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FR Steering Committee Report

National Executive Meeting

13-15 May, 2014

Since the last NE meeting, the FR Steering Committee has not met. There have been a few emails being sent around. There a few issues that have come to the forefront such as the use of casuals in Gagetown and I believe Borden, the use of Fire Inspectors as operational firefighters at Suffield,Shilo and other bases, Shilo's first response requirements, and so on. These issues all present problems. DND Firefighters are supposed to be a national fire service, and have clear direction laid out from the CFFM (FMD, Fire Marshall's Directives) as to training requirements to remain operational, manning requirements due to fire load, etc. If the rules are to vary from base to base, which rules apply at what bases, are the directives merely guidelines, and then the question arises are the FR’s truly a "national" fire service? With all the Conventions coming up over the next few months, it will be hard to find a time for a meeting over the summer. I talked with Blair Winger and we agree to have a FR Steering Committee meeting in the September 2014 timeframe.

FR Wellness Committee Report

National Executive Meeting

13-15 May 2014

Jason Elder stepped down from the committee in Jan 2014. Jason did a great job on the committee and I wish him well in his other endeavors. Paul Tobin, a firefighter from Local 704 Shilo has been selected to replace Jason. Paul is very interested in the fitness/wellness aspect and has shown an interest in being on the Committee. He is also from the Prairie region which is the region that Jason was looking after. The DND/CF Firefighter Wellness Advisory Committee had a VTC meeting on 6 Mar, 2014. There were a number of issues that were discussed. I have attached the minutes for your perusal. The next VTC meeting is scheduled for 11 Jun 2014.

Randy Walker



FR Committees


Minutes of the DVCS teleconference held on March 6, 2014

180 Kent St (Minto Bldg), Ottawa



Mr. Randy Walker / Co‐Chair, UNDE
FR OPI / (204) 765‐3000 x3883 /
LCol Ken Brooks / CFFM / (613) 995‐2909 /
Mr. Adam Walsh / CFB Petawawa / (613) 687‐5511 x5555 /
Mr. Alexander Donald / CFB Esquimalt / (250) 363‐2224 /
Cpl Alexandre
Marchand / 3 Ere Bagotville / (418) 677‐4000 x7222 /
Ms. Nicole Thomas / FF&WM
(CFMWS) / (613) 992‐4628 /
CWO Martin Rousseau / CFFM 3‐2 / (613) 995‐2900 /
Ms. Cheryl Olson / CFB Det Dundurn / (306) 492‐2135 x4366 /


Ms. Brendalee Blaney / Union Services
Officer / (613) 594‐4505 ex. 23 /
Mr. Blair Winger / CFB Suffield / (403) 544‐5051 /
Mr. Pierre Voisine / CFFM 2 / (613) 995‐2936 /
Sgt Martin Page / 14 Wing
Greenwood / (902) 765‐1494 x5206 /
MCpl Sheldon Samson / CFFCA / (705) 424‐1200 x7234 /

Item Discussion Action

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1.0 Introductory Remarks

The meeting was called to order, LCol Brooks assumed chair. LCol Brooks welcomed everyone to the meeting, apologized for the cancellation of the previous meetings. LCol Brooks indicated that it is very important to make the time to meet, the FC indicated that this was a worthwhile committee

and that they want it to continue. LCol Brooks reiterated that the committee

has to have value, show progress and results. Mr. Walker welcomed everyone to the meeting, hoped that everyone had a good Holiday and New Year and was looking forward to the meeting.


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2.0 / Review of previous minutes
Approved / info
3.0 / Additions to the Agenda
‐Use of the Polycom system for these meetings
‐ Issue with boots ordered through Logisticorp / C. Olson
4.0 / PPP ‐ GECA Coverage for DND firefighter – Update
Mrs. Thomas is in discussion with the legal department to see if they would be willing to deliver this presentation in a webinar on DLN. More to follow. / N. Thomas
5.0 / 5a a. National Wellness Initiative – Health Promotion Programs (Injury
Ms. Thomas indicated that the Firefighter Injury Prevention program is ready for delivery. All Health Promotion offices across the country have received the presentation. Committee reps. are to info all fire department Wellness Reps. of its availability.
5a b. info “Education package on Hazardous Occurrence Report (DND 663) & Report of Injury, Disease or Illness (CF 98)”[A1]
CWO Rousseau was explaining that there may be a misunderstanding on
how/when should the DND 663 and the CF 98 be used. LCol Brooks indicated that he is part of a D Safe G working committee on Hazardous occurrence.
He will be discussing this issue with the committee.
5b a. Mobile site being developed – Aug 14
Ms. Thomas indicated that a mobile site is being developed and will be available this summer. This application will enable members to view the site on different electronic devices such as a tablet, phone and PC. There will be a marketing campaign for the launch of the mobile site.
5b b. b. – Is this tool being used?
CFFM purchased 500 licenses last fiscal year to allow access to all our DND firefighters. Mrs. Thomas will engage the service provider to provide a “DND Usage report” to see if this is worth continuing. CFFM will confirm if this will be covered in next FY budget.
Update: Cost of licences will be covered for the upcoming FY however; a survey will be completed to determine future accessibility based on usage.
5c. Body Bulletin ‐ Last one in August 2014
Our contract with Personal Best is up for renewal in June. CFFM will advise if funds will be made available for the renewal of this service. If the funds are not available our last Body Bulletin will be August 2014. If funds are available, the following committee members committed to writing a 250 / Committee
CFFM office
N. Thomas
Alex Donald Adam Walsh Cpl Marchand

