Elementary Solutions | Literacy



Professional Development & Specialized Support Services



Build Reading and Writing Skills for Future College and Career Readiness

With research-based strategies that address the needs of all learners

·  Ensure a smooth transition to the Common Core.

·  Develop independent readers and writers.

·  Plan instruction to meet the needs of every student.


Meet Our Experts 6

Implementation Path 8

Success Story 9

Scott Foresman Reading Street™ 10

My Sidewalks on Scott Foresman Reading Street™ 17

Good Habits, Great Readers™ 18

Ramp-Up Literacy 22

Language Central 23

Words Their Way™ 24

Words Their Way™: Word Study in Action 27

Developmental Reading Assessment®, 2nd Edition (DRA™2) 28

Qualitative Reading Inventory 31

QuickReads® 32

6-Trait Writing 33

Literacy Navigator® 34

RtI in Literacy 35

Additional Literacy Professional Development 36

Developing the Foundation for Independent Learning

Our focus always supports the Common Core expectation that students build the background knowledge they need to achieve authentic literacy as individuals. Our research-based literacy professional development workshops are designed to help teachers develop independent learners who are prepared for future success in college and careers.

Meet the Common Core State Standards

Educators learn how to:

·  Successfully transition to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.

·  Help students read closely and communicate clearly to improve content knowledge.

·  Build the foundation for future college and career readiness.

Build Independent Readers and Writers

Educators learn how to:

·  Build a repertoire of strategies that foster independent learning.

·  Strengthen literacy best practices that engage young learners.

·  Develop students’ vocabulary and fluency.

Differentiate Instruction for All Learners

Educators learn how to:

·  Access and interpret student data.

·  Use data to make individual instructional decisions.

·  Implement data-based interventions.

We support administrators in building capacity across the organization, with professional development tightly tied to mission-focused curriculum, assessment, and school reform. Skilled consultants model strategies and actionable steps and demonstrate the connections between programs, research, and standards.


English Language Learners

Response to Intervention

Common Core State Standards

Online Services

Meet Our Literacy Experts

Pearson works with more than 1,000 authors and researchers to bring you practical, evidence-based professional development programs and resources. Our close association with key authors and architects of the Common Core State Standards ensures that the spirit and pedagogical approach of the initiative is embodied in our educational materials, assessments, and professional development.

A few of the experts we work with include:

Pam Allyn

Expert in Literacy Instruction

·  Director and Founder of LitWorld, a groundbreaking global literacy initiative

·  World-renowned expert in home and school literacy connections

·  Motivational speaker, teacher, children’s advocate, and author of many books, including Be Core Ready

Shane Templeton

Words Their Way™ Author

·  Foundation Professor Emeritus of Literacy at the University of Nevada–Reno

·  Research focuses on developmental word knowledge in elementary, middle, and high school students

Peter Afflerbach

Reading Street™ Author

·  Professor of Reading in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Maryland

·  Served as Chair of the Reading Assessment Committee of the International Reading Association

·  Research interests focus on reading assessment and reading comprehension strategies

P. David Pearson

Reading Street™ Author

·  Professor of Language, Literacy, and Culture at the University of California–Berkeley

·  Served as the John A. Hannah Distinguished Professor of Education at Michigan State University

·  Served as Dean of the College of Education at the University of Illinois

Sharon Vaughn

Reading Street™ Author

·  H.E.Hartfelder/The Southland Corporation Regents Professor at the University of Texas

·  Executive Director of the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk at the University of Texas

Karen Wixon

Reading Street™ Author

·  Dean of the School of Education at the University of North Carolina–Greensboro

·  Cochair of the International Reading Association (IRA) Commission on RtI

Jeanne Paratore

Reading Street™ Author

·  Professor of Literacy Education and Director of the Reading and Writing Clinic at Boston University

·  Founder/advisor to the Intergenerational Literacy Project

Adria Klein

Good Habits, Great Readers; Reading Street™ Author

·  Professor Emeritus at California State University–San Bernardino

·  Coordinator and Trainer for the Foundation for Comprehensive Literacy Learning

·  Served as President of the California Reading Association

Elfrieda Hiebert

Reading Street™ Author

·  President and CEO of TextProject, Inc.

