St. Teresa’s Church, Rathduff

Fr. Des Smith, C.C. (096) 21596 & 087 7785315

Mass Intentions from Sat. 24 th August – Sun. 1st September 2013

Sat. 24th Aug. [V] 7.00 p.m.: Breege Jordan

Sun. 25th August 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Mon. 26th August 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Tue. 27th August 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Wed. 28th August 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Thu. 29th August 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Fri. 30th August 10.00 a.m.: Special Intention

Rehins S.Centre: 8.00 p.m.: Martin & Annie Barrett, Tom Connor,

Gerald Coggins & decd. family

Sat. 31st August 10.00 a.m.: Seamus & Barry Browne

Sat. 31st August 7.00 p.m.: Pat, Mary Anne & Paddy Murphy

Sun. 1st Sept. 10.00 a.m.: Paddy Walsh & decd. family, Derrygullinane (2nd Anniv.)

CONFESSIONS: Sat. 6.30 p.m. & after Mass

READERS: 1st Sept. [V] Daniel Gibbons. [10] Mary O’Connor.

E. MINISTERS: 1st Sept. [V] Kevin Flynn. [10] Gerry O’Connor.

CHURCH CLEANERS: Group 8: Teresa Traynor, Mary O’Connor.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Rathduff: Wed. 28th August from 7.00 to 8.00 p.m.

Knockmore GAA Lotto: 17th August. Numbers Weekly €25 winners: Breege Bourke, Tony Mullen, Colette Barrett. Season Ticket winners – Ann O’Hara, Tommy Holmes, Patrick Kelly. Next Jackpot €4,000. Draw on Sat. 24th Aug. in Clubrooms. Sp. – Enda Rochford

Fundraising Football Match: For Cystic Fibrosis – In Knockmore G.A.A. Pitch on Sat. next 31st August at 7:00pm. A Mayo Legends Team will play a Rest of Ireland Team. Promises to be an entertaining evening! Admission by Donation. Players include: Joe Brolly, Kieran McGeeney, Bernard Flynn, Kieran McDonald, etc. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Mini-Ceilí in Mayfly: Every Sunday at 8.30 p.m.

Grow Meetings: Tues. 8 p.m. in Ballina Community Centre. Confidential. 094 9026417.

Sewing/Alterations service: Please contact 085 1677445.

Laptop/desktop Computer Repair Service: Available locally – please contact 087 8066505.

Memorial Cards: Printed by Business Supplies, Garden Street, Ballina. Tel: 096 72755.

Tax Rebate 2012: If you are a P.A.Y.E. worker and have contributed €250 or more during 2012 to Parish collections please fill a Tax Rebate form – valuable revenue for our church.

Crisis Pregnancy Support Services: Cura cares. 1850 622 626

National Grandparents Pilgrimage to Knock: Sun. 8th Sept. A date for your Diary!

Garracloon N.S.: Bus service (096) 73208 or Martin McHale 087 6262372 or 086 4539540.

Visiting Priests: Any parishioner who intends inviting a priest from outside the Diocese of Killala to celebrate Mass in their houses, should inform the clergy of the parish. The Bishop has requested that this be done in the interests of ensuring the safety of children in this Diocese.

Moffatt School of Irish dancing: Classes resume in Sept. in Resource centre. Tues. 5 30pm Advanced, Thurs. 4pm Beginners, 5pm Improvers. Beginners welcome. Contact: 087 1185559.

Conn Rangers Lotto: 19/08/2013 – Nos: No J.Winner. Season Winners – Mary Robinson, Michael O’Hora, Padraic & Sheena Gallagher. Weekly Winners: John Reape, Noreen Joyce, Helen Walsh. Jackpot €10,350. Draw in Brogans Bar on Mon. 26th August.

Courses at Newman Institute, Ballina (Autumn Schedule): 1. Catechism of the Catholic Church Adult Studies. Starts. Mon. Sept. 9th 7:30 to 9:30pm. For all adults who wish to have a deeper understanding of the Catholic Faith. 2. Briefing Meeting for all interested in the BA Degree in Counselling & Psychotherapy – Mon. 26th Aug. 6:30pm. 3. BA Degree in Theology & Community Involvement – Fri. 4th Oct. 7:00 p.m. All Courses/meetings in the Newman Institute.