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word article for the corresponding month:
Alex Donald – August 2014 (article due June 2014) Adam Walsh – September 2014 (article due July 2014) Cpl Marchand – October 2014 (article due August 2014)
5d. CFFM Website – updated
The following information has been updated on the CFFM Website:
· Firefighter Combat Challenge Memo 2014
· Wellness Committee Minutes 9 Oct 13
· Wellness Posters (6) Waiting to add:
· Firefighter Cookbook
· Updated Wellness binder / Info
N. Thomas
6.0 / Funds for PT footwear
Ms. C. Olson received the following inquiry: Is there an allowance available to cover the expense of running shoes for PT, similar to our boot allowance? In the past we have received PT foot wear and still receive clothing through the CFFM, why can this not continue?
CFFM referred us to the following directive, National Joint Council Directive on Uniforms which states “It is the policy of the government to provide appropriate items of clothing to employees where the nature of the work is such that special protection is required or where special identification at the local, national or international level will aid in the effective performance of duties and in meeting program objectives." Public Funds cannot be used for PT Footwear.
CFFM also indicated that in time of financial constraint some discretionary perks (t‐shirts shorts), need to be reviewed to be in line with the uniform policy. More to follow. / CFFM
7.0 / Fitness equipment request for Bagotville
Cpl Marchand indicated that the mini gym in the Bagotville fire hall was lacking key pieces of fitness equipment. They have approached PSP for equipment; PSP indicated they had no funds or old equipment to spare. Cpl Marchand was enquiring for funds to purchase some equipment.
CFFM asked if funding approval was sent up the local chain of command. He also indicated that he would look into year end funding. More to follow.
Update: opportunity to purchase with FY 13/14 funds have passed. List to be developed/maintained for in‐year FY 14/15 procurement should opportunity arise. / CFFM
N. Thomas
8.0 / 8a. Additions to the agenda ‐ Use of the Polycom system for these meetings
Ms. C. Olson received the following query, would it be possible to provide additional polycom systems to be acquired for some dedicated stand alone computer in the fire hall for committee members. We are currently asking FC / CFFM

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and DFC to allow these members to sit at their computer for extended
periods of time. During this time the computer is not locked and the FC DFC
are not able to access their computers.
CFFM indicated this was a great idea; he would enquire about funding for a few additional interfaces. More to follow.
Update: Every FD should now have three Polycom systems. This should be more than sufficient to ensure that FDs can dedicate one set for "loan". If assistance is required to set up user accounts, or if a FD does not have three systems, they should contact Maj Vollhoffer.
8b. Additions to the agenda ‐ Issue with boots ordered through Logisticorp Ms. C. Olson was enquiring about the process for firefighters that cannot wear the Logisticorp safety boots. Do we require a medical chit from the Dr. if so who pays for this? If this falls under the Duty to accommodate, who pays for the boots, local cost or CFFM? CFFM will look into this
Update: Med Chits for Boots ‐ see Workplace Accommodation Guidelines ( http://hrciv‐‐ accommodation‐guidelines.doc ) DND employees are responsible for providing reports or medical information specifically relevant to the process of identifying appropriate WA. Managers are responsible for securing funds through the business planning process to acquire the technical aids, equipment and support materials that are required to accommodate employment related needs of employees. / CFFM
9.0 / Roundtable:
Cpl Marchand: their fire hall is having issues with the coveralls, CWO Rousseau indicated that the new contract will be awarded in the next few weeks and coveralls should start to be received in the supply system by July
2014. In addition, currently there are funds available to have coveralls fixed until the new supply is in the system. An email was sent out explaining the process. Cpl Marchand indicated they were aware of this, they have sent out sets to be repaired, the sets are returning with different coloured material. Mr. A. Walsh: Indicated they have a SOG for incident forms, they fill out
Form 6 for WSIB then the DND 663 is filled out, they add the WSIB form 6 to the DND 663. CFFM Would like to see the SOG, Mr. A. Walsh will send them. Mr. R. Walker: Indicated he is looking for a replacement for the FR vacancy on this committee. CFFM suggested a request for nominees be sent out, Mr. R. Walker agreed.
Update: SOG has since been received by CFFM. Currently under review. / A. Walsh
10.0 / Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 pm. A date for our next Wellness
Wednesday, 11 June 2014 starting at 11:00am EST