Franklin Basketball Association Minutes

April 6th 2012

Attendee's: Jeff Gray, Pete Cacioppo, Steve Harvey, Marty Baker, Jose Guzman, Jerome Farnan, Mukesh Chaudhury, Pete Cornetta, Mark Spolidoro and Kevin O'Connell.

Steve Harvey outlined the Agenda for the evening:

▪ Review and discuss the Advisory Board’s (AB) suggested revisions to the Articles of Association (AOA).

▪ Review and discuss the use of Survey Monkey for evaluation of coaches and the program, as well as the AB’s suggested evaluation questions.

▪ Next Steps for 7th Grade Boys “A” Team.

▪ Cape Teams.

AOA: Pete Cornetta, Chairman of the Advisory Board began by reviewing the proposed revisions and explaining the thought process behind the suggested changes.

There was healthy dialogue with agreement by all on parts of the proposal. In a few instances a revisal was agreed to be necessary. It was emphasized several times that proposed changes to the current AOA would have to go before the Coaches and Executive Board (the current membership) for review, discussion and voting.

In particular, the following provisions were reviewed and discussed with no final decision regarding their presentation to the membership:

  1. Definitions: The current AOA do not include definitions. Proposed definitions were provided.
  2. Membership: Proposed expansion of the definition of “member” to include each participating family, with one vote per household in matters of election and removal.
  3. Board Membership: Proposed expansion to include a single vote for the Advisory Board – to be managed by the Chair. One boys team and one girls team coach representative on the Executive Board. The new total board size would be seven.
  4. Coach Selection Process: Proposed that the Coach Selection Committee should be comprised of a group of three independent participants. To exclude the Executive Board (EB) and Coaches.
  5. Coach Evaluation Process: Proposal to re-evaluate all coaches at a fixed point in time (i.e., between 5th and 6th grade). Alternative options discussed included: (1) moving this between 6th and 7th grade, (2) Allowing re-evaluation every year and allowing provision for re-interview when new candidates announce their interest.

Action: Pete Cornetta is going to make the necessary adjustments for final review at our next scheduled meeting - proposed for May 3rd.

After agreement by the Executive and Advisory Board a meeting with the Board (Coaches) will be scheduled. There will be a presentation to the Board regarding the proposed changes to the current Articles of Association. After review, there will be a vote to determine acceptance or rejection of the proposal.

Coach Evaluations: Pete Cacioppo updated the Board’s regarding the status of the Coach Evaluation, which closes on April 9th. The EB determined to move forward with the evaluation prior to review by the AB in order to ensure a timely response from family members. A report of the outcomes will be shared at the next meeting. The hope is that this survey (conducted confidentially on Survey Monkey) will inform future decision-making in the evaluation process. The EB is interested in hearing the AB’s suggestions.

7th Grade Boys A Team: Due to time constraints and length of the first discussion, a brief discussion occurred regarding how to handle any potential interest of the former participants returning for try-outs next year. Specifically, whether or not to allow participation of the individuals/families who ultimately chose to leave the team this past season. The overwhelming response by both the EB and AB members was that there would be no way to ensure that the same or similar issues wouldn’t reoccur.

ACTION: The Executive Board consensus was that the former members should not be invited back.

Cape Teams: No direct discussion occurred, though the issue was touched on during the coach evaluation portion of the meeting.

ACTION: Further discussion tabled until next meeting.

Meeting was adjourned.