ENGLISH 2413.010 and.011 Technical Writing
Fall 2009
Instructor: Maia Adamina, MA Course Credit: 3 hours
Email: Phone: 458-5348
Office Hours: TR 930-1030am and 330-430pm Office: HSS 4.02.62
The Tutor Room: HSS 2.02.22
Required Texts:
Technical Writing: Principles, Strategies, and Readings Diana C. Reep7th ed.
Course Description:
Technical Writing is writing designed for students in all fields of study –to include liberal arts majors. A technical background is not needed. The emphasis will be on the writing process with careful analysis of audience. The assignments will involve varying occasions for both technical and non-technical audiences although the latter is stressed. In the market place, the ability to communicate effectively gains positive recognition and rewards – as much or more than any other criterion. Therefore, it is imperative to sharpen these skills which are such a prized asset.
Attendanceis mandatory.More than fourunexcused absences will result in an “F” for the course regardless of work turned in. The only excused absences are those allowed by the University – religious holy days and university sponsored functions. A doctor’s appointment, funerals, and illnesses are unexcused however regrettable and necessary.
Late Assignmentswill be accepted only by the next class period and will automatically lose ten points. No daily in-class work may be made up.
Assignments will be typed
Readingswill be completed before class discussion. Always bring the book we will be discussing to class.
Additional Points please make use of my office hours and the WritingCenter for help with your work. I’m not a mind reader, so if you have questions or comments, please let me know. This syllabus is subject to change. Please check Blackboard for updates and/or changes. Also, please turn off all cell phones and put them away (not under the desk top or in an open purse or bag) for the duration of the class.
Course Requirements:
8 In-class writings (ICW) = 2.25% each (18%)
8 Individual Assignments (IA) = 5% each (40%)
3 Group Assignments (GA) = 4% (12%)
Oral Presentation and Proposal = 15%
Portfolio= 15%
Week 1 Introduction to Course
August 27 Discuss syllabus
Week 2 Writing on the Job, Collaboration and Ethics
September 1Discuss Chapter 1 (3-17); ICW1 (# 7 or 9)p.25
September 3 Discuss Chapter 2 (27-40) and (494); ICW2 (#1 or 2)p.45
Week 3Audience
September 8 Discuss Chapter 3 (48-63, 98) and (509-11)
September 10 Meet in Writing Center Computer Lab (HSS. 3.03.08) to work on IA1 (# 1)p. 73
Week 4Organization
September 15*IA1 Fact Sheet Due;Discuss Chapter 4 (75-92); ICW3 (#2) p.99.
Address p.122 for Bulletin format; IA2 (#1 or 3)p.99-100
September 17*IA2 Bulletin Due. Meet in classroom then begin GW1 (#5) p. 100.
Week 5 Revision and Letters, Memos, and E-Mail.
September 22*GW1 Due. Discuss Ch. 5 (102-18). ICW4 (#1) p. 123.
September 24 Discuss Chapter 14 (381-95 and 404-05). IA3(Blackboard prompt).
Week 6 Letters, Memos, and E-mail cont.
September 29*IA3 e-mail Due. Discuss (396-98, 403). IA4 (Blackboard Prompt).
Discuss (398-403).
October 1*IA4Memo Due. Meet in WritingCenter Computer Lab (HSS. 3.03.08) to
research IA5 (#2) p. 415
Week 7Document Design
October 6*IA5 Letter Due. Discuss Chapter 6 (125-38, 146-55); ICW5 (#1) p.159.
Bring blankpaper, a ruler, a compass, colored pencils and/or markers.
October 8 Meet in Writing Center Computer Lab (HSS. 3.03.08) to research for GW2
(#3) p.159-60
Week 8 Document Design continued and Definition and Description
October 13*Group Graphs Due. Discuss (139-45); ICW6 (#4) p.160.
October 15Discuss Chapter 8 (179-90); Discuss Chapter 9 (197-208); IA6(#7) p. 219
Week 9Instructions, Procedures, and Process Explanations
October 20*IA6 Description Fact Sheet Due. Discuss Chapter 10 (221-41); ICW7 (#4)
October 22 Meet in Writing Center Computer Lab (HSS. 3.03.08) to research IA7
(#8,9,10, or 11) pp. 254-55
Week 10
October 27*IA7Process Brochure DueDiscuss Chapter 13 (334-36, 358). ICW8 (#5 or
6) pp. 377-78
October 29 Discuss Chapter 13 (331-334, 353-356); IA8 (#2 or 3) p. 377
Week 11Types of Reports
November 3*IA8 Feasibility Report Due.Discuss Chapter 13 (336-40, 360-63)
November 5 Meet in classroom then begin GW#3 (#7) p. 378
Week 12Types of Reports Cont.
November 10 *GW3 Investigative Report DueDiscuss Chapter 13 (345-50, 370-76)
and draw proposal assignments
November 12 Discuss Chapter 16 (444-60 and 486-89) and determine oral presentation
Week 13 Presentations
November 17Conferences – groups meet in classroom
November 19Dry run for presentations to check tech. Come prepared!
Week 14
November 24Group Oral Presentations and Proposals (if not presenting, absence on
these days will result in a ten point deduction of your own presentation grade –
no excuses!)
November 26 –Off for Thanksgiving
Week 15
December 1Group Oral Presentations and Proposals (if not presenting, absence on
these days will result in a ten point deduction of your own presentation grade – no
December 3Group Oral Presentations and Proposals (if not presenting, absence on
these days will result in a ten point deduction of your own presentation grade – no
*Portfolios due no later than 1030amDecember 9 in my office for the 1230pm class and 1030 am December 10 for the 2pm class. The portfolio will consist of 8 revised selections of your best work from the class (include the original) and a resume.
Grade Sheet
In-class Assignments = 2.25% each (18%)
1. ____#7 or 9 p 256. _____ #4 p.160
2._____ #1 or 2 p. 457. _____ #4 p. 253
3. ____#2 p. 998. _____ #5 or 6 p. 77-78
4. _____#1 p.123
5. _____ #1 p. 159
Individual Assignments = 5% each (40%)
1 _____ #1 p. 73
2 _____ #1 or 3 p. 99
3 _____ Blackboard prompt
4 _____ Blackboard prompt
5 _____ #2 p. 415
6 _____ #7 p. 219
7 _____ #8, 9, 10, or 11 p. 254
8 ______#2 or 3 p. 377
Group Assignments = 4% each (12%)
1. _____ #5 p. 100
2 _____ #3 pp. 159-60
3 _____ #7 p. 378
Oral Presentation and Proposal =15% _____
Portfolio = 15% _____