Fr. Michael Flynn, P.P. 094 9258108/087 2640015

Church of Christ the King, Knockmore

21st Sun. in Ordinary Time : 25th August 2013

Sat. 24th Aug. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Vincent Coyne, Carragorru

Sun. 25th August 9.00 a.m.: Willie Butler, Knockmore

11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish

Mon. 26th August 10.00 a.m.: Kate, Tom & Billy Holmes & Annie Reddington

Tues. 27th August 10.00 a.m.: Thomas, Katie & Kevin Devine, Lisaniska & decd. family

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament onTues. 10.30am to 6.30pm

Wed. 28th Aug. 7.00 p.m.: Sheila James

Thur. 29th Aug. 10.00 a.m.: Michael, Bridget & John Connor

Fri. 30th August 10.00 a.m.: Pauline Kerr (nee Mulrooney) Dungannon

& Cuingmore (Month’s Mind)

1.00 p.m.: Wedding Mass

Sat. 31st Aug. 10.00 a.m.: Vera & John McHale, Currabaggan

Sat. 31st Aug. [V] 8.00 p.m.: Josephine Reidy (1st Anniv.) Lisduovogue

Sun. 1st Sept. 9.00 a.m.: Mary Ellen McDonnell, Frank & Mary Gaughan

11.00 a.m.: For the People of the Parish

CONFESSIONS: Sat. evening after Mass.

READERS: 1st Sept. [V] Martina Gardiner. [9] Winifred Bourke. [11] Mary Flynn.

E. MINISTERS: [V] P. Breslin & M. Corcoran. [9] P. Duffy. [11] A. McNeely & G. Bourke.

SERVERS: 1st Sept. [V] Ciara Holmes & Alice Howley. [9] Shauna Sweeney & Adam

Reape. [11] Connell Dempsey & Sarah Langan.

CHURCH CLEANING: Gretta O’Brien, Maureen Devine, Ann McHale..

COELIACS: Please contact the priest to arrange to receive Holy Communion.

Anger Issues? Knock Counselling Centre will run a 2 day Anger Management programme in Knock on Sat 28th & Sun 29th Sept. Contact Peter Devers, 09493 75032 or

Experienced Lady available to mind children in her own home in Knockmore, also available to do school collection to and from. Please contact 085 8373680.

Recent Wedding: Congratulations to – Ruairí Hayes, Gweedore & Anna Orlishausen, Augsburgh, who were married in Knockmore on Sat. 17th August.

CHILDMINDER: Required for school collections and after school care – 2 children in their own home, Knockmore area. Contact 086 8377107.

Lough Derg One Day Retreats: August: 25, 26, 27, 31 September: 1, 3, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23. Info: Maureen 071 9861518 email:

Western Care: Special thanks to the collectors and all who contributed to the recent house-to-

House collection. Amount lodged to date: €5,852.

Craft & Crochet Classes take place every Tues. 11am – 1pm in the Over 55 Club, Cathedral Road, Ballina. Volunteers needed to knit/crochet garments, blankets, etc. in aid of worthy causes. Material supplied but donations of wool, etc. would be welcome. Info: 087 2785365.

Life in the Spirit Seminars: To celebrate the Year of Faith, Seminars will be held in Broadhaven Bay Hotel, Belmullet starting Sun. 8th Sept. 2pm. & each Sunday for 7 weeks. Everyone welcome. Speakers include: Rev. Fr. Clement Anadevagh, Marie Beirne, Fr. Pat Collins, Albert Galea, Noel Byrne, Fr. Thaddeus Doyle, Joe Dalton. Info: 097 88917 or 086 1237339. “Look, I am standing at the door & knocking!” Revelations 3:20.

Keeping Children Safe: Diocesan Confidential phone No. 087 3664350 –

if you have any concerns. Details are on the Church Notice Board.