Pear Bureau Northwest provides the following copy points for different opportunities and needs. Please use these points or contact for assistance with content.
Fresh Pears (36 words)
Fresh, sweet, and juicy USA Pears are a PEAR-fect choice as a snack or as part of any course of any meal of the day. Visit our booth for recipes, nutrition information, and healthy insPEARation!
USA Pears and Snacking (14 words)
Ripe, juicy USA Pears are perfect for wholesome, simple snacking. For insPEARation, visit
Pear nutrition (64 words)
Nutritious and delicious USA Pears from Oregon and Washington are a versatile choice for healthy snacking or for inclusion in any meal of the day. Pears are nutrient dense--they are high in fiber, a good source of vitamin C and provide the important mineral potassium, all for about 100 calories per average sized pear. For more information visit
Pear nutrition (50 words)
Fresh, sweet and juicy USA Pears grown in Washington and Oregon are a deliciously versatile choice for your color-filled daily servings of fruit and are available nearly year-round. They are loaded with fiber (24% DV/serving), vitamin C (10% DV/serving), potassium (4% DV/serving) and contain no cholesterol, sodium or fat.
USA Pears (40 words)
USA Pears, grown in Washington and Oregon, represent 84% of the nation’s fresh pear crop. With 10 varieties and nearly year-long availability, USA Pears are a fresh and nutritious choice from Fall to Summer. has recipes, info and more.
USA Pears ( 124 words)
Fresh, sweet, and juicy pears are among the most popular fruits in the world, and for good reason. Besides great taste and versatility, they offer amazing nutritional benefits.
The U.S. is the third largest pear producing country in the world, and the pastoral orchards of Washington and Oregon allow pears to flourish to perfection. Moisture from meandering rivers and glacial snowmelt feeds nutrient-rich volcanic soil to make the perfect foundation to nourish pear trees.
USA Pears come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes, making them an appealing choice for any meal or snack. Whether eaten fresh out of hand or sliced into sandwiches and salads, poached for dessert or whirled into smoothies, fresh pears pair well with dishes both savory and sweet.
USA Pears and Foodservice (42 words)
Fresh, sweet, and juicy USA Pears grown in Washington and Oregon represent 84% of the nation’s fresh pear crop. With 10 varieties and nearly year-long availability, USA Pears are a versatile choice for all parts of the menu from Fall to Summer.
USA Pears and Foodservice (58 words)
Fresh, sweet, and juicy USA Pears grown in Washington and Oregon represent 84% of the nation’s fresh pear crop. With 10 varieties and nearly year-long availability, USA Pears are a versatile choice for any course of any meal of the day. Call on us to learn how to ripen pears to perfection and find insPEARation for your menu!
School Foodservice (82 words)
The growers of USA Pears are committed to helping school foodservice professionals become pear pros. USA Pears are in season nearly year-round, so this sweet and juicy fruit can be served throughout the entire school year! Visit our booth and to pick up our official School Foodservice Kit, learn about the 10 different varieties of pears, get ins-PEAR-ation for your salad bar, pear ripening tips, recipes that appeal to students all ages, and cup measurements for pears of all shapes and sizes.
About the Pear Bureau Northwest
43 words
The Pear Bureau Northwest is a non-profit marketing organization established in 1931 to promote the fresh USA Pears grown in Washington and Oregon. The Bureau represents 1,600 growers and develops national and international markets for Northwest pear distribution. For more information, visit
24 words (general)
The Pear Bureau Northwest is a non-profit marketing organization that develops national and international markets for fresh USA Pears grown in Washington and Oregon.
40 words (general)
The Pear Bureau Northwest represents the USA Pear industry of Washington and Oregon on behalf of 1,600 growers. The Bureau develops and supports domestic and international markets for distributing fresh and juicy Northwest pears via retail programs, consumer information and more.
43 words (nutrition focused)
Sweet, juicy and healthy USA Pears grown in Washington and Oregon are loaded with fiber (24% DV/serving), vitamin C (10% DV/serving), potassium (4% DV/serving), and more. The Pear Bureau Northwest (a non-profit) supports USA Pear programs via promotions, websites, consumer information and nutrition research.
153 words history and nutrition focus
153 words
The Pear Bureau Northwest was established in 1931 as a nonprofit marketing organization to promote the fresh pears grown in Oregon and Washington.
Today, the United States is the third largest pear-producing country in the world, and Oregon and Washington comprise the nation's largest pear growing region with 1,600 growers producing 84% of all fresh pears grown in the United States. Pears grown in these two Pacific Northwest states are distributed under the “USA Pears” brand.
Pears are an excellent source of fiber (24% DV) and a good source of vitamin C (10% DV) for only 100 calories per medium sized pear. Sweet and juicy with no fat, no sodium, and no cholesterol, pears are a perfect choice for a snack as well as for any course of any meal of the day.
To find mouthwatering recipes, comprehensive nutrition information, and to learn how to tell when a pear is ripe, visit