Lord of the Flies – Survival Brochure Activity

The primary problem the boys have in the novel Lord of the Flies is that they are unprepared for survival on an uninhabited tropical island. They make many mistakes before they learn the best way to do things (like building a fire, etc...). Therefore, the more prepared people are, the better off they'll be when having to survive in a hostile environment. Most experts suggest bringing a few things along to help when things get tough, but the main idea is to know and understand what to do (and when to do it) when you have to survive on your own.

This activity will ask you to find information on the Web and develop a survival brochure that displays the results of your research for the rest of the class. Imagine you are faced with a similar survival problem being stranded on a deserted tropical island with limited resources. What equipment should you have? What steps should you take? What should you avoid? Use to links provided on the Web to gather the information, then use your creativity and style to produce the project. You will be graded on both accuracy of the facts, the presentation, and research.

The objective of this activity is to develop a Survival Brochure using proper research methods.

The Process: Exploring the Web, Creating a Product

The Survival Brochure describes essentials of survival in a foreign and hostile environment similar to the uninhabited island the boys in the novel are faced with. Identify options for materials and strategies using information found on the Web. Create a step-by-step survival manual with the following:

  • A creative cover with clear titles, eye-catching picture (or drawing) and author's names. (Hint: Look at a book cover for layout ideas).
  • Table of contents listing all main concepts and topics.
  • Illustrations of necessary items with description of uses.
  • Clear, brief paragraphs about each element of survival.

Step #1. Use the Web to gather information about the elements of survival:

  • List supplies recommended to have with you.
  • Describe steps should you take.
  • Provide list of thing to avoid (dangers).

Record the information on your dialectic note sheets. Make sure you can read your notes!

Step #2. Use the notes that you have gathered to make a survival brochure of your own. The key will be to find three to five main ideas for your manual (don't try to do too much or it will be hard to read). A basic brochure would have the following subheadings:

  • supplies
  • steps
  • things to avoid

Step #3. Get the materials needed and begin laying out your brochure. Be sure to organize the information in the order you will use it in reality. (For example: "find some smaller twigs to light before you put the larger branches on the fire"). Be sure to involve every member of your group and listen to their input. You may want to divide the job into parts and put someone in charge of each element, either by chapters or by job (writing, graphics, cover).

Step #4. Assemble the parts into a finished version. Be sure to have all members read the brochure to check for mistakes and readability. It is better to do the final work at school, don't rely on one person to do it at home! Keep it where everyone has the ability to work on it.

How You Will Be Graded

The manual, as a technical document, should:

  • report and/or convey information logically and correctly
  • offer detailed and accurate specifications
  • include examples to aid comprehension (e.g., troubleshooting guide)
  • use proper research
  • presentation of information