March 2011

Welcome to EDUC 1235 - Special Education, Part 1

The following information will allow you to plan in advance for the upcoming session of Special Education Part 1 and make arrangements to complete the requirements of the course. The course consists of a four day practicum that includes time for consultation, note keeping, and reflection, combined with a total of 76 in class hours, spread over 12 days. A detailed schedule of hours and days is provided below.

Hours: The hours for the class are divided between practicum and in-class. We have provided the dates for both practicum and in class below. Please note, that you are required to complete four days of practicum.

Practicum Dates:

Four days at the beginning of June (if you are enrolled in May ABQ: May 30 – June 3) and/or during the month of May (if you are not enrolled in May ABQ).

Please note that although your Special Education placement might take place in the same classroom as your ABQ, you may not double up on practicum… if you are taking both courses, you must complete eight days of practicum and practicum forms and logs must be submitted for each class.

Neglecting to submit the completed forms will prevent your recommendation to the Ontario College of Teachers. We will not chase you for them!
AnticipatedIn Class Dates:

Monday June 68:30 – 4:00

Tuesday June 78:30 – 4:00

Monday June 138:30 – 4:00

Tuesday June 148:30 – 4:00

Wednesday June 158:30 – 4:00

Thursday June 168:30 – 4:00

Friday June 178:30 – 4:00

Monday June 208:30 – 4:00

Tuesday June 218:30 – 4:00

Wednesday June 228:30 – 4:00

Thursday June 238:30 – 4:00

Friday, June 24 8:30 – 4:00

Practicum: Students are to make arrangements at a school of their choice to complete four days of observation; this will involve observing and interacting with students who have been formally identified as having exceptionalities. This practicum may include time with a resource teacher in a resource room or regular classroom, or may simply be in a regular classroom as long as there are students with formal identifications of exceptionality in the class.

Please note that the Practicum Information Form should be submitted to the In-Service Education office by May 30, 2011 (Fax number: 705-472-6498). The Practicum Report Form, and Practicum Log and Assessmentmust be submitted in-class during the first week of the classroom component (by June 7). These are required forms and must be submitted or final grades will not be released and the course will not be reported the Ontario College of Teachers


Learning Expectations

Successful candidates will:

  • integrate learning and experience in a classroom setting
  • use observation, planning, teaching, and interaction with students as a means towards professional growth
  • engage the experience of a colleague to further one's understanding
  • evaluate one's experience and draw conclusions about what one has learned and needs to learn


A practicum is an opportunity for you to integrate your learning and experience in a course and apply this to a real-life situation by observing, planning, teaching, and interacting with students.

The practicum component of this additional qualification course requires that you participate in a 24 hour (4 day) experiential learning practicum. This is to involve 24 hours directly with students with exceptionalities. You are to arrange the practicum at a school, with a host teacher whom is usually someone you know and respect as a colleague. Mutually convenient arrangements should be made between you and the host teacher. Listed below are the forms that are used in the practicum component of the course. Please note the required deadlines:

  1. Letter for Host Teacher

This is a letter describing the overall intent of the practicum and should be presented to both the host teacher and principal when you first contact the school.

  1. Practicum Information Form

This form indicates where the candidate will be completing the required practicum.

The candidate is required to sign and submit this form to In-Service Education by May 30, 2011 (Fax to 705-472-6498)

  1. Practicum Report Form

This form is to be completed at the end of the practicum session and reviewed with the host teacher for comments and signature.

The completed form, including total number of practicum hours, must be signed by the host teacher and submitted in-class by June 7, 2011.

  1. Practicum Log and Reflection on the Log

One entry per visit should be recorded in the log. The practicum log and reflection of the log is to be completed at the end of the practicum and submitted along with the practicum report form, in-class, by June 7, 2011.

Dear Host Teacher,

______(name of candidate) is presently enrolled in the Special Education, Part I course offered at Nipissing University. An essential component of this course is a practicum in which candidates are required to gain experience in a classroom setting where they may observe studentsparticipating in a variety of learning activities related to the subject of the course. The intent of this practicum is to familiarize the candidate with the characteristics and needs of students, and to experience the impact and implementation of related curriculum expectations in the classroom.With your support and guidance as a host teacher we hope that candidates will also have opportunities to interact with students and enhance the learning experience for everyone involved.

We appreciate your willingness to welcome this qualified teacher into your classroom. We hope that the experience of sharing your expertise and having an extra pair of hands in the class will be mutually beneficial. As the Associate Dean of Education, I invite you to contact me if any questions arise during the practicum.

Associate Dean:Dr. Carole Richardson

Telephone Number:705-474-3450, Ext. 4269

E-mail Address:




(June Intersession – Face-to-Face)


Fax Number: 705-472-6498

Student Name: ______

Student Number: ______

Student Phone Number: ______

Student Email: ______

PRACTICUM DETAILS (Please print clearly):

Iwill complete my practicum in the following classroom:

School Board: ______

School: ______Grade:______

School Address: ______

Classroom Subject: ______

Host Teacher: ______

Telephone: ______E-mail: ______

I am aware that the practicum is a requirement of the course: ______

(Please initial)

I have arranged with the host teacher and principal to conduct the in class practicum for the required number of hours (minimum 24).


Candidate’s Signature Date




June Intersession (Face-to-Face)

Submit in-class by June 7, 2011

This is to certify that ______(please print name of candidate) has completed the practicum requirementsas described below:

Date: ______Number of hours: ______

Date: ______Number of hours: ______

Date: ______Number of hours: ______

Date: ______Number of hours: ______

TOTAL HOURS:______(minimum 24 hours)

The candidate engaged in the following activities during the practicum:

Date/Time / Activity
Work with Students
Host Teacher’s Comments


Signature of Host Teacher Date

PRACTICUM LOG – submit in class by June 7, 2011

One entry to be completed by the candidate for each day of the practicum. Please take note that your log and reflection on the practicum experience should be no longer than five pages in total.

Date: / Host Teacher:
Grade: / Curriculum Focus:
Observations of Implementation of Teaching/Learning Strategies:
Accommodations and Modifications for Learners with Exceptionalities (What? How?)
Reflections on Learning/Observation of Students (Why? What if?)


To be completed at the end of the practicum and submitted in-class by June 7 with the practicum log.

Name: ______

How did this practicum experience expand your understanding of learning as it relates to this course and subject matter?
What key issues emerged for you as a result of this experience? (At least three)
How will you apply this learning to further enhance your teaching practice?