Frank McNeilly – Asst Tech Scribe

Wood Badge Course/ Critter:SR917 – Fox

Scout Unit:Troop 2815, Chester Va.


Years in Scouting:20 years (9 years youth, 11 years adult and counting)

Highest Rank:Eagle (Silver Palm)

Current Registered Position:

  • Scoutmaster Troop 2815, 5 years
  • Committee Member, Crew 2831, 3 years
  • Associate Adviser Crew 2815, 3 years
  • Nawakwa Lodge Dance Team Co-Adviser, 2 Years
  • Arrohattoc District Unit Commissioner, 6 years
  • Arrohattoc District Camping Chair, 2 years

Other Positions in Scouting and for how long?

  • Wood Badge Staff 2011
  • Arrohattoc Boy Scout Training Team (5 Years)
  • HOV Council Training (EDGE), 3 years
  • HOV Encampment Staff 2013
  • HOV Winter Camp MB Instructor, 2015

Occupation?Project Manager, Carpenter Co. (Electrical Engineer)

Who’s in Your Family?

  • Wife (29 Years) Teresa
  • Daughter Kayla (Girl Scout and Venturing)
  • Son – Ryan Eagle Scout
  • Son- Kevin (Life Scout, hope to be eagle soon)

What is your favorite Scouting event?Philmont 2014, 726-22,

What do you most enjoy doing?Hiking Backpacking, Canoeing, Kayaking, High Adventure, and working with the OA Dance Team, what a great bunch of scouts.

What is your best Scouting memory?Summiting Baldy with my two sons and sponsoring my oldest son for the Vigil Honor.

If you had unlimited time and resources, what would you choose to do?Travel , backpack the AT, Visit every beach and Island I could, Sail the pacific.

What are the most important things in your life?My Family

What do most people not know about you?I grew up in Baton Rouge, La and started my scouting career as a youth. My troop was an Outpost Troop. At Summer Camp we went to dining hall to pick up food and take back to camp to cook. Never ate in the dining hall until I moved to Pennsylvania.

What are your favorite movies?Dune (Sci Fi Version)

What is your favorite food or meal?Steak and Salad

What is your favorite book as an adult?As a youth? Harry Potter, I haven’t grown up yet.

What is something about you that would surprise other people?I drive a Jeep Wrangler. “It’s a Jeep Thing”, Wave……

What is your favorite childhood memory?Camping as a youth with Boy Scouts and with my family.

What is your favorite music and bands?Classic Rock, Pink Floyd, remember I haven’t grown up yet.

What are your hobbies?Kayaking, Canoeing, Backpacking, Hiking, Sitting on the beach.

Geez, anything else?I have had 2 dogs as an adult both Alaskan Malamute’s, Ghost and Shadow.