·  Served on the Common Core State Standards development team focused on text complexity

“Preparation for success in college and in life demands that our students can go beyond the literal, using higher order thinking, to analyze, critique, synthesize and apply what they learn from reading.”

—Peter Afflerbach

Reading Street author

Drive teacher effectiveness while measuring the fidelity of your Reading Street™ implementation

Get the Results You Want

Pearson’s wide array of Reading Street™ professional development services coupled with additional literacy, Common Core, classroom technology, and assessment professional development support will help you design an ongoing educator professional development plan.

These recommended road maps show how you can implement Reading Street™ with fidelity—just pick your focus area.


·  Reading Street™: Product Implementation Essentials (Online and On-site)


·  Digging into the Reading Standards

·  Digging into the Writing Standards


·  Coaching and Modeling

·  Lesson Study

·  Consultative Services


·  Reading Street™: Differentiating Instruction

·  Teach Digitally with Reading Street™

Success Story

Elementary Students Make Steady Improvement in Literacy Scores with Reading Street™ Professional Development

Mobile County Public School System

Mobile, Alabama


The Mobile County Public School System wanted to help more students in Grades 3–5 meet or exceed the literacy content standards of the Alabama Reading and Math Test (ARMT).


Teachers received job-embedded Reading Street™ professional development to build their knowledge base and drive improvements in literacy. Pearson literacy consultants worked with participating educators and provided on-site coaching. The goal was to ensure that teachers could select program components matched to students’ instructional needs, based on data, and help each student master the literacy skills necessary to become a successful reader and writer.


Reading Street™ professional development helped teachers develop the content knowledge, skills, and instructional strategies to ensure student mastery of the Alabama Content Standards. The district saw steady improvement each year in each grade, with five percent more fifth graders meeting or exceeding the ARMT literacy content standards after three years.

“Improving the literacy of our youngest students was a top priority for us, which is why we focused our efforts on this program.”

— Marilyn Howell

Mobile County Elementary Reading Supervisor

Scott Foresman Reading Street™

Reading Street™: Product Implementation Essentials


Activate the resources and built-in teaching strategies that help students become proficient readers and writers. Participants become familiar with the program components for planning instruction, delivering instruction, and reflecting on instruction. Upon completion of the workshop, teachers will be on their way to implementing Reading Street™ with fidelity.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

·  Describe the classroom components and resources in the Reading Street™ program.

·  Summarize the philosophy, pedagogy, and basic organization of the Reading Street™ program.

·  Examine resources and strategies to meet students’ diverse needs.


Elementary Educators (can be grouped by grade level or grade band), Literacy Coaches


ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: 117056

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: 115568

ISBN: Reading Street ©2008: 112189

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit PearsonPD.com for details on our online learning options.

Reading Street™ Product Implementation Essentials: Fused Online Course

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: Up to 15: 032873750X

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: Up to 30: 0328737518

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: Up to 50: 0328737526

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: Up to 15: 032873747X

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: Up to 30: 0328737488

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: Up to 50: 0328737496

Reading Street™ Product Implementation Essentials: Self-Paced Course

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

per seat pricing

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: 119407

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: 119640

Reading Street: Product Implementation Essentials: Live Online Course

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours

Number of Participants: Up to 50

Cohort pricing

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013 Up to 15: 119427

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013 Up to 30: 119437

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013 Up to 50: 119418

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011 Up to 15: 119408

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011 Up to 30: 119428

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011 Up to 50: 119438

ISBN: Reading Street ©2008 Up to 15: 119419

ISBN: Reading Street ©2008 Up to 30: 119409

ISBN: Reading Street ©2008 Up to 50: 119429

Foundational Overview of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts


Explore all components of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts (ELA). The first day emphasizes the implications of standards on ELA content, curriculum, and assessment. College and career readiness anchor standards for the four strands, and the progression and integration of the performance expectations within each strand are addressed. The second day focuses exclusively on reading and writing standards. Comprehension, text complexity, and informational texts are the highlights of the reading portion. The writing portion highlights the three genres emphasized by the CCSS, particularly Argument.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

·  Describe the four strands included in the CCSS for ELA as well as key features of their progression and integration.

