Experience culture
- Free admission with the Kaikukortti cardin Kainuu in 2017
For Kaikukortti holdersin Kainuu in 2017
Are you interested in culture?
What is Kaikukortti?
Who can get a Kaikukortti?
Where can you get a Kaikukortti?
Where can you use Kaikukortti?
How can you get a ticket or course place with your Kaikukortti?
Bring your Kaikukortti with you
Tickets for your children too
Kaikukortti cultural venues
Communities that distribute Kaikukortti
Community Kaikukortti
Free admission for assistants
Kaikukortti nationally
Kaikukortti in Kainuu
Contact information
Are you interested in culture?
Culture belongs to everybody!
Everyone has the right to go to concerts, festivals and the theatre even if they are financially hard pressed. A solution developed to this end is Kaikukortti, which can be used throughout the region of Kainuu.
What is Kaikukortti?
With Kaikukortti you can get free tickets to, for example, festivals, concerts, dance performances or the theatre. With the card you can also get a place for free on courses at adult educational centres. The card is personal and free of charge. Kaikukortti can be used throughout Kainuu across all the municipalitiesand it is valid until the end of 2017.
Who can get a Kaikukortti?
You can get a Kaikukortti if
- you use as a client services provided by Kainuu-based social welfare and health communities that are part of the Kaikukortti network.
- you are financially hard pressed and unable to attend cultural events or courses for that reason.
- you are over 16 years old.
Where can you get a Kaikukortti?
- You canget a Kaikukortti from the social welfare and health communities that are part of the Kaikukortti network and whose services you use as a client.
- Ask the personnel for your own card.
- Getting the card doesn’t require separate proof of your income.
- At the end of the brochure you will find a list of the communities distributing Kaikukortti in Kainuu.
Where can you use Kaikukortti?
Kaikukortti will get you free tickets for many cultural venues in the region of Kainuu, such as concerts, museums, dance performances and the theatre. There are more than 20 cultural operators in the KainuuKaikukortti network, and the card applies to a large part of their cultural supply.
With Kaikukortti you can get tickets to cultural events produced by different Kainuu municipalities or attend courses at six adult education centres in Kainuu.
You will find information on which events, performances and courses the Kaikukortti applies to at the websites of the cultural operators that are part of the network. You can also call the site you are interested in and inquire about the supply to which the card applies.
In the chapter “Kaikukortti cultural venues” of this brochure you will find a listof the venues that are part of the Kaikukortti network.
How can you get a ticket or course place with your Kaikukortti?
You can get tickets to cultural venues or a place on a course through the ticket sales channels of the participating cultural venues and adult education centres, excluding online sales. The number of available tickets and course places may be limited.
When booking a ticket or a course place state your Kaikukortti number and be prepared to show your card. If you get a ticket through a commercial ticket agency you will have to pay the service fee, even though the ticket itself is free of charge. Tickets for most of the Kaikukortti cultural venues can also be obtained directly on location without a service fee.
Bring your Kaikukortti with you
Bring your Kaikukortti with you when attending an event or a course. The personnel may ask to see it.
Tickets for your children too
If there are under 16-year-old children in your family you can get free tickets with Kaikukortti for them too if you will attend the same event together. The children cannot however attend the adult education centre courses with you through Kaikukortti.
Kaikukortti cultural venues
Rajakatu 56, 88900 Kuhmo
Tel. 040540 9262
Note! You can get only two tickets to the Pajakkakino cinema with the Kaikukortti card during 2017.
Paljakkatalo, 89140 Kotila (Puolanka)
Tel. 0400 721 489
Note! Reserve your tickets by phone. There is a limited number of Kaikukortti tickets and they are only for Sunday screenings.
