Francine C. Widrich

Post Office Box 290, 528 Lyons Road • LibertyCorner, New Jersey07938


Master of Business AdministrationMay 2003

RutgersUniversityGraduateSchool of BusinessNewark, New Jersey

Master of Public Administration •G.P.A. 3.9•Pi Alpha Alpha Honor Society May 2000

RutgersUniversityGraduateSchool of ManagementNewark, New Jersey

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Public Administration & Legal StudiesMay 1985

MontclairStateUniversity Montclair, New Jersey


New Jersey Department of Law and Public Safety

Division of Consumer Affairs1985 – Present

Management Improvement Specialist(August 2002 – Present)

Implement new programs and processes within the division. Coordinate program assessment, operations review and process improvement.

  • Develop recommendations for improving the organization, management and efficiency of the offices within the Division of Consumer Affairs.
  • Ensure adherence to statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • Oversee special projects concerning budgetary and administrative operations.
  • Perform management consulting evaluations and reports.
  • Implement new programs and processes into existing operations, including:
  • The Telemarketers Do Not Call Act.
  • The Health Care Consumer Information Act (physician profile legislation).
  • The digital fingerprinting process for criminal history background checks.
  • As necessary, act as temporary manager of subunits to facilitate operational improvement.

Acting Manager, Homemaker Home Health Aide Unit (October 2002 –June 2003)

Managedthe day-to-day operations of a licensing unit with a staff of 15+ and alicensee base of 30,000+.

  • Reviewed organizational arrangements, performance criteria and developed procedures designed to positively affect efficiency and achieve results.
  • Prepared and analyzed statistical data to determine fluctuations in workloads and executed plans to minimize the impact on operations.
  • Hired, fired, promoted, demoted and, when necessary, disciplined employees.
  • Acted as liaison toexternal healthcare organizations and associations.

Manager, Print and Web Development Unit(November 1991 – July 2003)

Developed and created the division’s official Website. Wrote, edited and prepared official publications critical to the state's mission to protect consumers. Researched and prepared reports on health-care topics affecting the division.

  • Devisedstrategies, conceived ideas and guided staff in creating appealing and useful resources.
  • Initiated an Internet version of a listing of state-approved engineers, enabling immediate access to current information and making the product superior to the original $100,000 print publication.
  • Created and/or edited publication of 100+ forms, applications, and external print products.
  • Originated artwork, graphs, charts, logos and illustrations for Web and print publications, press conferences, news releases and presentations.
  • Managed incoming consumer e-mail and online complaints.

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Communications Officer: Bureau of Securities (October 1989 – November 1991)

Produced quality newsletters, training manuals, brochures, reports and other publications to improve information flow and access within the bureau.

  • Introduced new newsletters, training manuals, brochures, reports and other products, creating copy, design and shepherding projects through publishing.
  • Prepared press releases and official reports on disciplinary actions and other investigative activities.
  • Produced monthly statistical reports and litigation summaries on bureau activity.

Staff Analyst: Office of the Director (November 1985 – October 1989)

Supported the activities of the state's professional and occupational licensing boards. Acted as liaison between division and board offices. Prepared reports, correspondence and research.

  • Conducted policy review and implementation.
  • Evaluated and responded to consumer complaints, made referrals and monitored resolutions.
  • Hired to Staff Analyst position after successful performance as a non-paid, academic intern.


  • EarnedM.B.A. and M.P.A.with honors. Certified paralegal with extensive background in consumer, investor and healthcare issues. Expertise in researching legal issues, operations review, program assessment, process improvement, Internet-site development and desktop publishing.
  • Developed an online directory featuring 60 categories of state-licensed professionals with current information on license status and disciplinary actions. Earned citations from three state attorneys general for outstanding contributions in areas of cyber-fraud and emergency preparedness.
  • Adept at assessing needs, planning, allocating resources, prioritizing and executing multiple projects to consistently achieve goals. Experienced and skillful at directing, motivating and supervising personnel in various unit and offices.
  • Prepare and deliver effective presentations. Write with clarity, strength and style. Compose engaging Web content, brochures, newsletters and reports. Establish clear lines of communication and foster excellent professional relations.
  • Background includes policy review. Skilled at preparing statistical reports and litigation summaries. Practiced at identifying trends and at recognizingthe development of issues that affectNew Jersey consumers.


MontclairStateUniversity, Political Science Department

Adjunct Professor (January 2004 – Present)


MontclairStateUniversity: Certified Paralegal

New Jersey Institute of Technology:Certified WebMaster (2001)

United Digital Artists Certifications: Web Tools (2000) • Multi-Media (1998) • Internet (1996)