August 7, 2007

514 Eagle #107

Frank - please share this Newman Clan update with the Troop families that may remember us.

Shortly after Chris' Eagle Court of Honor in May 2003, the family moved to Belgium and resides there still today. Chris just finished his Junior Year here at SHAPEAmericanHigh School. He is the Deputy Commander of the J-ROTC, still active in Scouting as an Eagle Scout, Vice President of the FBLA, Treasurer of the Junior Class, National Honor Society, etc.... He has tremendous potential to be at the top of his Senior Class in all of these activities and with his grades; he's a straight A student in some very advanced classes. He really wants to go to West Point and he has the capability and qualifications. Carol and I both asked for a one-year extension here so Chris could remain for his senior year. Mine was approved; Carol's was denied.

William earned his Arrow of Light and has made the transition to Boy Scouts. He is now a Second Class Scout ready for his First Class Board of Review. We just returned from Summer Camp at Camp Freedom, Germany. A lot of rain and very cold for the last week of July, but a great weeks for the boys.

Carol will move in a couple months to Heidelberg, Germany to be Chief Nurse of the 30th Medical Brigade. It's a two-year tour which includes a free ticket down-range. I will remain here in Belgium till Jun '08. My assignment Officer has already informed me that there is NO possibility of staying another year to match my move with Carol's next move. There are 13 Combat Aviation Brigades out there and one has my name on it. I understand that completely. Carol will be down-range or about to deploy when it is time for me to PCS as a single parent to a deploying Combat Aviation Brigade with my son William, who will be 13 for my next move. With his older brother off to college, William will be subject to the Family Care Plan alone with both parents deployed. Carol and I did that once in 2002 and I don't wish to experience it again.

I continue to fly helicopters all over Europe for a living - life is good. Most of my free time is spent as Scoutmaster for the local Boy Scout Troop 325. I'll soon submit for retirement in Sep 08. With terminal leave that will have me out of here just after the school year ends. It's too early to tell if we will return to Clarksville or land somewhere else. Best wishes to all of Troop 514 from the Newman Family.

Ryan B. Newman


Executive Officer

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