Kajaanin Runoviikko Sana ja Sävel/ Kajaani Poetry Week 5–9 July 2017
Koskikatu 2, 87200 Kajaani (office)
Tel. 044 710 0922 (event manager)
Kuhmon Kamarimusiikki/ Kuhmo Chamber Music 9–22 July 2017
(In English):
Torikatu 39, 88900 Kuhmo (office)
Tel. 08 652 0936
Kuhmon talvi / Kuhmo WinterNEW
(In English):
Kuhmo Arts Centre, Koulukatu 1, 88900 Kuhmo
Tel. 08 6155 5451 (office)
Musiikkijuhla Sommelo / Sommelo Ethno Music Fesival 28 June – 2 July 2017NEW
(In English):
Pro Sommelo ry
Kainuuntie 99, 88900 Kuhmo
Tel. 040 179 8600
Veisuuvestivaali(Christian music festival) 4– 6 August 2017
-> ajankohtaista
Aholantie 25, 88400 Ristijärvi (office of library and cultural services)
Tel. 040 590 1594
There are no presales for the programs or tickets. Details on ticket reservations are published close to the time of the event online and in the Veisuuvestivaali brochure.
WinterOpen 2017 / SuperJymy18-19 November 2017NEW
Katinkulta, 88610 Vuokatti
Tel. 040757 5522 (marketing manager)
Kaukametsän kulttuuripalvelut/ Kaukametsä Cultural Services
Koskikatu 4 A, 87200 Kajaani
Tel. 044 710 0922 (cultural and events coordinator)
Kuhmo-talo/ Kuhmo Arts Centre
(In English):
Koulukatu 1, 88900 Kuhmo
Tel. 08 615 55451 (office)
Juminkeko – Kalevalan ja karjalaisen kulttuurin informaatiokeskus/ The Information Centre for the Kalevala and Karelian Culture
(In English):
Kontionkatu 25, 88900 Kuhmo
Tel. 08 6530 670
Raatteen Portin Talvisotamuseo / Winter War Museum Raatteen PorttiNEW
(In English):
Raatteentie 2, 89800 SUOMUSSALMI
Tel. 0400 892192 (in summer season, during museum opening hours)
Sotkamon Makasiinimuseo/ Sotkamo Local History Museum
Sopalantie 1, 88600 Sotkamo
Tel. 040 848 5543
Suomussalmen kotiseutumuseo / Suomussalmi House Museum
(In English):
Kirkkotie 35, 89800 Suomussalmi
Tel. 044 777 3184 (in summer season, during museum opening hours)
Kajaani Dance: spring and winter performancesNEW
Kauppakatu 30, basement level, 87100 Kajaani
Doors open on agreement
Tel. 044 5874765 (rector), 044 3541002 (producer)
Kajaani Tanssii /Kajaani Dance Event 3–5 February 2017 NEW
Koskikatu 2, 87200 Kajaani
Tel. 044 5874765 (artistic director)
044 7100922 (cultural and events coordinator)
Nykytanssin tuotantoryhmä Routa/Routa Contemporary Dance Company
(In English):
Kauppakatu 36, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 044 0556977 (producer)
Askanmäen kesäteatteri / Askanmäki Summer Theatre
Askanmäentie 25, 89200 Puolanka
Tel. 040 865 0327
Esittävän taiteen kollektiivi Vaara/ Vaara Performing Arts Group
(In English): vaara-kollektiivi.blogspot.fi/p/english.html
Kauppakatu 36, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 041459 8940 (producer)
Kajaanin kaupunginteatteri/ Kajaani Town Theatre
Kauppakatu 14, 87100 Kajaani
Tel.0447100247 (financial manager)
Kulttuuriosuuskunta G-voima/ Cultural Cooperative G-Voima
Kauppakatu 36, 87100 Kajaani
Tel.0440 626061 (facilities manager)
Closing performance of the Nuori Teatteri theatre training event NEW
Aholantie 25, 88400 Ristijärvi (office of library and cultural services)
Tel. 0505207790 (artistic director)
NOTE! We recommend you book a course place well in advance, you will be able to enrol only if there are free places.
Aalto kansalaisopisto/ Aalto Adult Education CentreNEW
Sissikuja 3, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 040 1488 590 (weekdays 9 am–15 pm)
Hyrynsalmen kansalaisopisto / Hyrynsalmi Adult Education Centre
Kunnanvirastotalo, Laskutie 1, 89401 Hyrynsalmi
Tel. 044 7104 503
You can get a place for some of the courses of the Civic Institute Kianta-Opisto (Suomussalmi) with Kaikukortti.
(In English):
You can ask at the office of the institute which courses Kaikukortti applies to: Kunnantalo, Kauppakatu 20 B, 89601 Suomussalmi, Tel. 044 777 3157
You can get a season card for the Paltamo and Ristijärvi Adult Education Centres with Kaikukortti.
