9/30/06 NSPE Board Meeting Minutes – pg. 1
NSPE Board of Directors Meeting
Minneapolis, MN
September 30, 2006 – 8:30am-5:00pm
2006-07 Board of Directors In Attendance (unless noted)
President / Robert S. Miller, III, P.E., F.NSPEPresident-elect / Bernard R. Berson, P.E., L.S., P.P., F.NSPE
Immediate Past President / Kathryn A. Gray, P.E., F.NSPE
President-elect Designee / H. Ken Rigsbee, P.E., F.NSPE
Treasurer / Russell C. Devick, P.E., F.NSPE
Director, Central Region / Leanne H. Panduren, P.E., NSPE
Director, North Central Region / Timothy R. Austin, P.E., NSPE
Director, Northeast Region / Barry E. Isett, P.E., F.NSPE
Director, Southeast Region / Kermit L. Prime, Jr., P.E., D.E.E., F.NSPE
Director, Southwest Region / Dan J. Wittliff, P.E., F.NSPE
Director, Western & Pacific Region / Michael Hardy, P.E., NSPE
Director, Interest Group / Arthur B. deWit, P.E., F.NSPE
Director, Interest Group / John M. Parisi, P.E., NSPE
Director, Young Engineer / Andrea N. Martinez, P.E., NSPE
Director, Membership at Large / Edward J. Racila, P.E., F.NSPE
SSEC President / Mary Detloff, CAE
NICET Observer / Wayne D. Moore, P.E., NSPE (ABSENT)
Executive Director & Secretary / Albert C. Gray, Ph.D., P.E., F.NSPE, CAE
9/30/06 NSPE Board of Directors Meeting Minutes – pg. 1
1CALL TO ORDER. The meeting was called to order at 8:30am.
1.1Invocation – Parisi offered the invocation.
1.2Pledge of Allegiance – Rigsbee led the NSPE Board of Directors in the Pledge of Allegiance.
1.3Roll Call – A. Gray called the roll and announced that a quorum was present.
1.4Read NSPE Mission and Vision Statements – Berson read the NSPE Mission and Vision Statements.
1.5.1Recognition of Guests. Miller recognized NICET General Manager Mike Clark, Minnesota Delegate David L. Morrill, P.E., NSPE; TxSPE Executive Director Trish B. Smith; MnSPE President Brian A. Knutson, P.E.; and NSPE Membership Chair Elizabeth A. Catania, P.E., F.NSPE.
1.6Opportunity for NSPE Members to Address the NSPE Board – No other individual members requested the opportunity to address the NSPE Board of Directors.
2.1Approval of the July 10, 2006, NSPE Board of Directors Meeting Minutes (Attach. 2.1)
06-062It was moved and seconded that the NSPE Board of Directors approve the minutes of the July 10, 2006, NSPE Board of Directors Meeting as distributed. CARRIED.
2.2Distribution of NSPE Executive Committee Minutes for Information
2.2.1Minutes of the July 9, 2006 ExComm Meeting. The July 9, 2006, ExComm Meeting minutes were highlighted. (Attach. 2.2.1)
2.2.2Minutes of the August 8, 2006 ExComm Conference Call. The August 8, 2006, ExComm Conference Call minutes were highlighted. (Attach 2.2.2)
2.2.3Minutes of September 12, 2006 ExComm Conference Call. The September 12, 2006, ExComm Conference Call minutes were highlighted. (Attach 2.2.3)
3.1Modifications to Main Agenda – The following items were added:
New Item 5.11 – Legal Fund
New Item 5.12 – State Letters
3.2Handout Review – A. Gray reviewed the handouts.
3.3Approval of Consent Agenda – No items were added to the Consent agenda by the NSPE Board of Directors. (Attach. 3.3)
4.1July 10, 2006 Action Checklist – A. Gray reviewed the Action Checklist from the July 10, 2006, NSPE Board meeting. (Attach. 4.1)
4.2NSPE Executive Committee Checklist Additions – Miller reported that in the future there will be a consolidated action checklist reflecting the actions of the NSPE House of Delegates, NSPE Board of Directors, and NSPE Executive Committee. (Attach. 4.2)
5GOAL 1 (State-National Partnerships)
5.1Progress on State/National Partnerships – Detloff reported on the recent productive visit of NSPE staff with the Texas Society staff. Smith provided a detailed discussion of progress being made. Smith noted that while issues remain, substantial progress has and is been made towards addressing outstanding AMS-related issues. It was noted that NSPE headquarters staff has a significantly higher level of appreciation of the challenges being faced by other state societies. There was the general agreement that having national staff visit state societies to address the AMS-related issues was a very positive step. Detloff noted that she and MoSPE Executive Director Bruce Wylie are planning a visit to NSPE headquarters later in the fall to discuss AMS-related membership business rules. A. Gray agreed that there needs to be enhanced national-state communications. A. Gray noted that a NSPE staff/SSEC retreat is being planned for late November/early December. A. Gray also reported on the status of the NSPE Jump Start Fund. (Attach. 5.1)
5.2Update on House of Delegates – Detloff reported that NSPE will be sending out a reminder in early 2007 reminding states to designate their House of Delegates representative for the coming administrative year.
