Devon & Cornwall Police
Record 1
Freedom of Information Act Request No:002477/12
please could you tell me the type and number of weapons currently held for use by yourselves.
this would include - AEPs and launchers, PAVA and CS sprays and Tazers and anything else considered for use against humans.
Please could you tell me the current stock and how much you have spent in each of the last 5 years on this arsenal
The Finance and Operational Response Departments have provided the following information:
Some information relating to weapons available to Devon & Cornwall Constabulary police officers is already available on the Force website. Therefore, this information engages section 21 – Information available elsewhere of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Links have been provided below to some pages of the website providing the requested detail.
Captor/Pava incapacitant spray
Financial yearPurchases (UNITS) / 06/07 / 07/08 / 08/09 / 09/10 / 10/11 / 11/12 / 12/13
UA6081 / LIVE UNIT / 6000 / 0 / 750 / 4000 / 1000 / 1000 / 0
UA6082/A / INERT UNIT / 5000 / 4200 / 4000 / 2000 / 2400 / 2000 / 0
Purchases (£'s) / 61350 / 8190 / 14250 / 38300 / 13280 / 12500 / 0
Current Stock Holding (1ST MAY 2012)
UA6081 / LIVE UNIT / 931
UA6082/A / INERT UNIT / 631
Information relating to any other weapon available to Devon & Cornwall Constabulary officers and the number of weapons held is considered exempt under section 31(1)(a) – disclosure of information would harm the prevention and detection of crime, and section 31(1)(b) disclosure of information would harm the apprehension and prosecution of offenders, of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Further detail on the application of these exemptions has been provided in the accompanying correspondence.
Amount spent to replace and add to the current stock of weapons is as follows:
Figures arranged by financial years (1 April – 31 March):
2006 – 2007£9,843
2007 – 2008£13,800
2008 – 2009£78,190
2009 – 2010£6,170
2010 – 2011£2,473
2011 – 2012£2,925