen appears:
After making the relevant changes click on the ‘Submit’ icon and the icon will be updated to the user’s request.
11.0Reserves Creation and Management
Return to the home page, and select the ‘Reserves’ icon in the left hand navigation frame.
To search for particular Reserve/s, select the ‘Search’ icon above the listed reserves.
The screen appears:
If the user wishes to view all of the Nature Reserves that are present in Lesmurdie, he/she must enter ‘Lesmurdie’ into the suburb box then select ‘Search’.
The screen appears, listing all Nature Reserves present in Lesmurdie.
To search for all Reserves, select ‘All’ in the ‘Suburb’ box rather than a specific locality. The search results will provide the user with a list of all Nature Reserves currently recorded in the system.
Note: Click on the ‘Title Keys’ to change the list of Reserves into Alphabetic ascending order.
If the user has been unable to retrieve any results searching for a particular Reserve, they are given the option of adding a new Reserve to the list.
The process is as follows:
(i)Return to the Home Page of EMMA
(ii)Select the ‘System’ icon present in the left hand navigation frame
(iii)Select the ‘New’ icon
The screen appears:
To create a new reserve, the user must complete the following:
ReferenceIdeally, first 2 letters of Reserve plus 3 numbers
StatusOpen – Reserve open to public
Closed – Reserve closed to public
Reserve TitleFull name of the Nature Reserve
Reserve DescriptionSame as Above
Reserve TypeChoice of - Free Hold
-Vested in Shire
-Vested in DOLA
LocationLocation of Reserve
Date CreatedDate created
Date FinalisedDate finalised
12.0 Persons and Organisations
12.1Collection of Person or Organisation contact details.
When adding a contact person or Organisation, follow the process below:
(i)Return to Home Page
(ii)Select the ‘System’ icon in the left hand navigation screen
(iii)Select the ‘New’ icon above the named parties
The Screen appears:
To create a new user for a particular reserve, the user must complete the following personal details;
Party IDNumber
TypeTyped of contact being created - Person
Limited Company
TitleTitle of User (Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms)
SurnameLast name of user
Given NamesGiven names of user
RoleRole being played by the user in relation to the
-Reserve Coordinator
-System Administrator
-Shire Coordinator
Preferred LanguagePreferred language spoken by user
System AccountAccount must be alpha-numeric and individual to the
PasswordSame as above
After updating the new user information:
(i)Select the ‘Review’ icon
(ii)Select the ‘Contacts’ icon
(iii)Select the ‘New’ icon
The screen appears:
Enter the relevant contact details and select the ‘Go’ icon. After associating a user with the Reserve, the user will receive an automatic email notification.
12.2Persons and Organisations Maintenance as in 12.1
The maintenance of Persons and Organisations can be obtained by firstly accessing the site through the ‘System’ icon located in the left hand navigation frame of the home page.
Select the required Reserve by clicking on the ‘Edit’ icon that precedes the Reserve name and then select the ‘Parties’ icon from the top of the page. This action will then display a page showing those that are currently associated with the reserve and their current interest etc.
The screen appears:
If the user wishes to change or update his/her interest in the Reserve selected, they are able to use the drop down arrow to determine other interests in the reserve, e.g. Volunteer, Reserve Coordinator, or Administration Group.
After selecting the relevant interest of the user, select the ‘Update’ icon, and their new interest in the Reserve will be automatically updated on the screen below.
Should the user wish to search for another user that is associated with a different Reserve, they must enter part of, or the full name of the person they are searching for, and then select the ‘Go’ icon underneath.
The screen appears:
The user is then given a list of Persons and Organisations matching the search criteria.
The search results give the user the option to ‘Associate’ or ‘Dissociate’ the related Person or Organisation with the Reserve selected. If associating a person with the particular reserve, they will receive an automatic email notification informing them of the above.
13.0 High Level Data Model