Mr Ms Mrs Miss Other ______Preferred First Name: ______
Last Name: ______First Name: ______
Address: ______
City:______Postal Code: |___|___|___| |___|___|___|
Telephone: Home: (____) ______Business: (____) ______Cell: (____) ______
Pager: (____) ______E-Mail: ______
Citizenship: Canadian Other: ______Age Group: Under 19 Over 19 ______
Why are you interested in volunteering for us? ______
What type of Auxiliary activities interest you? ______
Can you volunteer on a regular basis? No Yes, what times are you available for volunteer work?
Please indicate blocks of specific times in the spaces provided:
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayAM
Would the times be regular, or would they need to change frequently? Regular Change
If your hours would change frequently, please explain: ______
List any hobbies/skills/interests/experiences: ______
Do you speak and/or write languages other than English: No Yes
If YES, please specify: ______
Continued on back page…
Office Use Only:
Rec’d Date:
/On Hold Date:
Comments / Notes:
Return completed applications to: Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary Society 15521 Russell Avenue, White Rock, BC V4B 2R4 Phone: 604-535-4500 757680 Fax: 604-541-5805 Email: auxiliary.
VOLUNTEER: Are you presently a volunteer? No Yes
If yes, where: ______How long? ______
Have you volunteered previously for an Auxiliary? No Yes, when/where: ______
Describe any previous volunteer experience: ______
EMPLOYMENT: Are you currently employed: Yes No Full Time Part Time Casual
Current Employer: _________
May we contact you at work: Yes No
Previous Employment: (attach resume if you wish) ______
EDUCATION/TRAINING: If you are currently a student, what school/university do you attend:
Area of Study: ______Year/Grade: ______
List any past relevant education/training you have: ______
Group Activities Gift Shop Gift Cart
Superfluity Shop Executive Positions Special Events Other
A current criminal records check is required upon approval to volunteer as a member of the Peace Arch Hospital Auxiliary Society. Volunteers will be given the necessary paper work to be presented at your local RCMP office.
Please provide two references (not relatives) that have known you for at least 6 months; one personal, and one business or volunteer related: (Please inform your references they will be contacted)
Name: ______Phone: (___) ______
Personal Relationship to you: ______Email: ______
Name: ______Phone: (___) ______
Business/Volunteer Relationship to you: ______Email: ______
Emergency Information: In case of emergency, contact Name: ______
Telephone: Home: (___) ______Business: (___) ______Cell: (___) ______
** Please read the following carefully before signing this application **
“I ______(Print your name) confirm that the information in this volunteer application is complete and true. I understand and agree that any omission or misrepresentation with respect to the information given may be cause for refusal of volunteer placement, or if I am a volunteer of PAHAS may be cause for immediate termination.
I understand that a Criminal Record Check is required. I authorize PAHAS to contact the references listed and give permission to these references to release all relevant information requested. I understand that an annual membership fee is required.
I understand, and give permission for PAHAS to keep a record of my personal information and that it will remain confidential to PAHAS and Volunteer Resources. I understand that this information may be disclosed to any party with legal and proper interest, and I release the agency from any liability whatsoever for supplying such information.
Signature: ______ Date ______