REFLECTIONSpeaking with authority
Ideally words should always be preceded by deeds. When people who have done something begin to speak, people listen. Their words carry enormous weight. They have real authority. The weakness of a lot of words arises from the fact that they are not preceded, or accompanied, or even followed by deeds. At the root of innumerable wrongs in our world is the discrepancy between word and deed. It is the weakness of Churches, parties, and individuals. It gives people and institutions split personalities. Lord, grant that what we have said with our lips, we may believe with our hearts, and practice with our lives.
SCRIPTURE NOTE:The growing authority of Jesus is the theme of the early part of Mark’s gospel and today’s story is an excellent illustration of this. Jesus has already called the disciples. He calls and they simply follow: it seems that he is a total stranger to them, yet has such authority that they drop everything to follow him. Now in the synagogue he teaches on his own authority. He does not quote the interpretations of others, as rabbinic teachers did, saying, “Rabbi X says this,” “Rabbi Y says that”. No, Jesus teaches, “I say to you …". He seems to be master even of the Law. But it is God’s Law. Only God has authority over it, so who does Jesus think he is? On one level he is a teacher to be compared with Moses, one who is to come into the world, the teacher prophesied in today’s first reading. But he is more than this. To confirm the power of his teaching, he shows what authority he has by overcoming an unclean spirit, wringing from it the snivelling protest, “Have you come to destroy us?” and the acknowledgement that he has a special link with God.
What are the qualities of a good teacher? How does Jesus, the good teacher, reveal his authority?
Heavenly Father, pour down on our Church your Holy Spirit, the fire of your love. Give us the courage, the wisdom and the faith to be salt for the earth and light for the world.
Help us to build warm and welcoming communities of faith in our families, ourneighbourhoods, our Parish. May we carry the Good News by word and action into all ourenvironments, especially those which are hostile and hurting.
Together with Mary, the first evangeliser we entrust all our efforts into the care of theDivine Spirit, who fills and renews the face of the earth.
/ FranciscanChurchofSt.FrancisofAssisi
Parish Deacon: Stephen Parker
Mass Book pg 132.
Sunday / 28th / 9:00am / (People of the Parish)
11:00 am / (Priest’s Intention)
Monday / 29th / No Mass
Tuesday / 30th / No Mass
Wednesday / 31st / No Mass
Thursday / 1st / No Mass
Friday / 2nd / No Mass
Saturday / 3rd / 11:15-11:45 / Sacrament of Reconciliation
12 noon / (Elizabeth Davison)
Thank you for last week's OFFERTORY COLLECTION.
THE PSALMS: THE PRAYERS WHICH JESUS SAID.Join us for a one-day retreat led by Deacon Stephen Parker on Saturday 3rd February (10am till 3.30pm) here at St Francis Church. The day will consist of two talks on praying the psalms. It will also include morning, midday and evening prayer. Mass will be at 12 noon. Tea and coffee will be provided but please bring your own lunch.
ST MARIE’S SCHOOL is holding a consultation on proposed changes to its admissions policy. More details can be found at Comments should be submitted by 31st January to .
Please donate more TEA, COFFEE and SUGAR for St. Wilfrid’s.
PLEASE PRAYfor Alan, Alexander, Alison, AM, Fr Bill Bergin, Dennis Gerrard, Dorry Kennedy, Ellen Dalton, Ian Baxter, Jean Fahy, Jim Foley, John Denzil Joseph, John Hayes, John Rowan, Sr Julia Duignan, JD, JTD, Karen Kilbride, Kathleen Giblin, KC, Leonora, Liz, Margaret Hanour, Margaret Paget, Mary Hunt, Nancy Lennon, Pam Harris, Philip Giblin, Rachel Grace, Roger Kemp, Fr Roy Pannell, Sofia Rabello, Theodora-Angelica, Tony Mulchrone, William Davidson and Willow Grist, who are sick, for Sr Catherine and Bernard Kelly, lately dead and for Ron Wilkinson and RM, whose anniversaries occur about this time.
The Parish council are organising training for people willing to offer support with SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION. Help is needed with preparation for First Holy Communion and we are also hoping to involve parishioners in Baptismal preparation. This is an opportunity to serve the parish and to get involved. The training will equip you for this work giving you confidence in your faith. If you are interested, please contact . There will be a short meeting after 11am Mass on Sunday 4thFebruary when more details will be available.
The ASCENT GROUP will meet in the Assisi Hall on Wednesday 7th February at 1.45 pm. There will be a talk on Lourdes.
THE DREAM GIRLS. There are still tickets available for Friday 9th(8pm), Friday 16th(8pm) and Saturday 17th February (3pm) but the matinee on Saturday 10th is sold out. It's a fantastic blend of music (to suit all tastes) and dances, choreographed by Sarah Bennett, a marvellously talented dance teacher. Raffle prizes will be very welcome. Many thanks to all those who have already donated. Every penny raised will help those people who are in such dire need in Rohingya, East Africa and Yemen. Buy your tickets after Mass or from Grazyna.
ASH WEDNESDAYis on 14th February. Mass will be at 12 noon and afterwards there will be a ‘soup and cheese lunch’ in the Hall. All are welcome. Donations welcome for the Ascent charity of the year.
TheFIRSTHOLYCOMMUNIONANDRECONCILIATIONprogramme takes a break until Wednesday 28th February.
SLEEP OUTin support of St. Wilfrid’s Centre on Friday 16thMarch at the Abbeydale Picture House. Registration including entertainment, light supper and breakfast is £15 per person and you must raise a minimum of £50 in sponsorship. Tickets for the evening's entertainment are also available from For more details or to register, visit
There will be aPARISH RETREAT led by Fr. Kevin Hayden OSB from Ampleforth Abbey on Friday 16th and Saturday 17th March. Save the date - details to follow.
There will be a SPRING FLORAL WORKSHOP in the Assisi Hall on Saturday 28th April between 10am and 1pm. We shall be making an aqua pack gift presentation bouquet which would be useful for various occasions. The cost will be £25 which includes all materials, flowers, foliage & refreshments. Full payment in advance is required to secure a booking. Contact Liz Bishop on .
The Hallam Diocesan PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDESled by Bishop Ralph, will be from Sunday 1stJuly to Friday 6thJuly. Flying from Doncaster with five night's full board for £699. Volunteer helpers are needed. Contact r call 07724 6500066or 01302 247910for more information.
Volunteers are wanted to join our small group of CHURCH FLOWER ARRANGERS. No previous experience necessary as guidance will be provided. Some of us work in pairs and some alone. We each cover two Sundays in a row (doing the arrangements usually on a Saturday morning though this can be flexible) and frequency is at present approximately five times per year. If interested, please contact Paula Coates on .
Members of the SOCIETY OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL (SVP) seek out those in their community in need of help, support or friendship and provide appropriate practical help where needed.They are looking for new members to make a real difference in the community as part of a team of volunteers.If you are interested in joining them or would like more information, please contact 07400 516750.
NEED A LIFT TO MASS? We are aware that many parishioners drive to Mass with space in their cars. Others are sometimes unable to come due to the lack of a lift. We would like to offer a coordination service so we can help each other better.If you are happy to be on a list of those who can offer a lift or you need a lift, please provide contact information and usual Mass time to Diane Rossiter. You may be contacted at relatively short notice but would be under no obligation.The service is offered on the understanding that people can get unaided from their house into a nearby car.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of parishioner BERNARD KELLY who passed away due to PSP on Friday 19th January. The funeral will be held at 10am on Thursday 1st February atSt William of York Church.