Foxfire Community Schools
May Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
August 28, 2015 7:00am/Foxfire Board Room
- Opening……………………….Pledge of allegiance
- Call Meeting to Order 7:00 a.m.
- Roll Call
Mrs. Carder / Mr. Coconis / Mr. Davenport / Mr. Desrosiers / Mrs. Legats
x / x / x / ab / x
Mr. Curtis / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClelland / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x / x
- Approve additions or changes to board agenda
- Recognition of Visitors Amanda Matthews, Bob Grayson
- Correspondence Email, Dept of Education
- Treasurer’s Recommendations
- Approve minutes of June meeting
- Approve Financials from June and July
Resolution 15-42
FHS Motion:____Curtis______Second:______Roberts______
Resolution 15-39
FIS Motion:___Davenport______Second:___Coconis______
Mrs. Carder / Mr. Coconis / Mr. Davenport / Mr. Desrosiers / Mrs. Legatsx / x / x / x
Mr. Curtis / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClelland / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x / x
- Administrators’ REports and reccomendations
Reports to the Board
- Enrollment Updates
- FHS:232FIS: 109
- Staff Profession Development: Grab the Rope, Where Do I Go, Evaluation Tree, Student Supervision/Welfare, Employee Discipline Procedures
- Bricker and Eckler update
- Resignation of Rebekah Mill and Apryl Patterson
- Principal reports
- 2015-2016 focus
- Foxfire East Update
Recommendations for Consideration
- Approve 2015-2016 Student Handbook
- Approve that Foxfire Intermediate School does Not intend to provide career-technical education to students in grades 7th and 8th.
- Approve the following new hires:
High school:Intermediate:Purchased Service:
Ashley LarimerJosh WillisonCathy Kerns-speech
Nick MartinTherapros
Nicole MercerVIP
Resolution 15-43
FHS Motion:_____Davenport______Second:_____Carder______
Resolution 15-40
FIS Motion:____Ziemer______Second:___McCelland______
Mrs. Carder / Mr. Coconis / Mr. Davenport / Mr. Desrosiers / Mrs. Legatsx / x / x / x
Mr. Curtis / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClelland / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x / x
- Executive Session(If needed)
WHEREAS boards of education and other governmental bodies are required by statute “to take official action and to conduct all deliberations upon official business only in open meetings, unless the subject matter is specifically excepted by law”;
WHEREAS “the minutes need only reflect the general subject matter of discussion in executive sessions”; and
WHEREAS the members of a public body may hold an executive session only at a regular or special meeting for the sole purpose of consideration of any of the matters set forth below.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED under the provision of ORC 121.22, the board hereby enters executive session for the reason(s) herein stated:
__x__ Personnel matters
_____ Appointment of employee(s) (reemployment)
__x__ Promotion or compensation
____ Dismissal, discipline, or demotion of employee(s) or student(s)
____ Investigation of charges or complaints of employee(s) or student(s)
_____ Purchase or sale of property
_____ Conference with an attorney
_____ Preparing for, conducting, or reviewing negotiations or bargaining
_____ Matters required by federal law or state statutes to be confidential
_____ Specialized details of security arrangements
Time entered 8:20 a.m.
Time exited 8:30
Approve FY’16 salary schedules (Strategic Based Compensation Package)
Resolution 15-44
FHS Motion:_____Davenport___ Second:_____Coconis______
Resolution 15-41
FIS Motion:_____Lewellen______Second:______Ziemer______
Mrs. Carder / Mr. Coconis / Mr. Davenport / Mr. Desrosiers / Mrs. Legatsx / x / x / x
Mr. Curtis / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClelland / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Ziemer
x / x / x / x / x
- Discussion
- Legislative Report
- Motion to adjourn 8:33 a.m.
Resolution 15-45
FHS Motion:_____Carder______Second:____Davenport______
Resolution 15-42
FIS Motion:_____Ziemer______Second:____Curtis______
Mrs. Carder / Mr. Coconis / Mr. Davenport / Mr. Desrosiers / Mrs. Legatsx / x / x / x
Mr. Curtis / Mr. Lewellen / Mr. McClelland / Ms. Roberts / Mr. Ziemer
Next meeting September 25th @ 7:00 a.m.