Source: NEN Handbook ‘The implementation of SR – Best practices and tools for ISO 26000’
Free download tool: Stakeholdercommunication matrix
The stakeholder communication matrix is a tool that displays the SR communication with stakeholders. It enables the organization to obtain an overview of the SR issues and the required communication about those issues with stakeholders. The matrix uses important input from the issue matrix.
The matrix has a twofold objective:
1Providing an overview of the SR communication with stakeholders;
2Involving the organization and assigning those responsible.
Structuring the SR communication
Communication on SR requires a thoroughly considered and goal-oriented approach. The nature, depth and frequency of communication may differ per stakeholder. Two-way communication and dialogue with stakeholders depend on the issue and the impact on the stakeholder or the organization. One-way communication and 'supplying' (newsletters and product information) or 'picking up' (website information and an SR report) can be sufficient in specific cases. The stakeholder communication matrix is a tool for structuring the communication.
Example of a stakeholder communication matrix.
Stakeholder (category) / SR issue/aspect / Communication (form) / Primary manager / Communication frequencyCustomers (distributors) / Fair marketing of SR aspects of new products / Information sessions + special SR product folder / Sales Manager / 1 x per quarter
Customers (consumers) / Fair marketing of SR aspects of new products / Product data + support by telephone (reactive) / Customer Service Manager / Daily support by telephone
Employees / Using home working options for office staff / Department sessions and pilot / Department head (+ HRM support) / Every month
Sector organizations / Establishing criteria for dealing with lithium waste / Special sector working group meeting / Production Manager / 2 x per year
(from Eastern Europe) / Safety officers in the production process of batteries / Dialogue during special suppliers meeting / Procurement Manager / Ad hoc (min. 1 a year)
(From Asia) / Working conditions for women in factories / Site visits + awareness-raising programme / Procurement Manager / Ad hoc (min. 1 a year)
Local residents / Smell pollution during the summer months / Open forum with local residents / QHSE Manager / 2 x during the May to September period
Local government / Creating more youth employment / Dialogue on work/school project / HRM Manager / September + January
The following columns may be optionally added:
■Impact of stakeholder on the organization;
■Priority per stakeholder (category).
download toolJune 2013