Name: ______
Fresh Water Tic-Tac-Toe
1. Pollution in Your HometownLook at page C55 in your textbook at the different sources of pollution. Your task is to write two paragraphs answering the following questions:
1) Thinking about your drive to and from school, when do you encounter or observe these different types of pollution?
2) Pick one of the sources of pollution – what could YOU do as a citizen of Statesville to fix it? / 2.Teach the Public!
Many states across the US are experiencing a drought. Using pages C60-66 for help, come up with a creative way to educate the public on the following topics:
a) Causes of water shortages
b) Why do we need to conserve?
c) How can we conserve water?
Some options include: powerpoint, poster, prezi, speech, letter, etc. / 3. Flowchart
Using pages C52-54 in your textbook, create 3 flowcharts comparing the processes of water treatment, wastewater treatment and septic systems. How are these processes alike and different?
Your flowcharts need to be neat and colored and completed on poster board.
4. Map Investigation
Select a river basin in North Carolina from the map in our classroom to research. For your river basin, locate:
1) Any major cities
2) Any bodies of water (lakes, rivers, streams)
3) Where your river basin ends and begins
Creatively display this information to share with your classmates. / 5.Create your own test for our Hydrology Unit using your notes, vocabulary and only what we’ve covered in section C of our textbook.
Your test needs to include:
- 5 Multiple Choice (4 answer choices)
- 5 True/False Questions
- 5 Short Answer Questions
An answer key MUST be attached / 6. Written Response
Think about the 7 Habits and what it means to “Be Proactive.” Write two full paragraphs (5 sentences each) to answer the following questions:
1) How can this habit relate to water conservation/saving water?
2) How can you, as a student, be “Proactive” instead of “Reactive” in the fight to conserve water?
- Draw a Diagram
1) Man-made well
2) Spring
3) Artesian well
4) Aquifer
5) Aquitard
6) Groundwater
7) Estuary
Use page C29 for help. Your diagram needs to be colored and each piece needs to be labeled. / 8. Point vs. Nonpoint Source Chart
Use the illustration on pg. C55 of your book to create a 3-column chart.
1stColumn: Source of Pollution
2nd Column: Is this point or non-point source pollution?
3rd Column: How could you prevent this type of pollution? (Use pg. C56)
*** 3rd column needs to be written in full sentences! *** / 9.Cause and Effect Storyboard
Eutrophication is a process that can eventually lead to dramatic changes in aquatic ecosystems. Using pg. C20 in your textbook and any additional web sources, create a picture representation (story board) that shows both the causes and effects of eutrophication.
Your storyboard be colored, titled, and on paper that is NOT lined.
Planning Ahead:
I will complete assignment ______by this date: ______
I will complete assignment ______by this date: ______
I will complete assignment ______by this date: ______