Our Ref:
Contact Name:
Direct Line:
Dear [name of referee]
Re: Reference Request for [applicant]
The above is being considered for the post of [job title] and has given your name as a referee.
This post is exempt from Section 4(2) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, 1974 (Exemptions) Order 1975 & 2000. It is not, therefore, in any way contrary to the Act to reveal any information you may have concerning convictions, which would otherwise be considered as ‘spent’ in relation to this application and which you consider relevant to the applicant’s suitability for employment.
I enclose a copy of the reference request form, job description and person specification for the post, and I shall be grateful for your views on their suitability for this position. Please indicate your knowledge of their qualifications and ability to carry out the duties specified in the job description and how they meet the requirements of the person specification.
[Applicant] states that they currently/had have responsibility for children and/or young people during their employment and has gained experience in [relevant area of practice]. I shall be grateful if you will let me know whether those statements are accurate.
Please could you also share whether [applicant’s] performance of their duties whilst in your employment has been satisfactory. If performance has not been satisfactory in all respects, please provide details of the areas needing improvement and any remedial action taken. I would appreciate your views in a cover letter adding any further information you feel relevant, in addition to the returned pro forma.
The interview is being held on [date] so I would appreciate your response in advance. May I thank you in anticipation for completing this request and enclose a stamped address envelope for your convenience.
Should you have any questions while completing this reference, please do not hesitate to make contact with me.
Yours sincerely,
Reference in Respect of: ......
Date s/he commenced employment with you: ......
Length of time you have known him/her: ......
Capacity in which employed/known: ......
Salary or wage rate: ......
Date of leaving/notice period:......
Would you re-employ? ......
Main Duties: ......
Attendance Record:
Number of days and reasons for absence in the last 2 years? …......
Are you aware of any convictions/cautions recorded?[if so, please detail] ...... ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………………………......
Are you aware of any reason why he/she might be considered unsuitable to work with children? ………………………………………………………………......
...... Are you aware of any ongoing investigations or disciplinary action? ......
Please comment on the applicants following attributes:
Honesty: ......
Reliability: ......
Punctuality: ......
Team Worker: ......
Ability to Prioritise Workload: ......
Safeguarding Children/Child Protection Awareness: ......
Please comment on the applicants ability and experience of working with children:
Do you have any further information/comments or concerns you wish to offer about the applicant with reference to their potential employment working with children?
Signature: ...... Name (print): ......
Date: ...... Position: ......
Telephone: ...... Email: ......