5.3Marketing and Sales Advisory Group Report – Detloff referred to the written report. (Attach. 5.3)
5.4Candidate Screening Committee – A. Gray reported that requests for nominations for those to serve as NSPE President-elect and NSPE Treasurer have been distributed electronically. (Attach. 5.4)
5.5Communications Advisory Group – Detloff reported that the Communication Advisory Group is in the process of selecting a firm to redesign the NSPE Web site. It was noted that extensive input has been received concerning member needs from SSEC and other constituent groups within NSPE.
5.6Legislative Educational Fund Board – Detloff reported that there was no written report.
5.7Legislative & Government Affairs Committee – Detloff referred to the written report. Racila reported that the NSPE L&GA Committee will focus on four objectives consistent with the goals and interests of licensed professional engineers. (Attach. 5.7)
5.8Legislative & Government Affairs PAC – Detloff referred to the written NSPE PAC report and urged NSPE leaders to contribute to the NSPE PAC. Prime recommended that NSPE-PAC send an invoice to all NSPE-PAC members as a regular practice. (Attach. 5.8)
5.9Implementation Task Force Update – Detloff referred to the written report. (Attach. 5.9)
5.10Metrics Oversight Task Force Update – Detloff noted that there was no written report.
5.11Legal Fund – Schwartz described the request from the Nevada Society of Professional Engineers in connection with supporting the “economic loss” doctrine. It was noted that the NSPE Executive Committee unanimously recommended NSPE support in the litigation.
06-063It was moved and seconded that the NSPE Board of Directors approve NSPE’s participation in the preparation of a “friend of the court” brief in the Nevada “economic loss” doctrine for an amount of up to $5,000. CARRIED.
5.12State Letters – A. Gray provided background concerning his recent response to the Illinois Society relating to AMS-related issues, pending dues amounts, membership questions, and other related issues. Detloff discussed the letter from MnSPE to NSPE regarding its decision to conduct its own invoicing. Knutson provided background relating to MnSPE’s decision to conduct its own invoicing.
06-064It was moved and seconded that NSPE Board of Directors disapprove the $30.00 administrative fee proposed by MnSPE.
06-065Substitute motion that the NSPE urge MnSPE to submit a business plan and apply for expenses associated with state invoicing from the NSPE “Jump Start Fund” and that MnSPE will agree to reevaluate its state invoicing program in one year. CARRIED.
06-066It was moved and seconded that the NSPE Board of Directors reaffirms its position as stated in NSPE Bylaws 11, Section 6, that NSPE member state societies do not have the authority to withhold any portion of NSPE dues that are collected under a state invoicing program. CARRIED (unanimously).
Panduren provided background information relating to the letter from the Michigan Society of Professional Engineers. Panduren discussed the frustration of the MiSPE leadership regarding the AMS and other related issues.
6GOAL 2 (Value to Members)
6.1Council of Fellows Executive Committee Report – Berson reported on the recent activities relating to the NSPE Council of Fellows. A. Gray noted that communications relating to the NSPE Council of Fellows should also be sent to the full NSPE House of Delegates. There was general discussion concerning the process for selecting NSPE Fellows and related issues. (Attach. 6.1)
6.2Letter from the Florida Engineering Society Re: Code of Ethics – Miller reported on the July 17, 2006, letter from the FES regarding the language in the NSPE Code of Ethics relating to (1) sustainable development and (2) the reordering of the NSPE Code of Ethics. (Attach. 6.2)
06-067It was moved and seconded that the NSPE Board of Directors table Item 6.2 regarding the FES letter until the next NSPE Board of Directors meeting for subsequent action. CARRIED.
6.3Alliances Task Force – A. Gray provided a report on the Alliances Task Force.
6.4Board of Ethical Review – Berson referred to the work of the NSPE Board of Ethical Review, including the “On Ethics” column in PE Magazine.
6.5Continuing Education Advisory Group – Parisi reported on the development of a business plan for consideration by the NSPE Board of Directors in January 2007. (Attach. 6.5)
6.6Convention & Meeting Development Task Force – Parisi reported on plans for the July 2007 NSPE Annual Meeting in Denver. A full report on future meeting sites will be presented to the NSPE Board of Directors in January 2007. (Attach. 6.6)
6.7Critical Infrastructure/Homeland Security Task Force – DeWit reported that the CIHS Task Force will be holding its first conference call the following week.
