Frida Kahlo Paintings Featured in "The Life and Times of Frida Kahlo"

Painting / Date / Location
Accident Sketch / 1926 / unknown
Time Flies / 1929 / unknown
Self-Portrait (pink background, blue blouse) / 1930 / Collection of Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City
Frida and Diego Rivera (The Wedding Portrait) / 1931 / San FranciscoMuseum of Modern Art, San Francisco
HenryFordHospital / 1932 / Collection of Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City
Miscarriage Lithograph / 1932 / unknown
My Birth / 1932 / Collection of Madonna
Self-Portrait on the Borderline Between Mexico and the United States / 1932 / Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Reyero, New York City
A Few Small Nips / 1935 / Collection of Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City
Self-Portrait with Curly Hair / 1935 / unknown
My Grandparents, Parents and Me / 1936 / Museum of ModernArt, New York City
Me and My Doll / 1937 / Gelman Collection, Mexico City
Memory / 1937 / Collection of Michel Petitjean, Paris
My Nurse and Me / 1937 / Collection of Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City
Self-Portrait Dedicated to Leon Trotsky, Behind the Curtains / 1937 / NationalMuseum of Women in the Arts, Washington, D.C.
Four Inhabitants of Mexico / 1938 / unknown
Frame / 1938 / unknown
Fruits of the Earth / 1938 / Collection of Banco Nacional de Mexico
Girl with Death Mask / 1938 / unknown
Pitahayas / 1938 / unknown
Tunas / 1938 / unknown
What the Water Gave Me / 1938 / Isadore Ducasse Fine Arts, New York City
Earth Itself / 1939 / Collection of Dolores del Rio, Mexico City
The Suicide of Dorothy Hale / 1939 / PhoenixArt Museum, Phoenix
The Two Fridas / 1939 / Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City
The Dream / 1940 / Collection of Selma and Nesuhi Ertegun, New York City
Self-Portrait Dedicated to Dr. Eloesser / 1940 / Collection of the Estate of Dr. Leo Eloesser
Self-Portrait with Cropped Hair / 1940 / Museum of ModernArt, New York City
Self-Portrait with Monkey / 1938 / Collection of the Albright-KnoxArtGallery, New York
Wounded Table / 1940 / unknown
Self-Portrait with Bonito / 1941 / unknown
Roots / 1943 / Collection of Marilyn O. Lubetkin
Self-Portrait with Monkeys / 1943 / Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Jacques Gelman, Mexico City
The Broken Column / 1944 / Collection of Dolores Olmedo Foundation, Mexico City
Without Hope / 1945 / unknown
The Little Deer / 1946 / Collection of Mrs. Carolyn Farb, Houston
Self-Portrait with Loose Hair / 1947 / private collection
Diego and I / 1949 / Mary-Anne Martin/Fine Arts Collection, New York City
The Love Embrace of the Universe, the Earth (Mexico), Diego, Me and Senor Xolotl / 1949 / Collection of Jorge Contreras Chacel, Mexico City
Frida and Stalin / 1954 / unknown
Marxism Will Give Health to the Sick / 1954 / Frida Kahlo Museum, Mexico City
Viva la Vida / 1954 / Casa Azul, Coyoacan (Mexico)