On some of the courses you have to pay a special-course or equipment fee even if you have a season card. This is mentioned in the published course details.
Information about the courses is available at the office of the Paltamo Adult Education Centre:
Kunnanvirasto, Vaarankyläntie 7, 88300 Paltamo
Tel. 08 615 54638, 044 2885 623, 044 7500 740
Puolangan kansalaisopisto / Puolanka Adult Education Centre
Office of Adut Education Centre, Kunnanvirasto, Maaherrankatu 7, 89200 Puolanka
Tel. 08 6155 4513 (secretary)
Sotkamon kansalaisopisto / Sotkamo Adult Education Centre
Sotkamo branch
Kuhmo branch
Markkinatie 1, 88600 Sotkamo (office)
Tel. 044 750 2078
Many of Kainuu’s municipalities organize different kinds of cultural events during the year. Keep an eye on the municipalities’ own event calendars (see list below).Some of the municipalities offer information on their own events also through the Kainuun Kulttuuri-info cultural event calendar:
Events organized by the Hyrynsalmi Municipality
Laskutie 1, 89401 Hyrynsalmi (Municipal Hall)
Tel. 044 7104 410 (director of cultural services)
Events organized by the Cultural Office of the City of Kuhmo
-> Julkiset palvelut -> Kulttuuri
Koulukatu 1, 88900 Kuhmo (cultural office, Kuhmo-talo/Kuhmo Arts Centre)
Tel.044-7255 389 (cultural coordinator)
Events organized by the Paltamo Municipality and the student association of the Paltamo Adult Education Centre
-> Tapahtumakalenteri
Vaarankyläntie 7, 88300 Paltamo (Municipal Office)
Tel. 044 7500 740 (cultural coordinator)
Events organized by the Puolanka Municipality
Maaherrankatu 7, 89200 Puolanka (Municipal Office)
Tel.044 7200 224 (cultural coordinator)
Events organized by the Ristijärvi Municipality and the student association of the Paltamo Adult Education Centre
-> vapaa-aika
Aholantie 25, 88400 Ristijärvi (office of library and cultural services)
Tel. 044 715 9324
Events organized by the Sotkamo Municipality
->Vapaa-aika ja liikunta -> kulttuuritoimi
Markkinatie 1, 88600 Sotkamo (Municipal Hall)
Tel.044 750 2095 (secretary of cultural office)
Events organized by the Suomussalmi Municipality
(In English):
Kauppakatu 20, 89600 Suomussalmi (Municipal Hall)
Tel. 044 511 9871 (cultural producer)
Communities that distribute Kaikukortti
Outreach youth work Hyrynsalmi
Vapaa-aika ja kulttuuri -> Etsivä nuorisotyö
Laskutie 1, 89400 Hyrynsalmi
Tel. 044710 4516
Outreach youth work Kajaani
Nuorten Palvelupaikka / Youth Service Centre Nuppa
Asemakatu 2, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 044714 8281
Outreach youth work Kuhmo
nuoret -> etsivä nuorisotyö
Piilolantie 47, 88900 Kuhmo
Tel. 044 7255 413
Outreach youth work Paltamo
->Lapset & Nuoret-> Etsivä nuorisotyö
Vaarankyläntie 7, 88300 Paltamo
Tel. 044750 0650
Outreach youth work Puolanka
Havutie 1 (former nursing home), 89200 Puolanka
Tel. 040 7177 248
Outreach youth work Ristijärvi
Nuorten Palvelupaikka / Youth Service Centre Nuppa
Asemakatu 2, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 044714 8281
Outreach youth work Sotkamo
Nuorisotalo / Youth Centre Asema 13, Markkinatie 1, 88600 Sotkamo
Tel. 044 7502548, 044750 2498
Outreach youth work Suomussalmi
Työpaja Hanslankarit, Kurimontie 6 A, 89600 Suomussalmi
Tel. 044777 3078, 044 777 3193
Kainuun TYP, cross-sector service for the enhancement of employment in Kainuu (Kainuun TYP, Työllistymistä edistävä monialainen yhteispalvelu)
- Kajaanioffice (Kajaani, Paltamo, Ristijärvi and Vuolijoki)
Lönnrotinkatu 5 B, 2. krs, 87100 Kajaani
