Public Involvement & Communications / NHS Borders
01896 825520
Freedom of Information request 113-10
What is the ethnic group break down of Secondary Care Doctors on your staff?
I would like this information split into the following categories, in numbers and percentages:
Other Black ethnic backgrounds
Other non black ethnic
All mixed Background
Other Asian
White British
White Irish
Other White ethnicity
White Scottish
Total of known workforce (number)
I would also like to know the Religious / Spiritual belief breakdown of Secondary Care Doctors on your staff, in the followingcategories in numbers and percentages:
Church of Scotland
No religions belief
Other Christian based religion
Roman Catholic
Other religion not specifically listed
I would also like to know the age range of Consultants, in the following categories in numbers and percentages:
Under 20
20 to 24
30 to 34
35 to 39
40 to 44
45 to 49
50 to 54
55 to 59
I would also like to know the Disability indicator of Secondary Care Doctors on you staff, in numbers and Percentage, in thefollowing categories:
Staff not disabled
decided not to provide information
Staff disabled
ConsultantAgeRangeTotal / Percentage
Consultant / 87
Under 20 / 0 / 0
20 - 24 / 0 / 0.00%
25 - 29 / 0 / 0.00%
30 - 34 / 5 / 5.75%
35 - 39 / 11 / 12.64%
40 - 44 / 18 / 20.69%
45 - 49 / 17 / 19.54%
50 - 54 / 19 / 21.84%
55 - 59 / 12 / 13.79%
60 - 64 / 5 / 5.75%
65 + / 0 / 0.00%
Ethnic Origin - All Medical Grades / Total / Percentage
African / 8 / 4.26%
Chinese / 3 / 1.60%
Caribbean / 1 / 0.53%
Other Black ethnic backgrounds / 0 / 0.00%
Other non black ethnic / 0 / 0.00%
All mixed Background / 3 / 1.60%
Bangladeshi / 0 / 0.00%
Indian / 15 / 7.98%
Pakistani / 4 / 2.13%
Other Asian / 5 / 2.66%
White British / 14 / 7.45%
White Irish / 2 / 1.06%
Other White ethnicity / 10 / 5.32%
White Scottish / 62 / 32.98%
Total of known workforce (number) / 127
Disability - All Medical Grades / Total / Percentage
Staff Not Disabled / 125 / 66.49%
Declined / 61 / 32.45%
Staff Disabled / 2 / 1.06%
Religion - All Medical Grades / Total / Percentage
Buddhist / 4 / 2.13%
Church of Scotland / 46 / 24.47%
Hindu / 9 / 4.79%
Muslim / 2 / 1.06%
No religious belief / 7 / 3.72%
Other Christian based religion / 32 / 17.02%
Roman Catholic / 17 / 9.04%
Sikh / 1 / 0.53%
Jewish / 0 / 0.00%
Other religion not specifically listed / 6 / 3.19%
Declined to Comment / 64 / 34.04%
If you are not satisfied with the way in which your request has been handled or the decision given, you may ask NHS Borders to review its actions and the decision. If you would like to request a review please apply in writing to:
Freedom of Information Review
Public Involvement & Communications
NHS Borders
The request for a review should include your name and address for correspondence, the request for information to which the request relates and the issue which you wish to be reviewed. Please state the reference number 113-10on this request. Your request should be made within 40 days from receipt of this letter.
If following this review, you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you may appeal to the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner and request an investigation of your complaint. Your request to the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner should be in writing (or other permanent form), stating your name and an address for correspondence. You should provide the details of the request and your reasons for dissatisfaction with both the original response by NHS Borders and your reasons for dissatisfaction with the outcome of the internal review. Your application for an investigation by the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner must be made within 6 months of your receipt of the response with which you are dissatisfied.
The address for the Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner is:
Office of the Scottish Information Commissioner
Doubledykes Road
St Andrews
Shona Cameron
Public Involvement & Communications Manager