·  Illustrate how the anchor standards progress for each strand.

·  Reference Appendix B to model performance-based assessments.

·  Explain the central importance of text complexity to the reading standards.

·  Define the three writing genres specified by CCSS.

·  Trace the development of Argument through the grade spans.

·  Plan for the impact of the CCSS on content, instruction, and assessment.


K–12 Educators


ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: 117034

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: 115355

ISBN: Reading Street ©2008: 115333

Digging into the Reading Standards


Dig into the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Reading. Participants explore the topics of reading comprehension, text complexity, and informational texts. They learn ways to select appropriate texts, materials, and strategies so students are supported in meeting the high standards embedded within the CCSS. Strategies for teaching English learners (ELs) are also referenced during the workshop.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

·  Select appropriate reading materials to scaffold students to higher standards.

·  Apply grade-appropriate instructional strategies that enrich comprehension of complex text, vocabulary, and fluency.

·  Incorporate reading comprehension strategies specific to informational texts.

·  Support students in achieving the CCSS reading standards.


K–12 Educators


ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: 117064

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: 115232

ISBN: Reading Street ©2008: 115234

Digging into the Writing Standards


Dig into the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Writing. Participants explore the writing genres, particularly Argument and Explanatory. They plan appropriately leveled writing prompts and assignments. Strategies for teaching English learners (ELs) are also referenced during the workshop.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

·  Plan appropriate writing prompts and assignments to scaffold students to higher standards.

·  Apply grade-appropriate instructional strategies that support students in writing opinion/argument and informative/explanatory pieces.

·  Support students in achieving the CCSS writing standards.


K–12 Educators


ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: 117065

ISBN: Reading Street ©2011: 117035

ISBN: Reading Street ©2008: 117054

Habits of Close Reading

Number of days: 1

Enhance students’ close reading skills. Participants learn what close reading is and how to develop habits of close reading at the elementary level. They also learn strategies that support students in reading complex text, finding evidence in order to form an opinion or argument, and expressing it through writing and other performance tasks.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

·  Define close reading.

·  Develop habits of close reading.

·  Implement strategies that encourage students to access complex text, find evidence, ask questions, form opinions or arguments, and demonstrate understanding.

Target audience:

Educators, Literacy Coaches, Specialists, Administrators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: 119434

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit PearsonPD.com for details on our online learning options.

Reading Street™ Habits of Close Reading: Live Online Course

Equivalent Seat Time: 6 hours


Cohort pricing

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: Up to 15: 119470

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: Up to 30: 119460

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: Up to 50: 119451

Writing to Sources

Number of days: 1

The Common Core State Standards require students to synthesize ideas across multiple texts. During this workshop, participants learn instructional strategies for teaching students to respond to multiple sources, draw on textual evidence to support their ideas, and craft narrative, informative, and opinion pieces with accuracy and cohesion. They plan lessons and tasks that will provide students with guided practice writing to sources and discover ways to scaffold instruction to support all students as they work towards becoming inquisitive, thoughtful, and precise writers.


By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

·  Scaffold instruction to help students respond to multiple texts.

·  Cultivate a spirit of valuing evidence among students.

·  Implement performance tasks that require students to synthesize ideas across multiple texts.

Target audience:

Educators, Literacy Coaches, Specialists, Administrators

Number of participants: 30

ISBN: Reading Street ©2013: 119405

This workshop is also available for online learning. Visit PearsonPD.com for details on our online learning options.

Reading Street™ Writing to Sources: Live Online Course