SS Start Date / ______
City / ______
FDIC Certificate # / ______



Name of Bank being examined:

Name of Information Technology (IT) contact person:

Name of Internet banking contact person:

Name of wire transfer contact person:

Name of ACH contact person:

Any records taken off bank premises by the examiners will need to be on a disk, photocopies, or printouts generated for the examiners. Please label and sort the information according to the corresponding letter and number (i.e., TA-1).


TA-1 / Most recent information technology risk assessment.
TA-2 / Internal and/or external audit reports performed on the IT area since the last State examination.
TA-3 / Vulnerability assessments, penetration tests, and social engineering tests completed in the last 24 months.Include some recent patch management reports.
TA-4 / FDIC/Fed exit meeting agenda from previous regulatory examination.
TA-5 / Tracking documents used to track the progress/resolution of recommendations made by regulators and auditors.


TM-1 / IT related policies and procedures (including wire transfer, ACH, and Corporate Account Takeover (CATO).
TM-2 / Computer-related insurance policies.


VM-1 / Documentation of bank’s vendor review program. In particular, documentation supporting the monitoring of critical vendors on a regular basis (financial statements, SSAE 16 reports, disaster recovery plan, compliance with contractual terms, etc.).
VM-2 / Documentation pertaining to due diligence reviews on services, products, and/or vendors introduced since the last State examination.
VM-3 / Have vendor and third party contracts/agreements available for onsite review.


DPS-1 / Documentation supporting review of all system access rights and privileges.
DPS-2 / Topology map (network diagram).Note virtual technology used.
DPS-3 / Samples of reports used to monitor security violations, such as failed access attempts, for all systems included on the Products and Services Information spreadsheet attached at the end of this questionnaire. (If reports are voluminous, provide for onsite review.)


BC-1 / Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan.
BC-2 / Documentation of testing of the Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Plan since the last State examination.
BC-3 / Have agreements/contracts with backup sites or disaster recovery services available for onsite review.


WT-1 / Blank wire transfer request form (include domestic and international if using separate forms).

If using Fedline Advantage

WT-2 / List the bank personnel fulfilling the following roles:
  • End User Authorization Contact(s) [EUAC]

  • Funds Supervisor

  • Technical Support Liaison

WT-3 / Provide:
  • Subscribers and Roles report

  • Screen print of the “FedPayments Manager – Funds Processing Options – Verification tab and Settings” tab

  • Screen print of all of the “Update Verification” events listed on the “FedPayments Manager – Funds Processing Application Audit Log” for the previous twelve months. (Funds Supervisor is required for this option.)

If using FIRE (Bankers’ Bank)

WT-4 / Provide:
  • Printout of the “User Entitlement Report.”

If using a system other than Fedline or FIRE (Bankers’ Bank)

WT-5 / Provide security profiles and user access reports for those methods being used.


ACH-1 / The two most recent ACH audits done in accordance with NACHA guidelines.
ACH-2 / Blank originator contract. Make available onsite all Originator contracts.
ACH-3 / ACH Risk Assessment.


RDC-1 / List of participating merchants.
RDC-2 / Sample merchant contract.

CORPORATE ACCOUNT TAKEOVER (CATO) See December 18, 2012, Supervisory Memo on Standards for the Risk Management of Corporate Account Takeovers

CATO-1 / Online customer risk rating (Billpay, ACH origination, wire transfer).
CATO-2 / CATO Incident Response Plan.
CATO-3 / Employee training materials.
CATO-4 / Customer training materials.
CATO-5 / Reports on any CATO incidents.


ITRF-1 / ITRF Risk Assessment.
ITRF-2 / ITRF Written program.
ITRF-3 / ITRF Training materials.
ITRF-4 / ITRF Audit and annual report.

1.Please describe any significant plans for changes in Information Technology management personnel, software, hardware, or operating procedures.

2.Describe how the Board of Directors is informed of IT related risks and activities.

3.Are there any pending lawsuits/contingent liabilities relating to IT/electronic banking activities?

YesNo If yes, describe and provide an attorney’s letter indicating the bank’s liability and potential for loss.

4.Has the bank encountered any computer-related crime?

YesNo If yes, what was the nature of the crime and was a suspicious activity report filed?

5.Do IT personnel participate in training programs?

YesNo If yes, what types of programs?

6.Is IT/related training provided to other officers and employees of the bank?

YesNo If yes, explain how.


1.Have you had problems with any vendors?

YesNo If yes, give details.

2.Does the bank belong to any vendor user groups?

YesNo If yes, give details.


1.Do you allow remote vendor access (example: PC Anywhere)?

YesNo If yes, describe the process used to allow and secure remote access. In addition, please list the names of the parties given this access.

2.Does the bank or outsource vendor have a software escrow agreement in place?

YesNo NAIf yes, how often is the escrowed software independently verified as being current and complete?


1.For the followingareas, indicate in the column provided the control method used by denoting “S” for separation of duties, “R” for rotation of duties, or “O” for other methods used. Further note the individual(s) responsible for these duties in the column provided.

