
Monday, March 5, 2018

Bell 5

Freshmen Assembly (Cafeteria)

Sophomore Assembly (Cafeteria)

Junior Course Selection (Annex)

Senior Panoramic Photo (Gym)

Spring Sports Begin

Activities and Events


Chess club will meet on Wednesday after school in the library.


The deadline to register for theApril 14thACT isthis Friday March 9th.


ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS--- The annual Junior Class Mass with the Blessing of Rings will be celebrated on April 5that 7:30PM at St. Martin of Tours Church,5450 Roosevelt Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19124. Further information and details will be emailed to parents/guardians. Ring balances are due by March 12thto JOSTENS.If you should have any questions regarding ring payment, please contact JOSTENS at1-800-567-8367.


The club will meet tomorrow after school in room 2.


SADD will have a general membership meeting this Thursday. We will be in room 17 after 8th. This is a MANDATORY meeting for anyone WO wants to participate in the SADD rally. New members are always welcome.


The annualSpeakUp! event this year will be heldat RomanonTuesday, March 6th, 2018 at 6:00PM. This is an excellent opportunity to engage in conversation about various topics that affect you today. Please preregister today at search for Roman's event. There will be some community service hours offered. JOIN US and let YOUR Voice beheard! If you have any questions, please see Mr. McAndrew.


Anyone interested in marching in this year's St. Patrick's Day Parade should attend the AOH meeting thisTuesday March 6th, immediately following 8th period in room 38. You do not have to be a member of AOH to march in the parade this year. All students, faculty, and staff are welcome to attend. Permission forms are also available in the Student Affairs Office.


Anyone that wants to play tennis for Roman this season should report to a brief meeting today in Room 61 after 8th period with Mr. Shanahan. This is not a workout, just a meeting.Tomorrow, bring your shorts and sneakers for an indoor workout. All are welcome.


Our Winter Sports Awards Assembly/Reception will take place at RCHS onMonday, March 19th. Admission is $10 per person. The Awards Assembly will begin in the gym at6:30 PMand will honor Freshman, JV, and Varsity teams from our Winter Sports. MVP, Coaches Awards, and All Catholic honors will also be presented.The Awards Assembly will be followed by a reception. Tickets are on sale in the Financial Affairs Office before and after school (beginning today) and need to be purchased no later than the end of the school day onThursday, March 15th.NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR. Student dress code for this event is the Winter uniform.


After an extremely long weekend...the dust settles and Mike Leyland placed 3rd at 285 lbs. in the Northeast AAARegional tournament and qualifies again for the State tournament in Hershey. Malcolm Hunt also placed 6th at 182 lbs. Roman placed 16 out of over 40 teams. (highest placing team from District 12)


Ms. Berrios’ 1stperiod to the café, 4thperiod to the library, 5thand 8thperiod to the gym, 6thperiod to the class

Ms. High’s 1stand 2ndperiod to the café, 4thperiod to the library, 5thand 8thperiod to the gym

Mr. Lyons’s 8thperiod to the library, all others to the class

Ms. Keenan’s 1stperiod to the café, 3rd, 6thand 8thperiod to the library, 4thperiod to the gym

Mr. Flannery’s 1stand 2ndperiod to the café, 4thperiod to the gym, 6thand 8thperiod to the library

Dr. Kim’s 1stperiod to the café, 4thand 8thperiod to the gym, 6thperiod to the library

Dr. Bell’s 1stand 2ndperiod to Room 49, 4th, 5thand 6thperiod to Room 65


March 6, 2018

Bell 1

OCE Visit

Academic Council Meeting

Bake Sale