Independent Reading: Final Analysis

Remember that you need to complete one of these for each book you read.


Student Name PeriodDate Submitted # of pages


Book TitleAuthor

1. Depth of Understanding: (choose one of the following, and complete on the back):

□ Title Analysis- Explain how the title has more than one meaning, or explain a better title for it.

+__□Character analysis- How did the protagonist or antagonist change throughout the story?

4□Alternate Ending- What would have been a better resolution for the conflict in this book? Why?

2. Blog Entries (to be completed by teacher)

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
__Entries account for all pages of book. They are complete and are 100% response. / __Entries account for almost all pages of the book. They are complete and at least 75% response / __Entries account for more than half of the book. They are mostly complete with more than half response. / __Entries account for small part of the book and may be incomplete with little response.

3. Teacher Conference (to be completed by teacher if needed)

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
__Student is able to accurately answer in detail all questions on book. / __ Student is able to accurately answer all questions on book. / __Student is able to answer most questions on book. / __Student is not able to answer most questions on book.

TOTAL POINTS: ___ =12=A+ 11=A 10=A- 9=B 8=B- 7=C+

12 6=C 5=C- 4=D+ 3=D 2=D- 1=F

Independent Reading: Final Analysis

Remember that you need to complete one of these for each book you read.


Student Name PeriodDate Submitted # of pages


Book TitleAuthor

1. Depth of Understanding: (choose one of the following, and complete on the back):

□ Title Analysis- Explain how the title has more than one meaning, or explain a better title for it.

+__□Character analysis- How did the protagonist or antagonist change throughout the story?

4□Alternate Ending- What would have been a better resolution for the conflict in this book? Why?

2. Blog Entries (to be completed by teacher)

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
__Entries account for all pages of book. They are complete and are 100% response. / __Entries account for almost all pages of the book. They are complete and at least 75% response / __Entries account for more than half of the book. They are mostly complete with more than half response. / __Entries account for small part of the book and may be incomplete with little response.

3. Teacher Conference (to be completed by teacher if needed)

4 / 3 / 2 / 1
__Student is able to accurately answer in detail all questions on book. / __ Student is able to accurately answer all questions on book. / __Student is able to answer most questions on book. / __Student is not able to answer most questions on book.

TOTAL POINTS: ___ =12=A+ 11=A 10=A- 9=B 8=B- 7=C+

12 6=C 5=C- 4=D+ 3=D 2=D- 1=F

