Control method used


Performed by

Input preparation
Data entry
Handling of rejects for reentry
Review and handling of unposted transactions
Balancing of final output
Statement preparation
Master file changes (address changes or due dates)
Parameter changes (interest rates, service charges)

2.Which of the following activity logs/exception reports are reviewed, how often, and by whom?





Name of Reviewer

New loans
File maintenance
Parameter changes
Audit logs
Backup logs
System reports
Firewall logs
Intrusion detection logs
Internet Banking
Security reports

3.What procedures are in place for controlling and disposing of computer output?

YesNoAre people who don’t need access denied access?

YesNoIs there a separate basket for recycle?

YesNoIs the basket emptied each night?

Yes NoIs it dumped into locked bins?

Who shreds it – bank or third party?

  • If bank, where is it kept until shred and how is it shred? How is it disposed of?

If third party, how do they access the locked bins?

  • Is it shred onsite?

4.Are you offering remote capture?

Branch capture

Merchant capture


5.If offering merchant capture, does the bank have a written agreement/contract with the merchants?

YesNo NA


1.Describe the processand frequency for review of individuals’ system access rights and privileges for core processing, networks, and other critical systems. Please address networks and mainframes separately if needed.

2.Describe how user access to computer resources is handled for new employees, promotions/change in job description, and terminations.

3.Provide password parameter controls:

Internal Password Control / Core
Processing / Internet –Banking
(bank access) / Networks
Password length
Change interval
Password composition rule
Password history
Failed attempts
Timeout setting
Minimum password age

4.Do employees have access to customer passwords (Internet banking)?

Yes No

5.Is the bank utilizing wireless technology within its network or for Internet access?

YesNo If yes, describe how this technology is used, what data is transmitted in this manner, and whether the data is encrypted and secure.

6.Are laptops being used by the bank?

YesNo If yes, list the names of individuals issued laptops. Also describe security considerations and whether the wireless capabilities of the laptops have been disabled.

7.Are smartphones/tablets used to access bank systems remotely, including e-mail, file access, etc.

Describe if phones are bank owned devices or employee owned.

Explain security considerations.

Yes No Device security (password/PIN) enforced?

YesNo Hard drive encrypted?

YesNo Antivirus in use?

YesNo Wireless use discouraged?

Yes No Remote wipe functionality?

Yes No Included in patch management program?

YesNo Has acceptable use of mobile devices been incorporated into policy?

YesNo Have mobile devices been audited to ensure mitigating controls and use meet policy guidelines?

8.Does the bank offer an encrypted e-mail solution?

Yes No If yes, what solution is used?

9.What procedures are in place to ensure that software and operating system updates/patches are applied in a timely manner? Indicate if the updates/patches are tested prior to installation.

10.What procedures are in place to ensure that virus definitions are updated on servers and workstations in a timely manner? Identify who is responsible for this task and how often the computer system is scanned for viruses.

11.What procedures are in place to protect the bank’s network from spyware and malware?

12.Is a vulnerability assessment performed?

Yes No If yes, how frequently is it done?

Who does it?

YesNo Are they bonded or do they carry liability insurance?

Who is responsible for reviewing the results?

YesNo If outsourced, was any type of due diligence done on the vendor?

If yes, what was done?

YesNo Is there a contract with this vendor?

Is penetration testing done?

Yes No If yes, how frequently is it done?

Who does it?

YesNo Are they bonded or do they carry liability insurance?

Who is responsible for reviewing the results?

YesNo If outsourced, was any type of due diligence done on the vendor?

If yes, what was done?

YesNo Is there a contract with this vendor?

13.Is an intrusion detection system or intrusion prevention system in place?


Yes No If yes, how frequently is it tested?

Who is responsible for testing it?

Who is responsible for reviewing it and monitoring the activity?

YesNo If outsourced, was any type of due diligence done on the vendor?

If yes, what was done?

YesNo Is there a contract with this vendor?

14.Who is responsible for installing, configuring, and updating the bank’s firewalls? Additionally, who is monitoring the firewall, what is being monitored, and how frequently? Describe how the bank is alerted to attacks on the firewall during and after bank hours.

15.How is the bank alerted to attacks on the firewall at the web site host or the outsource vendor?

16.Are all unused services blocked at the firewall? How is this verified?

17.Are controls in place restricting physical access to computer hardware, software, and communication equipment? If yes, explain.

18.Are the bank’s hardware and phone lines protected from power surges, lightning strikes, etc.?

YesNo If yes, how?

19.At what level is sensitive data encrypted? (Internet, email, etc)

40-bit 128-bit other (describe)

20.Is the bank using digital signatures and/or digital certificates?

Yes No Digital signatures

Yes No Digital certificates (or ID)

21.Is the bank utilizing any virtualization or virtual servers?


1.Describe the bank’s backup procedure for customer and network data. Include where the backups are stored, how the backup media is rotated, etc.


1.How does the bank process ACH items?

2.Is your financial institution a RDFI only or do you participate as an ODFI also?


3. Does the bank allow any customers direct accesstooriginateACH transactions with a payment processoror an ACH operator? (Such as satellite users processing with SHAZAM, Federal Reserve, or correspondent bank.)

