Lend Lease (LL) is a Tier one Construction Company that is both a National & Globally based company that specialises in project management and construction with many companies and sub contractors operating in more than 30 countries worldwide and employing over 10,000 people as well as engaging over 350,000 subcontractor employees across the sites annually, and currently have A$8.4 billion funds under management.
Founded in Sydney in 1958 by Dutch immigrant and innovator Dick Dusseldorp, the group was born out of a vision to create a company that could successfully combine four disciplines; property, financing, development and investment.
BLL can provide services ranging from;
Architecture & Urban Design
Building Services Design
Construction Management
Consulting Services
Design & Construction
MultiSite Delivery & Roll out
Project Management
Structural Design
Sustainable Design & Environmental Planning
BLL Approach to Safety
Lend Lease has undertaken a program to set in place the right accountabilities, governance, standards and tools to embed safety across all business practices. Some of these tools include:
Ø An education and training curriculum with a schedule of training modules for employees, business partners and contractors
Ø Safety specific roles and responsibilities to become a part of all job descriptions
Ø Incident & Injury Free commitment criteria will play a part in determining how employees are measured, rewarded and recognised
Ø Global Minimum safety requirements prescribe physical and operational safety standards for virtually all business activities
Ø The online safety reporting system monitors compliance and helps identify major safety risk areas across our business, allowing to proactively manage risks and share lessons learned
Ø The ‘Safety Dashboard’ reporting tool captures safety metrics from construction sites globally empowering management to ask the right questions and take ongoing action to improve safety performance
Providing people with the right systems and tools to deliver safe outcomes is crucial to achieving an Incident & Injury free workplace. BLL has set in place a robust global governance system to support and monitor safety levels and performance. This is supported by extensive education, training and worker engagement programmes.
The Global Health and Safety Management System
The Lend Lease Global Safety Management System (SMS) is aligned to international standards and defines a set of health and safety performance standards called the "Global Minimum Requirements" that apply to all Lend Lease businesses and their operations and projects.
It sets the overarching principles, policies and standards that guide, govern and support Lend Lease in effectively controlling its health and safety risks and move us closer towards our vision of operating Incident & Injury Free. The system establishes the standards for how we manage our operational risk to ensure the safety of our employees, contractors, subcontractors, visitors and others connected with or impacted by our undertakings. Safety is at the forefront of everything we do, and how we grow our business and compliance with the Safety Management System is mandatory of all businesses.
Global Minimum Requirements
The Global Minimum Requirements (GMRs) form the basis of managing safety across the business. The GMRs set out the Lend Lease minimum health and safety standards designed to control the risks associated with assets they develop, construct, control, maintain, own, operate or influence. They are divided into three main sections covering assets, construction, and general health and safety management.
The Asset and Construction GMRs form a suite of risk-specific health and safety standards under the Lend Lease Global Safety Management System. These GMRs set safety requirements right across the spectrum of Lend Lease businesses—from acquisition and design to construction, development and asset management activities. Asset GMRs apply to all the assets that Lend Lease acquires, designs, develops or manages. Construction GMRs apply across all Lend Lease construction projects globally. In order to effectively implement these Global Minimum Requirements, each Business Unit is in the process of creating regionalised guidelines and solutions referred to as the "GMR Means and Methods".
Training and Competence
All employees need to be aware of the health and safety risks associated with their activities and the measures needed to control them, and understand BLL Incident & Injury Free vision. BLL have developed a global online Safety Passport course with training modules on the Incident & Injury Free values and behaviours and the Global Minimum Requirements. This Passport is mandatory for staff with roles and responsibilities under the SMS and GMRs. All staff are urged to undertake the relevant training modules.
Besides the Safety Passport, employees and subcontractors must also undertake technical and management training to enable them to deal with the specific health and safety risks in their roles. Contractor staff conducting specialist/high-risk operations are required to produce proof of competence before starting work.
Performance Monitoring
The SMS and GMRs set specific requirements for performance monitoring and reviews. The results of checks, inspections and audits are recorded in the online reporting tool, WebCare, and the data used to identify problem areas and implement actions to deliver improvements.
Significant incidents and lost time accidents are recorded and reported in WebCare. Serious incidents are thoroughly investigated and Root Causes Analysis (RCA) conducted to identify the underlying causes of incidents and areas where improvement is needed in the way to manage specific risks and GMRs.
An online Safety Dashboard is being developed to monitor performance against both lead and lag Key Performance Indicators to help readily identify at-risk assets or projects as early as possible so to take action to improve performance and prevent incidents.
Over the past three years Lost Time Injury Frequency rates have fallen significantly from FY07 to FY09 indicating fewer man hours lost to injury.
Lend Lease is committed to operating Incident & Injury Free wherever they have a presence through the effective management of health and safety and engagement with all staff and stakeholders.
The company aims to achieve this by:
· Committed and active leadership – As part of the safety leadership team, our leaders hold themselves and others to account to our Incident & Injury Free vision, values and behaviours and are encouraged to challenge the status quo to improve our risk control strategies.
· Transparent safety management systems and standards – Global Minimum Requirements (GMRs) prescribe physical and operational safety standards for business activities, supported by localised means and methods guidelines on how to comply with those requirements.
· Effective governance – Our online safety compliance reporting system is customised to identify major safety risk areas across our entire business activities. This data generates a snapshot of leading and lagging safety metrics that allow us to monitor safety performance, proactively manage risks and share lessons learned. Independent audits are conducted on projects across the business on a regular basis to assess compliance against these metrics.
· Education and training – A safety training curriculum, including online ‘Safety Passport’ modules for employees, business partners and contractors ensures each employee and third party receives appropriate technical training to work safely.
· Rewards and consequence management – Safety specific roles and responsibilities are specified in all job descriptions clarifying accountabilities for safe outcomes.
The programmes are designed to communicate, consult and involve employees and business partners in the ongoing improvement of safety performance. Lend Lease is committed to applying the principles of Incident & Injury Free to all our day to day business activities.