The DID Designer
During the design phase, you should envision the entire instructional unit from start to finish. Then fully describe your vision in terms of each of the six critical steps in the design process.
How to Use the Designer: For each of the steps below, click into the shaded box under each step to enter your own lesson design elements. The box will expand to accommodate your entry. Save and print the completed template when you are done.
Summarize the characteristics of the learners for whom you are creating the lesson. Answer the following questions:
· What are the personal demographics (ethnicity, socio-economic level, cultural background) that might impact learning?
· What is the developmental stage of the student relative to the content?
· What is the cognitive/learning style of each student?
· What are the student’s strengths in terms of multiple intelligences?
· What group dynamics might help/hinder the teaching and learning process?
· What are the student’s entry skills with reference to the content?
The personal demographics of the students are white middle class children, and international south Asian children, that are the children of international students and doctors.The developmental stage of each student is concrete operational, according to Piaget.
The learning style of most of the students is visual learning, and some learn by auditory cues, or listening.
These students show strong intelligences in the arts, including naturalistic intelligence, musical intelligence, spatial intelligence, and interpersonal intelligence.
The group dynamics of having an interest in the arts might help the teaching and learning process, because hopefully they will be more inclined to participate and perform in front of others. A hindrance might be students who are afraid to perform in front of a group.
The students’ entry skills are the completion of 3rd-5th grades, and some previous experience with dramatic arts, visual arts, and musical instruments.
State the behaviors that you expect your students to be able to do at the conclusion of the unit. Answer the following questions:
· What performance will result from the unit?
· What criteria for success are necessary to ensure mastery?
· How will you assess the performance?
· Have you included all the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy that are appropriate for the content?
The performance that will result from the unit will be the ability to compare and contrast art from different eras.The criteria for success that is necessary to ensure mastery is the ability for the students to be attentive listeners, to demonstrate that they can create a piece of work in the impressionist style, and to be able to differentiate between two types of music from the Renaissance and Victorian eras.
Assessment will be based on an end of unit interactive Powerpoint quiz, in which the student will demonstrate his or her knowledge of the content.
All levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy have been included.
Clarify what you plan to do to create an environment for this unit conducive to learning. Answer these questions:
· What changes need to be made to the classroom space?
· What reinforcers are needed for this unit to motivate and build learning success?
· What can learning be made active?
· How should students be grouped for positive interaction?
The classroom space has been modified to create a successful environment. The students will sit at group tables, so as to share art supplies. The students will use the school computer lab when necessary to reinforce the material that the instructor has presented, and search the Internet for resources similar to those presented by the instructor.Learning is active by engaging in Internet searches, and painting a watercolor Impressionist painting.
Students can be grouped at tables of four to share art supplies, and to offer positive critiques and suggestions to their peers.
Given the objectives, describe in detail the teaching and learning strategies that need to be implemented to meet the objectives. Answer these questions:
· What pre-organizers are you planning?
· What prior knowledge do you need to connect to as a prerequisite for the lesson?
· How will you introduce the new information? What methods will you use?
· What media, materials, or technologies will support your method?
· What teaching and learning strategies will support active learning?
· How will you reinforce the new knowledge?
· What will students need to do to ensure mastery of the content?
· How will you perform formative and summative evaluation?
The pre-organizers I am planning are asking the students to complete the K-W portion of a K-W-L chart. This will get the students thinking about the topic of fine arts. As a class, we will have a discussion about what the students filled out that they know about the topic, and what they want to know about the topic.The instructor will introduce the two paintings for discussion: The Mona Lisa, by Leonardo DaVinci and Woman with a Parasol by Claude Monet. The instructor and students will have a discussion, and list the characteristics of both styles of art using the chalkboard, or chart paper. Using cooperative learning groups, the students will use computers search the Internet for additional examples of these styles of art. The students will use paint and drawing paper to create their own Impressionist style painting.
The students will be learning the content better by actually producing their own product. By creating their own painting, instead of only reading about Impressionism, the students will remember the techniques used, and the characteristics of Impressionism.
To ensure the mastery of the content, students will produce a successful painting, using the impressionist style.
The students will all hang their completed paintings in a row, and compare and contrast them, in an art critique format.
The students will complete an interactive Powerpoint quiz, and successfully match previously unseen paintings to their respective eras.
Given the strategies selected, identify the technologies that will be needed in support of those strategies. Answer these questions:
· What technologies and related materials are needed for this unit?
· Which technologies are required for each strategy?
Describe the summative evaluation process you will use to evaluate the design and how the results of the evaluation will be used to revise it. Answer these questions:
· How will you know the design is effective?
· What assessment instruments are needed to measure effectiveness?
· What is the revision process once you have the results from your evaluation?