Francis Howell Central High School
5199 Highway N
St. Charles, MO 63304
FHC Club
Dear Parent/Guardian and Student:
Welcome to the FHC Club, 2016! Perhaps you’ve heard about our group through various fund raising activities…but our work goes beyond raising money!
The Mission of the FHC Club is to enhance the education, school activities, and the welfare of the Francis Howell Central students, and to Sponsor a Sober Grad Night Party through a partnership of students, parents and educators. - It will take great people like you to help achieve this goal.
We don’t expect a huge time commitment from volunteers. An hour can be a big help to our group and the school, and we have positions and tasks to fit all schedules and interests. Just let us know whether a program, event, or activity interests you and when you might be free to help. (You don’t even have to come to the school or attend a meeting to be involved, although we’d really like to meet you personally!)
Registering is just the first step to a successful Club. Participants can help raise money for our Mission. We encourage members to pay $25.00 per year in dues. Your dues will serve a two-fold purpose while offering an additional benefit. First, the dues collected will help support the ongoing life of the organization by providing funds to cover expenditures on administrative expenses and fund raising events and second, it will be applied to your students Senior Graduation Party Ticket.
We promise that the time you give our group and the school will be worth the while and enjoyable!
Feel free to e-mail if you have questions. Together, we can make a difference at our school and in our children’s lives!
Todd Berck
FHC Club 2016
Freshman Principal Liaison
Open House
August 23, 2012
5:00pm - 7:00pm / Welcome Students and Parents back to school by Coordinating and hosting Open House. / Help with set up from 5:00pm -5:30 pm
Enroll/Register Members from 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Provide refreshments/snacks
Clean up 7:00pm - 7:30pm
Spirit Week
Sept 17-Sept 22 1 / Plan/design float to reflect the theme of Francis Howell Central Homecoming to represent the Sophomore Class. / Coordinator to work with Class Sponsor
Provide vehicle to use to create float (truck, trailer)
Acquire materials needed
Help decorate
Clean up
Spirit Day/Week
TBA (September) / Setup/teardown and staff one day of Spirit Merchandise Sales during Lunch Period. / Day of Sale
Parent/Teacher Conferences (Fall)
(October 2 & 3, 2012) / Prepare side dish (i.e. Dessert/Salad) by Junior Class. Provide a Sweet Snack. Deliver to School by 1:30pm / Provide Side Dish
Provide Salty Snack
Snack Sales
TBA / Freshman are required to setup/tear down and staff 4 full weeks of Snack Sales during Lunch Period. (9:30am - 1:00pm) / Monday
Parent/Teacher Conferences (Spring)
(March 6 & 7 2013) / Prepare side dish (i.e. Dessert/Salad) by Sophomore Class. Provide a Sweet Snack. Deliver to School by 1:30pm (SECOND day of conferences) / Provide Side Dish
Provide Fruit Snack
Teacher Appreciation Week
First FULL week in May / Prepare snack for Teachers Lounge on MONDAY. Deliver to school by 9:00am / Provide Snack.
May 4, 2013 / Sell Prom Tickets week of Prom during Lunch Period. (9:30am - 1:00pm) / Monday
Contact me at the phone/email listed. I cannot commit to a specific date at this time, but please make my information available to all committee chairs.
We are looking for a Parent Club President who shall preside at all general and special meetings of the FHC Club, the Board, Parents’ Forum meetings, the Executive Committee and the Budget Committee. President (co-Presidents) shall serve over all other committees in an advisory role; shall communicate regularly with the membership; and shall be a liaison to and between parents and the school administration and staff regarding FHC Club, 2016.
We are looking for a Parent Club Fund-Raising Chair who shall be a member of the Executive Committee; shall oversee Fund-Raising Committee activities; shall direct other to communicate to the Board any new fund-raising ideas; may research, oversee or direct other in researching additional fund-raising opportunities; and shall perform such other duties as may be directed or requested by the President (Co-Presidents) regarding FHC Club, 2015.
We are looking for a Parent Club Membership Chair who shall be a member of the Executive Committee; shall oversee the Membership Committee activities of FHC Club 2016; secure membership dues for the coming year; and shall perform such other duties as may be directed or requested by the President (co-Presidents).
We are looking for an Administrative/Recording Secretary for FHC Club, 2016who shall be a member of the Executive Committee; shall keep the minutes of each meeting of the Board; shall prepare a summary of Board meetings for publication; shall be responsible for maintaining the written minutes of the Board; shall attend to all correspondence; and shall perform other duties as directed or requested by the President (Co-Presidents).
We are looking for a Parent Club Treasurer who shall be a member of the Executive Committee; shall keep and preserve all monies of the FHC Club, 2016; shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and disbursements and pay out all monies of the FHC Club, 2016 - only as authorized by the Board; shall make a monthly financial report to the Board; shall prepare and submit all required state and federal statutory filings in a timely manner; and shall perform such other duties as may be directed or requested by the President (co-Presidents).
We are looking for a Parent Club Communications/Service Chair who shall be a member of the Executive Committee; shall be responsible for overseeing all FHC Club, 2016’s communication activity, including but not limited to FHC newsletters; ads and flyers; and shall perform such other duties as requested or directed by the President (co-Presidents).
Thank you for volunteering! The Committee Chair will be in touch with you as they begin their event planning. We are in need of volunteers for all our events and will try to contact everyone who volunteers.