First 20 Days of Reading: Suggested Lessons for Grades 1-2

Lesson Topics /
Reading Teaching Procedure: Day 1
/ Materials
Introducing Read to Self
Three Ways to Read Part 1
Reading and Talking about Pictures Reading Words
Read-to-Self Behaviors
Student/Teacher Anchor Chart / Whole Group Model/Mini-lesson:
·  Teacher explains that we have different ways to read: we can read pictures, we can read words. *“There are three ways to read and I am going to show you how to do two of them today. First I am going to read the pictures.”
·  Teacher demonstrates how to read pictures in a read aloud. Ask students to observe things the teacher does as it is modeled.
·  Continue through the story telling about the pictures. At the end of the reading say, “I just showed you one way to read and that is by reading the pictures. What did you notice about my reading habits?” Discuss what was seen.
·  Create an anchor chart of Three Ways to Read.
·  “Now I am going to show you another way to read, I am going to read the words." Teacher models how to read words in the same read aloud.
·  At the end of the story, remind the students that reading the words is another way to read and add, "Read the Words" to the chart of ways to read. Students discuss the differences between the two ways to read.
·  Teacher explains that when we read to ourselves, students and teachers have different jobs. Make an anchor chart that compares what students do during independent reading, and what teachers do. “During our reading block, we must be respectful of everyone. We read quietly and do not talk to others so we can all concentrate on our books.”
Shared Response:
·  Students will model how to correctly & incorrectly Read-to-Self. Have the student who models incorrect behaviors fix the behavior so it is now appropriate.
Guided and Independent Practice:
·  Allow students to get their book box. Direct students to specified reading places around the room.
·  Allow students to practice reading for 3 minutes to begin building reading stamina.
·  After 3 minutes bring students back to the meeting place to review behaviors. What was good, what needs more work? Refer to the anchor charts.
·  Repeat practice after a check-in, student model reading behaviors, and review.
Share/Reflect: Setting Agreements for Share Time
·  Review the Anchor Charts for Ways to Read and Student/Teacher Behaviors. Reflect on practice and discuss reading successes. / o  Large Chart Paper and Markers for Shared Response
o  Picture Book for Read Aloud
o  Book boxes or Student Reading Materials
o  Designated Gathering Spot and Designated Reading Spots
Lesson Topics
Reading Teaching Procedure: Day 2
/ Materials
Read to Self:
Three Ways to Read
Review Read and Talk about Pictures
Review Read Words
Add: Retelling a Familiar Text
Read-to-Self Behaviors
Review anchor chart / Whole Group Model/Mini-lesson:
·  Teacher reviews the two ways to read a book and models a third way- Retell a Familiar Text.
·  Teacher models the entire process using the previous day’s text.
·  Lead a discussion on how the three ways to read are similar and/or different from each other. Remind students that reading pictures is a critical strategy, especially if we are reading nonfiction, graphic novels, and some textbooks.
·  Revise and post charts in a place for all students to see.
·  Model reading the pictures and words with a non-fiction genre.
·  Discuss the differences in the two read alouds.
Shared Response:
·  Students will model how to correctly & incorrectly Read-to-Self.
Guided and Independent Practice:
·  Allow students to practice reading for 4 minutes to build reading stamina.
·  Repeat practice after a check-in, student model reading behaviors, and review.
·  Review the Anchor Chart and discuss reading successes. / o  Large Chart Paper and Markers for Shared Response
o  Picture Book for Read Aloud (from Previous Day)
o  Non-fiction book for Read Aloud
o  Book boxes or Student Reading Materials
o  Designated Gathering Spot and Designated Reading Spots
Lesson Topics
Reading Teaching Procedure: Day 3
/ Materials
Read to Self:
Three Ways to Read: Review
Read-to-Self Behaviors:
Review anchor chart
ADD: Community Behaviors and Where to Sit / Whole Group Model/Mini-lesson:
·  Review the anchor charts from Three Ways to Read and Behaviors.
·  Read aloud book of choice using the first two ways to read.
·  During our class share-time, we need to be considerate of several things:
Whether we bring our materials to the gathering area or not.
We have a special place in our classroom where we store our reading materials. Teacher and students make agreements about how and where materials will be stored and respected.
Being respectful of others with our bodies as well as the words that we say.
·  Discuss when it is appropriate to bring materials to the meeting, how it will look when students are moving, the signal they will hear when it is time to move.
·  Discuss how to find a place to sit, where it is appropriate to sit within the room, and how close they should be to a neighbor.
Shared Response:
·  Students will practice coming to the meeting area in the room for meeting or share time when they hear the signal.
·  Students practice sitting respectfully without touching others or other off-task behaviors.
·  Students then demonstrate inappropriate ways to move and attention to the signal.
·  Students then “fix” their inappropriate behaviors and model the correct behaviors.
·  Students will choose their “reading spot” in the room, and understand that their spots are safe, quiet spots where they will be able to work without being disturbed.
Guided and Independent Practice:
·  Students should then practice getting materials and moving to an independent reading place.
·  Students should practice reading independently for 5 minutes.
·  Repeat practice after a check-in, student model reading behaviors, and review.
·  Review the anchor charts, behaviors, and classroom procedures.
