Pre-AP English 7

Mrs. Pyka –

[Fredericksburg Middle School -- Title I School Wide Campus]

I. General Information

Welcome to the Pre-AP English 7 course. Get ready to study hard and jump head first into the English language! This class is reading and writing intensive, and you will be expected to complete a considerable amountof work outside the classroom. That allows more time forfun activities, directed teaching, discussions, and cooperative learning projects during class.

The goal of the class is to develop an awareness and love of language and to sharpen skills in critical reading and effective writing. In literature, we will focus our study on essays, novels, dramas, poetry, and short stories. In composition, we will focus on writing essays and analyzing literary style; however, there are several creative writing assignments scheduled throughout the year.

Many policies for the class are outlined in this handout. Be sure to read each section carefully and be aware of all the rules and guidelines. (As we get to know each other, we may amend these to better serve us.) This will be an enjoyable and rewarding class if you abide by these guidelines.

II. Basic Classroom Rules

  1. Be on time and prepared for class each day by bringing all related materials and completed

assignments to class.

  1. Healthy snacks and bottled water are allowed. (More about healthy snacks later.)
  1. Be NICE! Be NICE! Be NICE!
  2. Ask for help! I am available to answer questions about assigned work by email in the evenings and on weekends; I will tutor during the lunch break, during advisory, and after school each Tuesday from 3:45 p.m. until 4:30 p.m. If you are willing to ask for help, I am willing to find the time to help you.

III. Materials

Standard classroom materials (pens, pencils, loose-leaf paper, highlighters) plus a 3-ring binder with three dividers and a spiral, or composition notebook, just for English, are required.

IV. Textbooks

I will be issuing you a large, heavy, beautiful, expensive literature book. The good news is that I will have a class set of these books for classroom use, so you need not carry yours back and forth between home and school. Additionally, I will expect you to purchase a copy of A Christmas Carol ($2.00) the third six weeks, andI will encourage you to buy a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird ($7.00) the last six weeks. However, that novel and all others we read during the year will be available in the classroom or through the library. Although I will not be issuing a grammar book, by organizing and saving in your binder the grammar notes and handouts you receive, you will be creating your own personal grammar text.

V. Grades

  1. Assignment categories and their values are as follows:

Summative Assessments – 40%

Formative Assessments – 60%

  1. Certain tests, essays, and projects may be weighted to count as more than one grade.
  2. I will accept latework one day lateonly, and that will result in a twenty pointdeduction. Youmust submit a “Missing Assignment” form if you do not have the assigned work on its due date. With the second such form,parents will be notified and subsequent late assignments will result in extended academic opportunity time with Mrs. Pyka in her room after school or at lunch. DO YOUR HOMEWORK!
  3. Extra credit opportunities are minimal, and they are available only to those who have completed all assignments.
  4. I will drop one daily grade each six weeks.

VI. Absenteeism

During the first week of school, you will be paired with your “fall partner.” When you are absent, this student will collect handouts for you, record the day’s agenda, and inform you of due dates. You will return the favor when he/she is absent. When you return to school after an absence, always check the 3-drawer organizer by the door for your “While You Were Absent” form for information about what you missed while you were out. This should be done before class, and remembering to do so is your responsibility.

VII. Due Date Email

Each Monday I will happily send your parents an email which lists the week’s due dates. If your parents would like to receive these emails, please have them provide me with their information so that I can add their names to my distribution list. Note that this year teachers have a website that can be accessed through the FISD Home Page; mine contains a calendar where the assignment due dates will also be posted.

Spanish Statement: Por favor, de contactar el baculo de la oficina de FMS en persona o llame al 997-7657 si necesita ayudar con la translacion del manual de los Estudiantes de FMS.