To fill in the form, point and click on the appropriate box and enter information as needed, then tab to the next field. Please save the Word file to your computer, and send the completed form as an email attachment to or send a hard copy by U.S. mail to Heidi McLean, 7729 Audubon Drive, Raleigh 27615 OR
Pat Thomas 501 East Whitaker Mill Road, 407A, Raleigh, NC 27608. Thank you.
Type of foyer you are signing up for :
All Adult Family (i.e., with children)
The people named on this form represent household(s).
[Note: Each household prepares one meal.]
Names of participating adults:
Names and ages of children participating in foyer, if any:
E-mail #1
E-mail #2
This information will be distributed to the groups via e-mail once the foyer assignments are made. Do you have any needs of which you would like the other members of your foyer to be aware? (e.g., vegetarian, food or pet allergy, mobility issues)
Maximum number (including your family unit ) that you can accommodate:
About FOYERS At Pullen
Foyers** are small gatherings of Pullen households and are a long-time tradition at Pullen. The only purpose of the gathering is share a meal and to get to know each other. You can participate whether you are a long time member or a new member—or a visitor wanting to host and share a meal with Pullen people.
After Foyer assignment are made, 6 to 8 adults (or 2-4 families with children) will gather in each other’s home and eat together. Each household takes a turn as host, preparing and serving a simple meal “in the style of the house”. The Foyer is scheduled at the convenience of the participants, and the gathering usually lasts 2 hours.
Long-time Pullen people would tell you that Foyers are a wonderful way to get to know each other! Often participants are people with whom you may not have come into contact any other way; or they may be acquaintances or old friends with whom you will interact in a different and more intimate way in this informal setting.
How does it work? You put your name in a hat (actually you email or hand in a form) and you are randomly paired with the other households. Adults can sign up as an individual, with a partner or spouse, or with a “buddy”; families with children can participate with other households with children or with adult households open to having child or youth participants. You can participate in just one Foyer “semester” (one beginning in the fall, another in the spring) -- or both during a year. You re-register and sign up each time. Or just e-mail the coordinators to let them know if you’ve completed a form previously and the information is still current.
Deadlines for submitting the formsare in newsletter and update Foyer announcements.
Call Foyer Coordinators Heidi McLean (919-870-5711) or Pat Thomas (919-466-7268) if you have questions, or email us at our box:
*“Foyer” is a French word that means “hearth” or “fireside,” suggesting a group that is relaxed, receptive, and open to each other. Foyers are a part of Pullen’s commitment to the Community of the Cross of Nails (CCN), an international ministry of reconciliation.