·  Discuss reading success and difficulties. Are all students on task during Read to Self? Is there anything they can correct or do better? Did they choose an appropriate reading place? / o  Picture Book for Read Aloud
o  Book boxes or Student Reading Materials
o  Designated Gathering Spot and Designated Reading Spots
Lesson Topics
Reading Teaching Procedure: Days 4 & 5
/ Materials
Three Ways to Read: Review
Read-to-Self Behaviors:
Review anchor chart, community behaviors and where to sit
Choosing Books: I PICK, Good Fit or Just Right Books
* All suggested phrases should be adjusted for class and grade level. / Whole Group Model/Mini-lesson:
·  Quickly review the anchor charts from Three Ways to Read and Behaviors.
·  Introduce the Concept of I PICK
·  Today we are going to discuss the importance of choosing a book. *“I have a lot of books, so many that when it is time for me to read independently, it is sometimes hard to choose which book I want to read.” (The “I” of IPICK)
·  Introduce Purpose by displaying books of different genres. *“I choose my book for my purpose. Sometimes my purpose is enjoyment; sometimes my purpose is gathering information. What do you think my purpose is if I chose these books to read?”
·  Introduce Interest. *“Let’s take a look at the type of books I chose. They all have different themes, but I chose the themes based on things I like. I don’t have books about sailing because I’m not interested in sailing today. I am interested in humorous books, so I choose a few that looked funny.”
You may choose to only teach the I, P and I on one day, and the C and K on the next. The C, K, and Just Right Discussion may take 1 to 2 Days, depending on the class.
·  Introduce Comprehend and Know. *“We need to pick books that are a Good Fit or Just Right for us. How can I tell if a book is Just Right for Me?” Model using different books.
·  Discuss the difference between Easy, Just Right, or Challenging Books. *“Sometimes it’s ok to pick an easy book. They might be fun to read, or you might want to reread something you’ve read before. Sometimes you will also need to read something challenging when you are in need of facts or information on a particular topic. However, most of the time you will want to choose a book that is just right. ”
·  Create an anchor chart for I PICK
Guided and Independent Practice:
This is a good time to go to the school library and choose books for independent reading. You may also use your classroom library if you have a wide selection of levels, genres, and topics. If time allows, students can practice independent reading. Bookroom books will be added once guided levels are found. All books are added to student book boxes/bags.
·  After selections have been made, students will share their selections with the class. Refer to I PICK.
·  Discuss the selection process; was it difficult to find a book? / o  Variety of books at different levels and of different genres
o  Chart paper and markers
Lesson Topics
Reading Teaching Procedure: Day 6
/ Materials
Thinking About and Discussing Your Reading Day 1
* All suggested phrases should be adjusted for class and grade level. / Whole Group Model/Minilesson:
·  *“When I read, I always think about what the author is saying and how I feel. I listen to the reader voice in my head. It helps me to better understand what I am reading. I’ve chosen this book to share with you today, titled (fill-in name of book) and as I read it aloud to you I’m going to be stopping, listening to my reader voice, and sharing with you what this little reader voice inside my head is thinking and telling me.”
·  Teacher demonstrates Thinking About Reading before, during, and after a read aloud. Describe senses, questions, and connections through modeled reading.
·  Model placing a sticky note in places where the inner reader voice spoke up.
Shared Response:
·  Create an anchor chart for Reading is Thinking. Students should generate ideas for the chart from the teacher’s modeled reading.
·  Discuss how the sticky notes were used, and how they help a reader remember their thoughts or questions.
Guided and Independent Practice:
·  Give students to sticky notes. Explain that today, as they read to self, they should mark two places where they stopped and listened to their inner reader.
·  Remind them that they will share their thoughts with the class at the end of the literacy block.
·  Students retrieve their book boxes and move to their independent reading area. Practice reading.
·  While students are reading independently, TEACHER IS ASSESSING STUDENTS.
·  After 8-10 minutes, depending on class’s stamina, do a group check-in. Review practices- you may need to remodel behaviors.
·  Signal students to return to the meeting area.
·  Allow students to discuss their findings with the group. What thinking strategies did they use? Refer to the anchor chart.
·  Did students use any thinking methods that were not on the anchor chart? If so, add them. / o  Chart Paper and Markers
o  Book for Read Aloud
o  Sticky notes
Lesson Topics
Reading Teaching Procedure: Day 7
/ Materials
Thinking About and Discussing Your Reading Day 2
* All suggested phrases should be adjusted for class and grade level. / Whole Group Model/Mini-lesson:
·  Review the lesson from yesterday. *“Yesterday we talked about the reader voice inside our heads and I showed you how I use that voice when I read.” Review the anchor chart for Reading is Thinking.
Shared Response:
·  Students will practice talking about their thoughts as the teacher reads aloud. *“Today, we’re going to do this together. I want you to listen to your own reader voice as I read aloud. We’ll be stopping from time to time to share our thoughts, but if your inner reader has an idea or question, raise your hand and we’ll discuss your thoughts.”
Guided and Independent Practice:
·  Give students to sticky notes. Explain that again today, as they read to self, they should mark two places where they stopped and listened to their inner reader.
·  Remind them that they will share their thoughts with the class at the end of the literacy block.
·  Students retrieve their book boxes and move to their independent reading area. Practice reading.
·  While students are reading independently, TEACHER IS ASSESSING STUDENTS.
·  After 9-11 minutes, depending on class’s stamina, do a group check-in. Review practices- you may need to remodel behaviors.