Freshman Fitness 2017-2018
Course Description
Freshman Fitness will focus on the importance of physical activity to overall health of the students. Cardiorespiratory fitness, Core training, Agility, Flexibility and concepts related will be the main areas of emphasis. Students will be assessed in these areas throughout the semester in order to observe and document progress. Other activities will be incorporated into the class to enhance enjoyment of physical activity as well as to help increase fitness levels of the students. Lessons will be designed to provide the most optimal opportunities for overall fitness and participation for students.
Students will be expected to show proper respect for classmates and teachers in word and deed.
Students are expected to be on time for class. Tardies to class will result in a deduction in daily points.
Students are expected to be respectful of equipment and school property.
Students are expected to participate and work hard in activities that are assigned daily.
Students will be held accountable for their own learning and progress for the lesson/activity.
Students should be dressed out for class by meeting the appropriate attire guidelines expected in the Health Enhancement department at Park High School, unless otherwise instructed to do so by the teacher.
Attendance will be taken two minutes after the passing bell rings for class to begin. Students should be in the GYMNASIUM in order to be considered on time for class. Students still in the locker rooms or not in the gymnasium when attendance is taken are considered TARDY.
Students will be given ten minutes at the end of class to shower and/or change for their next class. (Showering is not required but is recommended. Towels are provided by the school).
Students should stay in the gym until the bell rings at the end of class.
Clothes and other supplies for class
Shorts or sweats should be properly fitting. Shorts should be pulled up on the waist with NO undergarments showing. They should also be long enough so that a sense of decency is displayed at all times. (Check out the dress code in the student handbook).
Shirt – Each student that takes a class in the Health Enhancement Department at Park High School is expected to wear the shirt that is issued to him/her at the beginning of the semester. Each student is expected to provide a $10 fee for a shirt to wear for the class. This shirt will be appropriate for any other class taken in the gym at Park High school as long as the student attends Park High school. Failure to wear the shirt issued to the student (with their own name on it), will result in a deduction of daily points on the student’s grade. Replacement shirts will cost the student an additional $10.
Gym Shoes should be clean and non-marking soles that are designed for indoor use, if possible. Shoes should be tied during class for safety reasons.
Optional Items include a hoodie (it’s cold in the gym), deodorant, body wash or soap for a shower, shampoo, etc. NO GLASS BOTTLES ALLOWED IN THE LOCKER ROOMS.
Students receive 5 points per day for a dailyPARTICIPATION grade. This grade is based on effort and participation levels according to the expectation of the teacher for the activity. Points will be deducted for any of the following: Failure to follow the dress code for the class, being tardy to class, talking or disrupting while the teacher is teaching or talking, lack of effort, poor sportsmanship, any behavior issue.
Students may also be graded on certain types of physical fitness tests.
Students will also be responsible for learning vocabulary terms or concepts that are taught and reinforced in class, and could be assessed by written quizzes periodically throughout the semester.
A final exam will be given at the end of the semester. This exam could be a culmination of a physical expectation and a written expectation.
The semester grade is a combination of the two quarter grades averaged together and a final exam during final exam week. Each Quarter is 40% and the final exam is 20%. A standard percentage grading scale is used.
Excused from Participation
If a student needs to be excused from participation, a note from a parent will cover a student for that day only. Notes exceeding three CONSECUTIVE days or more will require a doctor’s note. In order for a student to receive daily points while sitting out of participation with any type of note, there will be an alternative assignment given. If a student chooses to sit out of participation without a note, loss of all daily points will be the result for each day the student is sitting out.
Extended excused participation will be referred to the administration for a decision about credit for the course.
Contact Information: PHS Phone (406)222-0448