Tel.044710 1748
- Ylä-Kainuu office (Hyrynsalmi and Suomussalmi)
Keskuskatu 24–26, 89600 Suomussalmi (in Hyrynsalmi staff is present by appointment)
Tel. 044777 3064
- Sotkamo office
Keskuskatu 9, 2nd fl., 88600 Sotkamo (member of staff present every other week)
Tel.044797 0601
- Kuhmo office
Kainuuntie 89, 88900 Kuhmo (member of staff present every other week)
Tel.044797 0316
Rehabilitative work activity
Hyrynsalmi rehabilitative work activity
Korjaamontie 5, 89400 Hyrynsalmi
Tel. 044797 0445
Kajaani rehabilitative work activity
Lönnrotinkatu 3(5 A) 2nd fl., 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 044797 0440, 044797 0439, 044797 0441 and 044797 0442
Paltamo rehabilitative work activity
Vaarankyläntie 7, 88300 Paltamo
Tel. 044712 9306
Ristijärvi rehabilitative work activity
Aholantie 25, 88400 Ristijärvi
Tel. 044797 0447
Sotkamo rehabilitative work activity
Keskuskatu 9 (Kangaskatu 11 apt. 2), 88600 Sotkamo
Tel. 044797 5287 and 044797 0446
Suomussalmi rehabilitative work activity
Välsärinkuja 1 (Kauppakatu 20), 89600 Suomussalmi
Tel.044777 3361 and 044777 3018
Social welfare offices (sosiaalitoimistot)
- Hyrynsalmi Social Welfare Office
Laskutie 1, 89400 Hyrynsalmi
Tel. 044797 0924 (telephone appointments and booking of appointments Mon-Fri 9 am–10 pm)
- Kajaani Social Welfare Office
Osmonkatu 3, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. Telephone appointments and booking of appointments with social workers and social welfare supervisors 1 pm-2 pm according to first initial of client’s surname:
A–G and U-Ö,Tel.044797 4106 / 044715 7142
H-L,Tel.044797 0083 / 044797 0086 / 044797 0085
M-T, Tel. 044497 5093 / 044710 1782 / 044497 5073
- Kajaani Social Welfare Office, unit at Lehtikangas Health Centre (clients of adult social services aged 65 or older)
Soidinkatu 4, 87500 Kajaani
Tel. 044797 0084
- Kuhmo Social Welfare Office
Kainuuntie 89, 88900 Kuhmo
Tel. 044797 0316 (9 am–10 am)
- Paltamo Social Welfare Office
Vaarankyläntie 7, 88300 Paltamo(open Tue-Fri 9 am–11 pm)
Tel.044288 5303 (1 pm–2 pm)
- Ristijärvi Social Welfare Office
Aholantie 25, 88400 Ristijärvi (open weekdays 9 am–11 pm)
Tel.044715 9319, 044288 5303
- Sotkamo Social Welfare Office
Keskuskatu 9, 88600 Sotkamo (open Mon–Fri 9 am–12 pm)
Tel.044797 4819, 044797 0601 (9 am-10 pm)
- Suomussalmi Social Welfare Office
Välskärinkuja 1, 89600 Suomussalmi
Tel.044 – 797 0761, 044797 0677 (12.30 pm–13.30 pm)
- Vuolijoki Social Welfare Office
Papintie 2, 88270 Vuolijoki (open Mon and Wed-Fri 9 am–11 am, Tue 1 pm–3 pm)
Tel.044 743 9432(telephone appointment Mon–Fri 1 pm–2 pm)
Rehabilitative housing services and outpatent rehabilitation
- Eljaskartano
Satamakatu 2 C, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 044-7101883
- Kuntoutuskoti Taipale
Salmelankuja 4, 88300 Paltamo
Tel. 044-2885331
- Sotkamon kuntoutuskoti
Rantatie 3A, 88600 Sotkamo
Tel. 044-7502182
- Valkaman kuntoutusyksikkö
Kirkkotie 12–14, 88900 Kuhmo
Tel. 044-7970112
- Suomussalmen kuntoutuskoti
Kiannonkatu 37D, 89600 Suomussalmi
Tel: 044-7970120
Kainuu family work (work done at the homes of families)
Koivukoskenkatu 14, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 044710 0375 (The phone is answered 8.30 am–15.30 pm, you may request a callback)
Puolanka family work (work done at the homes of families)
Ouluntie 13, 89200 Puolanka
Tel. 044 7970562 / 044 7974079
(The phone is answered with most certainty between 8 am and 4 pm)
Puolanka Social Welfare Office
Ouluntie 13, 89200 Puolanka
Tel. 0400 192314
