Minutes (No 204)

3rd April 2017. 7.30pm at the Robert Monk Hall

Members Present: Cllr M Ward (Chairman) Cllr A Rogers, Cllr B Rice, Cllr B Turney, Miss Sohie Trouth (Pegasus – planning consultant), Mr J Murfitt (owner – EIS Property)

64/17 Apologies

Cllr D Chambers, A Hall (clerk)

65/17 Declaration of Interests

Cllr M Ward – any items relating to Foxton Society

Cllr A Rogers – any items relating to Foxton and Gartree Community Choir

Cllr B Rice – Horticulture/landscaping business

Cllr B Turney – any item relating to Foxton Tennis Club and A & B Turney (Foxton) Ltd

66/17 Planning Vicarage Drive

Miss Trouth was asked by Cllr Ward to present the revised proposed plans for the development on Vicarage Drive. Miss Trouth explained that 6 dwellings were now proposed which meant that there is no requirement for affordable housing as this was less than 10 dwellings.

The development would consist of 6 detached 5 bedroom houses with separate parking. Half the site would be kept as local green space and it was asked if this could be planted as an orchard. It was asked who would be responsible for maintaining the green space and Miss Trouth said this could be the village, management company, or the owners of the proposed 6 dwellings.

Miss Trouth explained that it was planned to have 1 access in Middle St and 2 accesses in Vicarage Drive. A tree survey had been conducted and the lime trees in Vicarage Drive would be protected with a few trees felled and the hedge retained.

A resident expressed concern that the proposed development was vague and asked why the plans had been changed to exclude affordable housing. Also why had the plans been changed from a linear development with driveways from Vicarage Drive to garages. Miss Trouth said she would look into this.

A resident asked why the houses were crammed together and could the line between the development and the local green space be changed. Again Miss Trouth said this would be investigated.

Worries were expressed by several residents about the increased traffic.

Miss Trouth was asked by a resident when planning would be submitted and replied within 3 months. A resident asked if current owners would develop and Mr Murfitt (owner) replied they might or they might sell.

Miss Trouth stressed that it was only a draft plan which could be amended and there was no presumption that planning would be granted.

A resident asked why there were 2 accesses from Vicarage Drive and one on Middle St. Miss Trouth replied it could be possible to have two accesses on both streets.

A resident expressed concern of flooding and Miss Trouth said this would be looked into.

Miss Trouth was asked what the market value would be for the dwellings and replied between £600,000 and £700,000.

A resident pointed out the plots were small in comparison to nearby plots and miss Trouth said it might be possible to extend the building line into the local green space and then 3 dwellings could be built in a row, thus removing the need for a dwelling in the middle of the site.

A resident asked about timings of development in village up to 2031 and expressed concern that all development was happening now.

A resident expressed concern over the disruption during building and Miss Trouth said that building work would be carried out quickly with minimum disruption. It was suggested by Mr Murfitt that entry for construction traffic be permitted through the local green space and that, once building complete, this might be retained as hard landscaping.

A resident asked whether Foxton School be considered for S106 monies. She was asked to apply for the monies should the development result in more children at the school.

Miss Trouth replied to a resident concerned about junctions with Main St that Highways had been happy with the junctions but that they would look at this issue again.

A resident advised that in the 1960s applications for development were refused due, on one point, to lack of sewage provision and that the developers should look into this. Miss Trouth agreed she would look into this problem.

A resident asked that, in the future, the decision on local green space may be revoked and Cllr Ward replied that this stemmed from government policy and that no guarantees can be given that the green space would never be developed.

Again a resident asked who would be responsible for maintenance of green space and Mr Murfitt said there could be an obligation by developers.

A resident enquired what Natural England had to say about wildlife on the site and Miss Trouth replied that RPS ecologists would be performing an ecological report.

Miss Trouth asked if she could attend another meeting with revised plans before submission and Cllr Ward said another extraordinary meeting could be arranged.

Cllr Ward thanked Miss Trouth and Mr Murfitt.

The meeting ended at 8.15pm.