6.8Honor & Awards Task Force – K. Gray reported that an e-mail soliciting nominees was distributed in September for consideration by the Task Force and will be presented at the July 2007 NSPE Meeting in Denver.
6.9Interest Groups Task Force – Racila reported that a review of existing Memorandums of Understandings (MOUs) do not prevent or prohibit NSPE from conducting technical continuing education programs in addition to professional continuing education programs. Racila noted that he anticipates that the NSPE Young Engineers Advisory Group will seek status as an NSPE Interest Group in the coming months.
6.10Leadership Development Task Force – Racila provided that the LDTF is working with the Continuing Education Task Force on a RFP for a continuing education training program. (Attach. 6.10)
6.11Licensure & Qualifications for Practice Committee – DeWit referred to the LQPC written report. He noted that the LQPC will have a conference call in November 2006 and a face-to-face meeting in Alexandria in January 2007. (Attach. 6.11)
6.12Mentoring Task Force – Martinez provided a report, including the Mentor of the Year program, tips for serving as a mentor, and presentations using the “Get Licensed/Get Ahead” program.
6.13Public Relations Advisory Group – DeWit noted that the Public Relations Advisory Group is working to assist staff in public relations identifying opportunities. He reported on the “What is a PE Campaign” pilot project in 5 states. He noted that a recommendation will be made at the end of this administrative year relating to the continuation of the program.
6.14Technology Resource Advisory Group – Racila reported that the Technology Resource Advisory Group is working with NSPE staff on the NSPE Web site redesign. (Attach. 6.14)
7GOAL 3 (Membership Growth)
7.1Membership Committee Report – Catania provided a presentation on current NSPE membership totals, MSPE membership recruitment, and other initiatives. She reported that the current NSPE membership as of September 27, 2006, is 48,685. That number does not include any NSPE membership drops. There are currently 4,914 members who are at risk and will be dropped as of November 30, 2006, and will then be subject to a reclamation effort. NSPE is currently anticipating a NSPE membership growth of 1%. Catania reported on the success of the NSPE Enterprise Membership program. Catania further reported that NSPE invoicing remains on schedule; telemarketing will begin in October with a single message; a new invoice has been developed which provides greater flexibility for renewals, voluntary contributions; and other issues. Catania noted that NSPE is a state-centric organization that requires strong input from the state societies. Catania challenged and urged all members of the NSPE Board of Directors to recruit new NSPE members and NSPE Enterprise Members. (Attach. 7.1)
7.2Student Programs Evaluation Task Force – Rigsbee indicated that there was no report.
7.3Young Engineers Advisory Council – Martinez expressed support for the assistance from Kim Granados for the YEAC. Martinez noted that she is working with NSPE staff regarding more exposure for Young Engineers in PE Magazine and on the NSPE Web site. Detloff noted that SSEC could be helpful in assisting the YEAC in making progress toward its goals and objectives. (Also see Item 11.8 below)
8.1Treasurer’s Report – Devick provided the NSPE Treasurer’s Report, including the final results, year-to-date operating results, and dues challenges. Devick noted that NSPE had an accrual surplus of 78,562 and a slight cash basis deficit, which were in line with projections. For fiscal year 2005-2006, NSPE revenue was down but expenses were also down. NSPE’s audit report is nearing completion and will be available in January 2007. There have been significant savings in both staff and direct expenses. At the same time, there have been shortfalls in both dues and non-dues revenues. It was noted that the July 2006 NSPE Annual Meeting revenue and expenses have not yet been fully reported. Devick reported on the status of credit card, advertising, continuing education, and other revenue sources. He also noted that recent national, state, and chapter dues collection is up, which is related to the delay in the dues invoicing during the last fiscal year. Devick noted that in the future, the NSPE Educational Foundation will be included as a part of his future report. (Attach. 8.1)
8.2AMS Report– A. Gray reported on the status of the NSPE AMS. He highlighted the six priorities, including invoicing, drop process, monthly credit card debiting program, NetForum upgrade, data cleansing, and new invoice design. (Attach. 8.2)
8.3Revision to NSPE OP-27 (Liability of NSPE Officers, Directors, Committee, Task Force and Board Members and Staff) – Schwartz reported on the need to revise NSPE OP-27 to include reference to the members of the NSPE House of Delegates. (Attach. 8.3)
06-068 It was moved and seconded that the NSPE Board of Directors approve the revision to NSPE OP-27 with the addition of the word “National” before the word “Society” in the last sentence. CARRIED.