Puolanka rehabilitative work activity
Havutie 1 (former nursing home), 89200 Puolanka
Tel. 044797 4297
Puolanka youth training workshop Sarka
Havutie 1 (former nursing home), 89200 Puolanka
Tel.040 7177 248
Kajaanin Päiväkeskus ry / Kajaani Day Centre
Kainuunkatu 9, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 08 626695, 044 7379637
Kajaanin Työvoimayhdistys ry/ Kajaani employment support centre/association
Linnankatu 2 (Kansanpirtti), 87100 Kajaani
Tel.08 614 0098
Klubitalo Tönäri / Nuorten Ystävät ry (youth support centre/association)
Pohjolankatu 14, 87100 Kajaani
Tel. 050433 5268
Monikulttuurinen toimintakeskus / Multicultural Activity Centre Monika / Kainuun Nuotta ry / association
Kajaani City Library, Seminaarikatu 15, 87100 Kajaani.
Tel. 044020 5130 / 044734 7831 / 044746 9790
Open: Mon–Fri 10am–3pm
Community Kaikukortti
Community Kaikukortti cards are available for employees of the social welfare and health communities that distribute Kaikukortti cards. An employee can get a free ticket with the community Kaikukortti when arranging a small group visit for one or more clients who are Kaikukortti holders. The community Kaikukortti does not apply to the course supply of the adult education centres.
If you’re interested in experiencing culture together with a small group or with an employee, a good idea is to ask if an employee of the community distributing Kaikukorttiwould join youto, for instance, the theatre.
Free admission for assistants
The cultural venues that are part of the Kaikukortti network are committed to always offer free admission to a card holder’s assistant or interpretator. An assistant can be, for example, the assistant of a person with reduced mobility, the guide of a person with a visual impairment or an instructor assisting a person with intellectual disability. An interpreter can be, for example, a sign language interpreter, a speech-to-text interpreter or an oral interpreter. The accompanying person must have a separate seat ticket.
Kaikukortti nationally
The aim of Kaikukortti is to improve the opportunities of young people, adults and families who are financially hard pressed to participate in cultural life and engage in arts.
Further information about Kaikukortti nationally:
Kaikukortti in Kainuu
Further information on KainuuKaikukortti activities: sote.kainuu.fi/kaikukortti
Contact information
Kainuu Joint Municipal Authority in Social and Health Care (Kainuu sote)
Develpment and Planning
Special Coordinator for Health Promotion Saara Pikkarainen
Tel. 044 797 0419,
Hyrynsalmi Municipality
Education and Culture
Director of Education and Culture ServicesVeli-Pekka Mäkeläinen
Tel. 044710 4410,
City of Kajaani, Education and Culture
Director of Education and Culture ServicesMikko Saari
Tel. 044710 0235,
City of Kuhmo, Culture Services
Director of LibraryServicesTaina Hyvönen
Tel. 044725 5389,
Paltamo Municipality, Culture Services
Cultural Coordinator Päivi Soldatkin
Tel. 044750 0740,
Puolanka Municipality, Department of Education and Culture
Director of Education and Culture ServicesTuija Mikkonen
Tel. 044 720 0224,
Ristijärvi Municipality, Library and Culture services
Secretary for Library and Culture ServicesMaritta Karjalainen
Tel. 044 715 9324,
Sotkamo Municipality, Education and Culture Services
Acting Service Area Director, RectorMerja Ojalammi
Tel. 044750 2125,
Suomussalmi Municipality, Culture Services
Cultural Producer, Joni Kinnunen
Tel. 044 511 9871,
Hyrynsalmen kunta
Sotkamon kunta