Commercial Co-location Footprint Miscellaneous
Request Form (ASF-167)
Please submit this Request via Ordering Interface. If unavailable, please submit via email to
Chorus Co-location Team to CompleteOrder Number
This Section is for the Client to Complete
- Complete this form to order new or additional footprint/space within an exchange
- *denotes mandatory fields. Enter N/A when not applicable.
Name of Client* / Preferred ChorusBuild Handover Date
Client Contact* (Name/Number)
Name of Exchange*
Product type
Select the desired product
Central Office and POI Co-location Exchange Space Open Duct
1. Footprints Requirements
Select the desired footprint size
600mm wide x 400mm deep with a height between 1,900mm and 2,500mm
600mm wide x 500mm deep with a height between 1,900mm and 2,500mm
Custom size – mm wide x mm deep with a height between 1,900mm and 2,500mm
Square Metres required – (Please detail specifics)
Quantity Required*
Maximum Heights of Equipment Racks to be Installed*
Maximum Weights of Racks when Fully Equipped*
Specify Footprint IDs of any existing footprints*
Preferred Footprint Arrangement (if more than 1 footprint is required)
- e.g. adjacent to existing, back to back, side by side
- Attach detailed plan of footprint arrangement required
Specify Any Other Footprint Requirements
2. List of Equipment to be Installed in Footprints (fill in all fields)
Make and Model of each Unit * / Intended Function * / Footprint (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) *
3. Intra-Exchange Tie Cable: Copper Cables to HDP on MDF Requirement
1st Footprint / 2nd Footprint / 3rd Footprint / 4th Footprint
Number of Tie Cables per
Footprint *
Number of Pairs per Tie Cable used in Footprint *
(See Notes)
Chorus to Supply Tie Cables *(Y/N)
If Client Supplied: Provide Expected Delivery Date*
Chorus will supply delivery address in Build Specification
Specify Any Other Requirements
- cable layout configuration (note 3,4)
- MDF Block preferred size/type (if available)
- Number of pairs per Tie Cable determines the optimum size of HDP block to be provided by Chorus
- Client Tie Cables must meet the specification ASD-002 Chorus Tie Cable Specification
- Unless otherwise specified, cable distance will include length to the bottom of the client footprint.
- If known, specify rack side for cable to be delivered to
- Excess cable to be retained within Customer’s Footprint
4. Intra-Exchange Tie Cable:Inter-Footprint Connections
Complete this section to specify tie cabling between footprints within the same exchange
Specify Footprints to be Interconnected *
(1st – 2nd, 2nd – 3rd etc.)
If to any existing footprints specify Footprint IDs:
- Footprint ID of UCLL Co-location,
- Footprint ID of Ancillary Backhaul Equipment,
- Footprint ID of POP, or
- Footprint ID of Aggregation Node
- Footprint of other (Service End Point)
Confirmation of Inter-connection Authority1 / Provide Reference or ‘N/A’ (see note 1)
Chorus to Supply Tie Cables *(Y/N)
If Client Supplied: Provide Expected Delivery Date*
(Chorus will supply delivery address in Build Specification)
Specify Quantity, Type and Specof Tie Cables required for eachFootprint Interconnection *
(See Note 5)
Specify Any Other Requirements
- Client must provide confirmation of approval from any other Service Provider for inter-connect to Ancillary Backhaul, existing Points of Presence or Aggregation Nodes within the same exchange
- Chorus will supply all optical interconnections (incl. fibre patch cords(pigtails) and connectors) between Internal Footprints through its exchange fibre distribution systems (IOFDFs, MOFDFs) unless otherwise requested and at Chorus’ own discretion (as per note 3)
- Clients may provide their own fibre patch cords (pigtails) if so desired. Please indicate
- Client Tie Cables must meet the specification ASD-002 ChorusTie Cable Specification
- Specify: Type Copper/Fibre, Simplex/Duplex, Cable to terminate on fibre jumper/connector, Multimode (OM3)/Singlemode, ST / SC / LC /Other cable, Length of tail to be left at termination point.
5. Co-Location Backhaul Tie Cable Requirements
Complete this section to specify tie cabling for backhaul requirements from footprints to a Clients external backhaul service delivery point(s) via the Exchange manhole
Is backhaul service being provided by Chorus(Y/N) *
(IncludeOO&T Order Number if known)
If backhaul service is being provided by Chorusdo not complete the rest of this section
For Tie Cables to an External Delivery Point requiring entry via the Exchange Manhole specify:
Name and Contact Number of Agent:*
Specify Co-location Footprint ID for Backhaul Tie Cables to be terminated*
Chorus to Supply Tie Cables *(Y/N)
If Client Supplied: Provide Expected Delivery Date*
(Chorus will supply delivery address in Build Specification)
Select Appropriate Configuration* / A. Client Agent to drop cable coil in Exchange Manhole□
B. Chorus to drop cable coil in Exchange Manhole□
Quantity and Type of cable* / Please attach a civils and cabling design to this Order specifying:
-Exchange Manhole Number (s) to be entered
-Client duct entry design detail
-Cable hauling plan to Clients network
Please specify within civils and cabling design:
-Quantity, type, and specification of tie cables to be installed
-Length of tie cable tails to be left in Exchange Manhole to enable haul and jointing to Clients network
-Length of tie cable tails to be left at Footprint
Any exchange detail required for the preparation of this design can be obtained by requesting a Full Site Audit. Use Co-location Order Request Type:Detailed Site Audit and submit through OO&T.
Specify Any Other Requirements
- Clienttie cables must meet the specification ASD-002 Chorus Tie Cable Specification
- For connection to the Clients Network to an External Delivery Point tie cable entry will be via the Exchange Manhole unless otherwise requested and at Chorus’ descretion
6.Power Requirements (-48VDC)
DC Power (-48VDC)
1st Footprint / 2nd Footprint / 3rd Footprint / 4th Footprint
Fuse/breaker Ratings
(select 6A, 10A, 16A, 20A, 25A, 32A, 40A, 48A, 50A, 63A)
Single or Dual Feed Required
AC Inverter Requirements (wattage)
AC Power Requirements
UPS Protection (Yes or No):
1st Footprint / 2nd Footprint / 3rd Footprint / 4th Footprint
Amp Circuit Breaker, or
(select 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Kilowatt Requirement
Notes (specify any other power requirements):
7. Open Duct Access Requirements
Description / Customer Requirements / Additional Comments
Type of Duct required / Feeder Duct
Distribution Duct
If a feeder duct is required then please advise the Exchange Location
- Exchange Code
Man Hole Locations (or Chorus Pit)
- Street Address A
- Street Address B
Required duct dimensions
e.g. 50mm, 75mm or 100mm
Approx. length of ductspan required
Comment on other issues
8. Other General Requirements or Information
15 Feb, 2012ConfidentialPage 1
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