Vermont Bar Association
Board of Managers Meeting
June 12, 2015
Vermont Law School,S. Royalton, VT

Present: Gavin Boyles, Jennifer Emens-Butler, David Clinton Carter, DavidFenster, Lauri Fisher, Gary Franklin, Devon Green, Michael Kennedy, Elizabeth Kruska, Daniel Maguire, Beth Novotny, Grace Pazdan, Daniel P. Richardson, Edward J. Tyler, Thomas Valente, Matthew Valerio

Staff: Mary Ashcroft, Bob Paolini, and Kevin Ryan

Guests: Margaret Barry, Hon. Thomas Durkin, Marc Mihaly

  1. Call to Order: President Dan Richardson called the meeting to order at 9:10 AM.
  1. Action
  2. Enrollments - A motion was made and seconded to accept the following persons as members of the Vermont Bar Association: Attorney Members:Ruth Chapman, Jennifer Faillace, Michael Hill, Kenneth Rumelt, Caitlin Stanton; Associate Members: Kenneth Bartholomew, Esq., Daniel S. Bretzius, Esq., Jacquelyn Carlomagno, Patricia Harris, Esq., Laurie T. Izutsu, Esq., Sophie Kaye, Michael J. Leddy, Esq., Mark McDermott, Esq., Avi Springer, Esq., Alison Wells, Esq., Paolo Wieser, Esq. The motion passed unanimously.
  3. VBF Recommendation – The Vermont Bar Foundation recommends that an opt-out provision be added to the licensing statement in the amount of $50 to support the Foundation. It was moved and seconded to adopt this recommendation. The idea came from ALPS’ Chris Newbold at the meeting held last year to explore new ways to increase donations to the Foundation. Dan Richardson and Mary Ashcroft explained the argument in favor of this approach and Mary answered a number of questions posed by Board members. Three concerns were raised: (1) that the opt-out not negatively affect the current fundraising campaign; (2) that it not affect the Court’s funding of Foundation activities; and (3) whether $50 was the optimal amount or whether it could be higher. After further discussion, the motion was passed unanimously, with the request that the three concerns above be mentioned to the VBF.
  4. Judicial seat – Judge Durkin asked to be accepted once again on the Board of Managers in the “judicial” seat. It was moved and seconded to do so and the motion passed unanimously.
  1. Discussion
  2. Vacant seat – Dan Richardson reported that Andy Mikell has resigned his seat on the Board due to the press of business. Dan recommended that the seat be left vacant until a special election can be held at the Annual Meeting to fill the seat for the remainder of Mikell’s term. He suggested that the interest in the seat could be solicited and that at its July meeting, the Board could develop a slate of nominees for the September election. There was general agreement with this approach.
  3. YLD Thaw – Grace Pazdan reported that the YLD Board has reached an agreement with author and illustrator David Macaulay to speak at the Thaw in January.

There being no further Old or New Business, it was moved, seconded, and passed that the meeting adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 10:40 AM.

Executive Session – At the close of the retreat activities, the Board came back into session and went into executive session at2:45. The executive session ended at 3:30pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kevin F. Ryan

Vermont Bar Association