8.4OP-XX – Authority and Confidentiality Within NSPE Committees and Task Forces – Schwartz reported that as a result of issues and questions that have arisen in recent months relating to the authority of NSPE committees/task forces and Interest Groups in connection with NSPE policies, a draft OP has been proposed. (Attach. 8.4)
06-069It was moved and seconded that the NSPE Board of Directors approve the proposed OP-XX with the following changes:
- Add the words “Interest Groups/Advisory Groups” after the words “Committees/Task Forces” throughout the proposed OP;
- Change “NSPE” in the first sentence to “National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE)”;
- Add after the words “policy and procedures” in the second paragraph the following words appear “to any individual organization outside of NSPE and/or its state societies and associated groups”; and,
- Replace in the second bullet after the words “express a view” delete “to and external organization” and add the following “to any individual organization outside of NSPE and/or its state societies and associated groups” . CARRIED.
8.5Budget Committee – Devick provided a report on plans for the NSPE Budget Committee later in the administrative year.
8.6Bylaws Task Force – There was no Bylaws Task Force report.
8.7Finance Committee – Devick provided a report of the NSPE Finance Committee
8.8Policy Review Task Force – DeWit reported on work and priorities of the NSPE Policy Review Task Force for the current administrative year.
9EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT. A. Gray provided an NSPE Executive Director’s report, including a discussion of NSPE staff organization, status in hiring a new NSPE Senior Director for Strategic Planning and Component Relations, aligning more closely the IT and membership functions, analysis of the all-member survey, Web site redesign, and other issues. (Attach. 9)
10EXECUTIVE SESSION. An Executive Session was held.
11.1State & Chapter Activities Report – There was no report.
11.2North Central Region – Austin referred to his written report and provided the North Central Region report.
11.3Northeast Region – Isett referred to his written report and reported on the upcoming Northeast Region meeting in Saratoga (NY), New York licensure/CPC issues, and AMS issues. (Attach. 11.3)
11.4Southeast Region – Prime noted that the Southeast Region will not be having a regional meeting.
11.5Southwest Region – Wittliff noted that the Southwest Region will continue to conduct a regional meeting.
11.6Western and Pacific Region
11.6.1Western and Pacific Region Operating Procedures. Hardy reported that the Western and Pacific Region will have a regional meeting later this year, probably in Las Vegas, NV. Comments have been concerned relating to the AMS, the role of the members of the House of Delegates, and other issues. (Attach. 11.6.1)
06-070It was moved and seconded that the WP Region Operating Procedures be approved. CARRIED.
11.7Central Region – Panduren requested that NSPE continue to explore the “e-room” concept as a method of society and member communications. Panduren also reported on assistance Michigan received from NSPE Government Relations staff on legislative activities. (Attach. 11.7)
11.8Young Engineer Advisory Council Board Representative – Martinez provided a report on the YEAC. (Attach. 11.8)
11.9SSEC President – Detloff referred to her written report. (Attach. 11.9)
12.1Practice Division Reports
12.2Professional Engineers in Construction (PEC) – Parisi and deWit referred to the written report. (Attach. 12.2)
12.3Professional Engineers in Higher Education (PEHE) – Parisi referred to the written report. (Attach. 12.3)
12.4Professional Engineers in Government (PEG) – Parisi referred to the written report. (Attach. 12.4)
12.5Professional Engineers in Industry (PEI) – Parisi referred to the written report. (Attach. 12.5)
12.6Professional Engineers in Private Practice (PEPP) – Parisi referred to the written report. (Attach. 12.6)
12.7NICET Observer Report – Parisi referred to the written report. Clark noted that the NICET Board of Governors will be meeting in conjunction with the NSPE Southwest Regional Meeting. (Attach. 12.7)
13PRESIDENT’S REPORT. Update on Presidential Activities – Miller reported that he has asked the NSPE Bylaws Task Force to review the Bylaws to provide suggest language to allow the NSPE President-Elect-Elect to have a vote on the NSPE Board of Directors and the NSPE Executive Committee. Miller noted that he is reviewing potential consultants as candidates to assist NSPE and the state societies in addressing the state-national partnership. (Attach. 13)
14PRESIDENT-ELECT REPORT. Berson referred to his written report, including assistance to state societies. (Attach. 14)
06-071It was moved and seconded that NSPE support the NCEES Practice of Engineering Education Award by providing financial participation through year one and two by providing 20% of the actual dedicated expense up to a maximum of $5,000 per year. CARRIED.
15PRESIDENT-ELECT ELECT’S REPORT. Rigsbee provided a report on his President-Elect Elect activities. (Attach. 15)