Alison Harriman- 2013 end-product
Friction: When Images and Text Create Heat
Now that we have finished reading Colbert’s book, and all the groups have reported on the images included in each chapter, it is time for you to delve into the use of two images of your choice. You willwrite about two visuals that arouse strong emotions in you, such as anger, outrage, or disgust. Since visuals influence our beliefs about people, places, and events, in this essay, you will use the cause and effect rhetorical device to explore the calculated use of images to achieve a specific result by either specific visual artists, such as Rockwell, or companies, such as R.J. Reynolds in its Camels ads, or individuals, such as Colbert. What heat do these visuals create, why, and how well do they succeed?
This assignment will be the last short essay of the semester but it will count twice, so it will be worth a possible 40 points, instead of 20, and will be 2-3 pages long. This essay will be due on 4/17, and it should follow standard MLA format.You will need to use at least two outside sources of your choice in addition to Colbert, soyou will also attach a Works Cited on a separate sheet.
The objectives to focus on in this researched essay are analyzing why Colbert utilizes specific visuals, either iconic American images or newly created visuals, to cause friction by juxtaposing images and text to parody the idea of American ‘exceptionalism’. You will have to critically read not only the images, but the expected results created by the use of those images. This will require interpreting the visual artists’ choice of medium, purpose, and audience along with investigating the cultural significance associated with the images. You will also need to analyze the expected gains that Colbert hopes to achieve by using these images in the manner that he does. Are these gains economic, political, or ethical? This step will require you to critically think about the implications of employing image and text to present an argument.
To begin this essay, you will first need to peruse the Colbert text for two specific images that arouse strong emotions in you about the way creators of the visuals present a person, place, or event and/or the way in which Colbert utilizes the images.
This means that you will also have to evaluate why Colbert juxtaposes certain images and text.Choices in the artwork and the placement or use of the images are not random. How does Colbert create friction by imitating or mocking an original image? For instance, on page 21 Colbert places the well-known poster image of Rosie the Riveter near an older photographic image of a farm woman. In this chapter about jobs, what does the placement of a black and white photograph of an actual womanand an iconic painted image ofan imagined woman on the same page say about social attitudes toward working women in America? What is Colbert’s point of putting both on the same page? What ‘heat’ does he hope to create through his placement of these visuals and the added text under Rosie’s picture?
After you select two images, you will then need to research these visuals to understand their intended meanings by examining the social environment in which they were created. What values were promoted by visuals that have become iconic? What current fears or misconceptions do the newer visuals attempt to identify or capitalize on?Visual artists create a reality from their point of view, but viewers of these images must actively draw conclusions about their perception of the images based on their own life experiences and the cultural context associated with the image. Be sure to utilize recognized academic sources for your research.
You will also need to analyze the expected gains that Colbert hopes to achieve with images his editors create or what the original artist hoped to gain. Are these gains economic, political, or ethical? What agenda does the artist and/or Colbert intend to advance? Andrew Sullivan believes that political cartoons are ‘crude’ on purpose which makes them powerful. How do you feel about crude usage or alteration of images to promote someone’s agenda? Successful persuasive writing requires logic, ethos, and pathos. Which of the three elements weighs most heavily in parody? You should also consider whether Colbert and/or the original artist succeed in conveying their beliefs.
Finally, you should consider what the images say about American ‘exceptionalism’. This is where you should integrate your feelings about the effectiveness of the use of these images in conveying how America is ‘special’.
Your success in this essay will depend on the uniqueness of the insight you propose about your selected images in a strongly stated thesis and how well you support that thesis with carefully crafted topic sentences and researched evidence. The support for your argument should integrate your opinions with academic sources and utilize logic, ethos, and pathos to present an interesting essay. Remember to follow all the writing conventions that we have worked on so far this semester and to adhere to all MLA formatting rules.
Good luck!