Title of Meeting

/ Patient Participation Group Meeting /

Date & Time

/ Wednesday 28th June 2017




/ 3D Medical Centre

Attendees Present



1. /


/ / On-going point of discussion for the practice although our practice has had the CQC visit on 31st May 2017the visit went well and the surgery has been awarded a good rating
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Friends and Family Data

/ PPG /

Informed PPG members of our results of Friends and Family test from June 2017 51 responses

Extremely Likely 20

Likely 26
Neither likely or unlikely 2
Unlikely 1
Extremely unlikely 0
Don’t Know-2
It is important to the practice that we are acting on feedback from our patients. Overall the patients find the services here at 3D Medical Centre and would recommend us to their relatives.
Positive comments-
User friendly practice
-good service
-Always get an appointment on time
-Nice Doctors
-I feel I get a good response
-We like this service
Negative comments-none of note
Action-Staff to be congratulated on their hard work
Staff to inform patients when doctor/nurse is running late
Nurse Steph- Had a Baby Girl -Mia
Nurse-New nurse starting in August 2017-Lyndsey Debbie covering in the meantime
Fridays –Dr sacks been doing Friday afternoon, appointments available at the other surgeries
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Bowel screening

/ / RS has been doing another big push to get the number of none responders up, the surgery needs to do 10 more within the year, all patients identified, rung and kits to be sent out.
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/ / The practice has recently gone onto electronic prescribing. Electronic prescribing or e-prescribing is the computer-based electronic generation, transmission and filling of a medical prescription, taking the place of paper and faxed prescriptions. E-prescribing allows a physician, pharmacist, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant to electronically transmit a new prescription or renewal authorization to a community or mail-order pharmacy.
It outlines the ability to send error-free, accurate, and understandable prescriptions electronically from the healthcare provider to the pharmacy. E-prescribing is meant to reduce the risks associated with traditional prescription script writing. It is also one of the major reasons for the push for electronic medical records. By sharing medical prescription information, e-prescribing seeks to connect the patient's team of healthcare providers to facilitate knowledgeable decision making.
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/ / The next cohort for the shingles vaccine –aged 70 at any point between 10/09/2013 -31/03/2018 and catch up aged 78 or 79 at any point in the year. These patients will be phoned and aske dto come in.
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Patient On Line

/ / The practice has 98 patients who have registered for on line services. The practice needs to have 20% of over 18’s registered for on line services, which is 200 patients.. The staff have done a fantastic job of encouraging patients to register for on line services, as well as checking telephone numbers and addresses.
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Conversation Cafe

/ / The surgery is inviting patient to attend the conversation café on Thursday afternoons between 2-3pm .This is a good way to meet other patients, the Health Practioner will be here to give health promotion advice and do weight, height and BP. Tea and coffee is available.
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Overall Comments


Date of Next Meeting

/ September 17