Friends– Activity overview

Reception activity overview

Friends / PSED
Understands that own actions affect other people.
Beginning to negotiate and solve problems without aggression.
Takes steps to resolve conflicts. / -Talk about friendship. What is friendship? What does it look like? Share ideas and discuss.
-Learn friendship song- who is your friend? Why?
-What is sign language for? How can we help each other?
Variety of friendship books
Friendship posters, badges, key words
Variety of turn taking games- use sand timers to encourage turn taking.
Maintain attention, concentrates and sits quietly during appropriate activity.
Use talk to clarify thinking, feelings. / -Make a friendship soup- talk about and share ideas.
-How can we help each other?
-Imagine a world without friends. Share and discuss ideas. Encourage descriptive language
Small world- town,
Sign language cards .feelings pots- how do you feel today? Why? / Literacy
Use some clearly identifiable letters,naming and sounding.
Can segment sounds in simple words and blends them together.
Begins to read words and simple sentences. / -What do you look for in a friend? Model writing an advert to find a friend. What are your top 5 e.g. must be funny, kind, caring….
Writing table- variety of friendship magazines, friendship adverts, pictures, key words.
Make friendship recipes.
Beginning to use everyday language related to money.
Records, uses marks that they can interpret and explain. / -Can you be a kind friend? What will you buy your friend? Model how to buy toys using 1p 2p 5p and 10p
Set up toy shop- price tags, toys, shopping list, money, till
Coin rubbings / UW
They know about similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, communities and traditions. / -Recap the story- discuss that it’s not what’s on the outside but what’s on the inside. Discuss that we are all different in many ways.
Skin tone paints, pastels, mirrors- observational drawings of their friends.
Children show good control and co-ordination in large and small movements.
They move confidently in a range of ways and negotiating space. / -Model a group/class game. How can we work together? What do we need to do? Encourage language, sharing and taking turns.
Group games- parachute, board games, sand timers / EAD
Manipulates materials to achieve a planned effect.
Uses simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately.
Chooses particular colours to use for a purpose. / -Explore different feelings. Show them a variety of colours, collage materials etc. Can they choose diff things for diff feelings e.g something tickling, soft for funny, red for angry. Encourage descriptive language.
Variety of creative materials for free choice.
Variety of coloured play dough- make face models of each other.
Hand prints, portraits.