"Home of the Frederick Bombers"

Office of the Superintendent Shannon Vanderburg, Superintendent

Facility Use

Procedure for School Sponsored Organizations:

Sponsor will complete a “Request for Facility Use” form located on the District’s Web site or “Shared Drive” under administrative forms. Sponsor will be responsible to have the facility Principal sign the form. Principal will tentatively approve/disapprove the request and forward to the Superintendent. Superintendent will approve/disapprove the request.


Sponsor may e-mail request to the Principal of the facility and the Principal will approve/disapprove and forward by e-mail to the Superintendent. If approved, the date will be placed on the facilities calendar.

A copy of the request will be sent back to the Sponsor marked approved/disapproved. Make sure that the event has been approved and posted before proceeding with event.

To prevent conflicts, all requests for facility use by school-sponsored organizations must go through the facility principal. Principals must be provided with the date, time, purpose, and name of the organizational contact or sponsor.

The facility Principal will be responsible to arrange personnel for open/close, clean-up, monitoring, kitchen workers, etc. Principals will insure that the “Request for Services by School Employee” form is completed and forwarded to the Business Office. Employees who work at one of these events will also note those hours on their time card.

School organizations will not be charged for the basic rental fee or be required to have liability insurance. The organization’s activity fund will be charged if any of the other fees apply. See Facility Cost Worksheet.

The district facility calendar is located on the school web site under district information.



(For Use by a School Sponsored Activity or Organization)

Sponsor ______

Activity ______

Facility ______

Date(s) of Use ______

Starting Time:______Ending Time:______

Number of Cooks needed for this activity______

If Fine Arts Auditorium is requested please check items needed.

Lectern/Speaker’s podium

Tables – How many? ______

Wired microphone - How many? ______

Wireless/lapel type microphone – How many?______

Are there any special lighting requests? ______

CD/MP3 player


What will you be using to connect to the projector?


Windows /Android device

School provided laptop

Please list any other special instructions or details of event.


This information is needed to coordinate all building calendars.

Custodian/Cook/Technicians will be paid for open, close and clean up.

Principal of Facility RequestedDate

Superintendent of DesigneeDate

Approved ______Facility Already Reserved ______


Request for Services by School Employee

Employee Name: ______

Sub-account Name and Number: ______

Activity Name and Number: ______

Date Worked: ______

Number of Hours Worked: ______

Services Performed: ______

Signature of Sponsor: ______

Signature of Principal: ______

Signature of Superintendent: ______

To be completed by payroll

Date paid: ______

Gross earnings: ______

Burdens/Fringe paid: ______

Total due from activity sub-account: ______

Payroll clerk: ______