Profesora Núñez

Spanish 1 and 3 honors


Phone: 714-986-7500 ext. 14332

Frequently Asked Questions: Spanish 1 & 3 Honors

1.  What is the best way to contact you?


Phone: 714-986-7500, extension #14332

2.  What is your grading policy?

·  Assessments: 60% (Tests, quizzes, oral presentations/activities, projects)

·  Participation: 25% (class work/activities, behavior, effort, preparedness, culture, speaking Spanish, etc...)

·  Homework: 15%

*Spanish 3 honors is conducted mostly in Spanish using English only for grammar and some

Cultural notes. Students are expected and required to use Spanish in class at all times. It is

25% of their grade and the only way they can improve and be more comfortable speaking and

Communicating in Spanish*

3.  How often do you assign homework?

I assign homework Monday – Thursday and occasionally on Fridays. They are required to study their notes and vocabulary daily (Conjuguemos and Quizlet). Homework is posted online ( daily and texted via remind as well.

4. What is your homework policy?

The homework is usually practice of what we learn in class that day. Homework needs to be complete and effort needs to be shown in order to receive full credit (4 points). Homework needs to be turned in on time, late work is only accepted one day after its due date and it receives half credit (2 points). If turned in after that, the student must complete it during lunch under my supervision and credit will be determined by me. Students are expected to correct all their work, in order to assess their own learning. Students receive participation points for correcting their work.

5. What is your late policy on projects?

Projects turned in late, lose one letter grade per day.

6. How often do you assess the students?

I assess student learning everyday through the activities we do in class daily our “boleto de entrada y de salida” (ticket in/out the door). Formal assessments like quizzes and exams are given on a weekly basis. The quizzes and exams are very similar to the activities and homework we practice, we also complete pre-quizzes/study-guides in class.

7. How often do you update Aries?

I usually update Aries daily, there will be weeks were I might do it weekly.

·  Homework points and participation points go in daily.

·  Formal and informal assessments are updated within a week of the date given.

8. Do you offer extra credit?

I do offer extra credit. The extra credit consists of online practice through conjuguemos every weekend and one cultural activity per month. The extra credit is offered because I do not round up their grades; it is also extra practice that is very helpful to them. If the student completes every extra credit opportunity offered, their grade at the end of the semester will increase by 2% max, if the student completes half of the extra credit offered, then their grade will only go up by 1%. Extra credit opportunities are posted online with the homework and the students also get a remind text message.

9. What materials are required in your class?

Spanish 1 / Spanish 3 Honors
·  Small binder with 3 dividers.
·  Small notebook for class work
·  Writing utensils
·  Index cards / ·  Binder or folder
·  Composition notebook
·  Writing utensils
·  Index cards

·  I collect binders and notebooks randomly. The students are required to keep their binders organized. This makes studying, class work, and classroom time more effective.

10. What happens if the student is absent?

Students are required to check the homework website for missed homework and classwork. They also need to check the absent folder for papers that were passed out. Students have as many days as they missed to turn in their absent work for full credit.

11. Do you offer tutoring?

Tutoring is offered every Monday and Wednesday during lunch in room #332. Other days and times are available upon request and appointment. I have a great group of tutors (chosen and trained by me) ready to help.

12. How can I help my son/daughter be successful in you class?

·  Check that homework is being completed. You can check my homework website: (homework pages, Núñez). Homework and participation points are updated daily on Aries.

·  Practice vocabulary cards with them. Have them study on conjuguemos daily.

·  Have them teach you or someone in your family what they are learning in class.

·  Have material in Spanish available to them (T.V., Telenovelas DVDs, music, magazines, books, etc…)

·  Have opportunities for them to practice the language.

It is extremely important that your son/daughter studies and practices at home daily (conjuguemos). In class, students are exposed to the language they are learning through activities that target Listening, Speaking, Writing and Reading skills in Spanish.

To get the most out of the practice and exposure they get in class, students are expected to, on their own, practice memorizing the vocabulary, study grammar notes, do homework and assess their own learning by correcting their work and asking questions or seeking help when needed.