Yes No

Please list customers

If so, what mitigating controls are in place with those customers to monitor activity, ensure terminal security, maintain BSA and OFAC compliance, and combat corporate account takeover?

4. Does the bank process ACH transactions for any Third Party Service Providers or Third Party Senders?

Yes No

Please list customers

If so, what mitigating controls are in place with those customers to monitor activity, ensure terminal security, maintain BSA and OFAC compliance, and combat corporate account takeover?


1.If applications are available over the web site, how are they submitted by the customer and how is the identity of the individual verified? In addition, indicate whether applications are accepted for noncustomers.


1.What is included on your transactional web site?

Internet banking Insurance services Trust services

Brokerage services Small business services Bill payment

Commercial business services ACH

Portal services Aggregation services

Cash management services Wire transfer request

Other (explain)

2.How many customers are signed up for Internet banking and bill payment (if offered)?

Internet bankingbill payment

3.What options are available to the customer once they have accessed Internet banking?

Viewing of account balances / Transfer of funds between accounts
Bill payment / Bill presentment
24/7 customer service by phone or email / Online application for checking and savings accounts
Online mortgage and CD applications / Viewing of loan status and credit card account information
IRA and brokerage account information access / Checkbook reconciliation
Viewing of account history / Viewing of digital checks online
Ordering checks online / Issuing stop payment orders online

4.What type of environment does the Internet banking site operate in?

real time (is the main frame updated immediately?) batch processing

memo post

5.If using batch processing, how and when is information transferred between the vendor and the bank?

6.What services (if any) are customers being charged for and how much?

7.Other than applications, are any types of lending or loan advances done over the Internet?

YesNo If yes, provide procedures followed.

8.Are there procedures for verifying the legitimacy of customer requests for changes to their accounts or customer information?

YesNo If yes, describe the procedures.


1. Do you offer any form of mobile (cellular) banking?


2.If you offer mobile banking, which delivery channel is used to deliver the service?

Text Message /Short Message Service (SMS)

Mobile Enhanced Internet Browser

Mobile Applications (Apps)

3.When did you start offering mobile banking services?

4.What controls exist in mobile banking services, including multifactor authentication?


1.Do you offer Internet Banking?


2.Do you have any commercial customers that use Internet Banking for ACH and/or wire transfers and/or Bill Pay?

YesNo If yes, provide the # of commercial customers using the following services:

Bill Pay

3.Do you have consumer customers using online bill pay?


4.Has enhanced authentication or layered security for consumer as well as business accounts been implemented? (FFIEC Supplement to Authentication in an Internet Banking Environment June 28, 2011)


If yes, describe authentication methods implemented or planned. (Include both manual and automated methods.)

If no, do you have plans to implement enhanced authentication or layered security?YesNo

5.Has theBoard been informed of the issues surrounding CATO?

YesNo If yes, please provide the date that CATO was last discussed and reviewed by the Board of Directors.

6.Have threats related to Internet Banking and CATO been included in the risk assessment?


7.Have you risk rated customers (or type of customers) that perform online transactions?


8.Have corporate online banking customers been educated on basic online security practices?


9.Has advanced security awareness education been provided to retail and high risk customers through a website, personal contacts, group meetings, or other methods?


10.Do you have a written CATO program designed to manage and control risk?


11.Are signed written agreements in place with corporate customers using Internet Banking services?


12.Have you contacted vendors to receive information regarding reducing the risk of CATO?


13.Have automated or manual monitoring systems been established?

YesNo If yes, please indicate the anomaly detection methods that bank uses:

14.Have bank employees been educated on CATO warnings signs?

YesNo If yes, please indicate the last date training was provided.

15.Have account holders been educated on the warning signs of a potentially compromised computer system and fraudulent account activity?


16.Have incident response plans been updated to include CATO?


17.Describe methods the bank would use to contact customers in the event of a suspected fraudulent activity:

18.Does your CATO program contain formal policies, procedures and guidelines for the following:

  • Immediately reverse fraudulent transactions? YesNo
  • Notification of the receiving bank(s)? YesNo
  • Suspension of any compromised systems? YesNo
  • Contingency plan to recover or suspend compromised systems? YesNo
  • Contacting law enforcement and regulatory agencies? YesNo
  • Customer relations and documentation of recovery efforts? YesNo

19.Have any of the institution’s customers been victim to a corporate account takeover or attempted takeover?

YesNo If yes, was a SAR filed? YesNo

A SAR must be filed on any CATO theft or attempted theft (past, present, or future) per FinCEN Advisory 2011-A016 issued December 19, 2011.


The process of protecting information by preventing, detecting, and responding to attacks.

  1. To what extent has cybersecurity been incorporated into your IT risk management program?
  1. Does management participate and gather information from Information Sharing Analysis Centers (ISACs) that were established in response to a Presidential Order to advance the physical and cybersecurity of critical infrastructures through real-time information on threats and vulnerabilities. Examples include Information on the FS-ISAC may be found at and information on the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team may be found at Refer

YesNo If yes, what types of programs?