Chapter 6 Test Review Student Copy- US History
Match each item with the correct statement.
a. / John Jay / g. / William Clarkb. / Anthony Wayne / h. / Treaty of Ghent
c. / Francis Scott Key / i. / Embargo Act
d. / Treaty of Greenville / j. / Edmond Genet
e. / Aaron Burr / k. / Thomas Pinckney
f. / Zebulon Pike / l. / Non-Intercourse Act
Short Answer
Write a brief answer for each of the following.
11.What role did economics play in the congressional debate concerning a declaration of war against Great Britain in 1812?
12.What important domestic consequences did the Louisiana Purchase have?
13.What are some of the major rules and guarantees of the Bill of Rights?
14.What important things did the first Congress do?
15.Why do you think Congress felt the need to propose the Twelfth Amendment?
16.Tell how the War of 1812 affected the United States.
17.Describe the importance of the Louisiana Purchase to the United States.
Complete each sentence or statement.
18.The explorers of the Louisiana Purchase lands were helped by a Shoshone named ______.
19.In the mid-1790s the Federalist Party was led by Alexander Hamilton and ______.
20.During the period known as the ______French revolutionaries beheaded thousands of men and women.
21.At the ______a group of New England Federalists considered seceding from the United States.
22.Great Britain’s policy of ______, or kidnapping, of American sailors to serve in the British navy caused much hostility in the United States.
23.Pinckney’s Treaty gave Americans the ______, which was the right to temporarily unload goods at New Orleans without paying a duty.
24.The existence of British forts in the Northwest Territory violated the ______.
25.The pirates of ______demanded protection money from American ships that sailed through the Mediterranean Sea.
26.The Battle of ______was the final American victory in the War of 1812.
27.On July 14, 1789, French revolutionaries stormed the ______, a royal prison.
28.The principle of ______gave the courts the power to declare laws unconstitutional.
29.In 1807 Great Britain passed the ______, which forbade neutral vessels from trading with France or entering ports under French control.
30.In the mid-1790s the Democratic-Republican Party was led by Thomas Jefferson and ______.
31.In the Louisiana Purchase ______sold the United States a huge tract of land.
32.An unpopular agreement known as ______prevented war with Britain.
33.Because the presidential election of 1800 ended in a tie, the president was chosen by the ______.
34.A lofty mountain peak in Colorado is named after ______.
35.In response to the Chesapeake incident, Congress passed the ______.
36.In the landmark court case ______, the Supreme Court established its role as the final interpreter of the Constitution.
37.Aaron Burr and ______engaged in a famous pistol duel.